Stop eating randomly when you're in a bad mood! Nutritionist recommends "10 foods" to ease your mood and help you lose weight?

Stop eating randomly when you're in a bad mood! Nutritionist recommends "10 foods" to ease your mood and help you lose weight?

Modern people are under heavy work pressure, need to work overtime and stay up late, and have little time to rest. It is inevitable that they will be in a bad mood. Many people reduce stress by “eating and drinking”, but overeating not only makes it easy to eat excess fat, but can even cause “stress obesity” and cause weight gain in a short period of time.

Nutritionist Cheng Hanyu pointed out in a social post that the emergence of stress obesity is related to the inability of “serotonin” in the brain to function. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is considered to be related to emotions of well-being and joy. Its raw material is “tryptophan”, an essential amino acid that must be obtained from daily diet. When the synthesis of serotonin in specific brain areas is reduced, it may lead to overeating and drinking, or depression.

Nutritionist Cheng Hanyu said that serotonin is crucial for controlling appetite, helping sleep, enhancing memory and stabilizing mood. If you want to maintain a good mood and stabilize your appetite throughout the day, you may wish to add the following 10 foods to your daily diet to help secrete serotonin in the brain:

1. Eggs

According to past research, the protein in eggs can significantly increase tryptophan concentration in the blood. In addition, egg yolk is rich in tryptophan, as well as tyrosine, choline, biotin, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Only by eating the whole egg can you fully replenish the nutrients you need.

2. Milk

As a good source of tryptophan, it is recommended to drink hot milk before going to bed. Hot/warm drinks can help relax before going to bed, thereby improving sleep quality.

3. Cheese

Cheese is also a good source of tryptophan. It is recommended to eat it once a day. Whether mixed with salad or eaten as a snack, it is a suitable choice.

4. Pineapple

In addition to containing bromelain, which can aid digestion, pineapples have also been found to contain a certain amount of serotonin.

5. Banana

Bananas contain tryptophan, which helps the body produce serotonin, which helps regulate mood. It also contains vitamin B6, which helps the body produce serotonin to regulate mood.

6. Tofu

Tofu is not only a good source of protein, but also rich in tryptophan, which is needed by the human body. It is recommended that vegans eat beans as their main source of protein and supplement tryptophan.

7. Soybeans

Soybeans come in many varieties. Whether they are raw bean skin or soy milk, they are both good choices. Sugar-free soy milk can be used as part of your daily breakfast. But remember to choose tofu skin that is not processed or fried, so as not to consume too much fat and increase the calories.

8. Salmon

Salmon is rich in tryptophan, and moderate intake has the effects of balancing cholesterol and lowering blood pressure. Salmon is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, and it is recommended to consume it twice a week.

9. Nuts and seeds

Nutritionist Cheng Hanyu said that all nuts and seeds contain a certain amount of tryptophan; and past studies have found that eating a handful of nuts every day can reduce the risk of death from cancer, heart disease and respiratory diseases. Nuts and seeds are also a good source of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants.

10. Turkey meat

Turkey is rich in tryptophan, has only 57% of the calories of ordinary chicken, and only 28% of the fat content of ordinary chicken. It is a representative food of “high protein and low fat”.

In addition to consuming the above 10 foods to replenish serotonin, nutritionist Cheng Hanyu also suggests that people can also help fight depression through sun exposure, exercise and preserving good intestinal bacteria. Sunbathing is a common treatment for seasonal depression. Walking outdoors during the morning commute or lunch time can maintain good serotonin concentrations. In addition, consuming a high-fiber diet or supplementing with probiotics can also help increase serotonin concentration.

Further reading:

Can we only rely on food to relieve stress during home epidemic prevention? Experts teach you “6 must-learn tips” to avoid overeating

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