Can straightening your teeth make you beautiful and slim your face? Doctors reveal 4 major myths: As soon as the braces are removed, the original shape may be revealed

Can straightening your teeth make you beautiful and slim your face? Doctors reveal 4 major myths: As soon as the braces are removed, the original shape may be revealed

Modern people attach great importance to “good looks” and will go to any lengths to achieve a good appearance. Among them, “dental and jaw correction” is one of the treatments that best embodies “low-key beauty” among non-medical aesthetic methods. Dr. Xu Cijuan, an orthodontist at Chengxin Dental Clinic in Kaohsiung, pointed out that the main purpose of orthodontic treatment is to improve the bite function. Straight teeth are also easier to clean, reduce the risk of tooth decay or periodontal disease, and have the additional effect of “improving the face shape.” However, the goal of having a “perfect profile” after correcting teeth is actually to improve some of the original problems, such as protruding teeth or messy teeth. Even if the original skeleton has serious problems such as bulges, receding chins, and crooked faces, it will Combining “orthognathic surgery” with the correction treatment can greatly improve the face shape.

Can straightening your teeth make you beautiful and help you lose weight? Doctor: Once the braces are removed, the original shape may be revealed immediately!

Correcting teeth not only slims the face, but also helps to “slim down the body”. Is this correct? Dr. Xu Cijuan explained that teeth undergoing correction will have a “sore and soft” feeling when they move, which will indeed make it more inconvenient for patients to eat. During the correction period, many patients feel that cleaning their teeth has become much more troublesome, so they simply choose to go on a diet or directly Skip meals. In addition, when the chewing frequency decreases and the masticatory muscles are “used or lost”, the face will feel thinner than in the past. However, when the orthodontic treatment is over, appetite will naturally gradually return, so orthodontic treatment cannot be equated with formal weight loss methods.

Can orthodontics improve facial crookedness at the same time?

“In the general process of orthodontic treatment, it is the ’teeth’ that are moved rather than the ‘jawbone’.” Dr. Xu Cijuan said that if you want to improve the alignment of your teeth, you can use traditional braces or invisible braces to align your teeth. The original bulging and convex appearance can be improved by tooth extraction or bone screws. However, if the skeleton has bone problems such as a bulge, a retracted chin, or a crooked face, orthognathic surgery must be performed to change the length and shape of the jawbone and improve the face shape. People who practice fighting often have a sunken midface and an overlong mandible; people with a crooked face often have left-right asymmetry of the upper and lower jaws. Because of these skeletal problems, teeth are often not arranged neatly and may even cause misbiting. It is less aesthetically pleasing and will also affect chewing function. At this time, full-mouth correction and orthognathic surgery will be recommended to improve the appearance and achieve a more stable and efficient bite function.

“8 teeth” is the most perfect smile curve?

In addition to regaining self-confidence through correction, modern people are also concerned about whether the “smile curve” when smiling is coordinated. There are rumors on the Internet that “8 teeth” can best reflect a beautiful and bright smile curve; Dr. Xu Cijuan clarified that in fact, the creation of a smile curve is related to each person’s innate tooth size and shape, arrangement, and dental arch width. Doctors need to tailor a smile for each patient. Blindly pursuing a toothy smile with 8 teeth may not be suitable for everyone. When undergoing dental correction, you can discuss it with the doctor more and work together to create a satisfactory “smile curve”.

Want to correct your fear of “braces face”? Pay attention to these 3 types of people!

In recent years, we often see the emerging term “braces face” in online community articles. Dr. Xu Cijuan pointed out that in fact, braces face is not a medical term. “When I met a patient in the clinic for the first consultation, I was worried that I would not finish the correction.” “Braces face” will appear after the teeth. Most of them refer to the appearance of protruding cheekbones, sunken face or deepened nasolabial folds after tooth extraction. There are usually three types of people who are prone to the so-called braces face. They are those who were originally thin. patients, those with prominent cheekbones, and patients who receive correction only at an older age. Braces face is often caused by a decrease in bite function. In the early stage of correction, you are unable to chew hard, the chewing muscles become smaller, or collagen is lost with age, which reduces the support of the face. Therefore, braces face appears. However, Dr. Xu Cijuan said that not everyone will definitely have a face with braces after correction, nor does tooth extraction and correction result in a face with braces. Each patient’s face shape is different. There have been patients with “square face” who have developed chewing muscles. After correction, the face shape is improved and the masticatory muscles become smaller, making the appearance more natural and beautiful.

Extended reading: Failure to treat horizontal wisdom teeth may cause a “domino effect”! Medical reminder: Seek medical advice if “3 conditions” occur

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