The stool is hard and the farts are smelly. Beware of constipation, which will affect your skin and make you look older! Nutritionists recommend "1 liquid" to drink in the morning to help defecation

The stool is hard and the farts are smelly. Beware of constipation, which will affect your skin and make you look older! Nutritionists recommend "1 liquid" to drink in the morning to help defecation

Whether the defecation is smooth or not will show the body’s metabolic status and also have an impact on the appearance of the body? Dietitian Li Wanping pointed out in the community that long-term constipation causes feces to accumulate in the body, which not only promotes the growth of polyps, but even causes cancer. Especially in modern times, it is natural for modern people to sit for long periods of time and not exercise. Constipation has gradually become a “civilized disease” among office workers or young people.

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Nutritionist Li Wanping said that common constipation conditions generally appear in three types: those who have the urge to defecate but are unable to defecate, those whose stools are hard and have a strong smell of farts, and those who are accustomed to big fish and meat and have strong sticky feces. As for common constipation types and solutions, as well as simple ways to judge health through stool, nutritionist Li Wanping lists them below.

If you are an office worker who is prone to stress, has a lot of pressure in life and work, and walks at a fast pace, it is easy to miss the time to go to the toilet, eat a lot, or often need to socialize. This group should pay attention to the situation of “having the urge to defecate but being unable to defecate smoothly”. The long-term accumulation of this type of constipation can easily lead to bad breath, dull skin, and even the risk of three highs.

Nutritionist Li Wanping suggested that this group should first try to develop a fixed time for going to the toilet and develop their own biological clock. The time period does not have to be the same as that of others. In addition, you should drink at least 30-40c.c. of water per kilogram per day, or drink more than 2000c.c. directly. In terms of diet, you can supplement “water-soluble dietary fiber” to help soften stools, such as kelp, kelp, seaweed, oats, mushrooms, etc., which not only help soften stools, but also lower cholesterol.

The texture of the stool is hard and the farts are smelly! Can drinking “1 liquid” in the morning help improve things?

The second type of constipation is more likely to occur in people who eat less, have insufficient intake of fruits, vegetables and water, and are prone to picky eaters. This type of person is likely to have no need to defecate for many days, and their feces is often in the shape of hard particles. The external symptoms are that the farts are particularly smelly, and they easily lose energy or feel tired; their skin is rough, they often get acne, and they tend to look older.

Nutritionist Li Wanping advises that this group should drink at least 3,000 cc of water every day, and can drink 10 cc of healthy oils in the morning, such as olive oil, avocado oil, or mixed with lettuce salad oil to help intestinal peristalsis. In addition, you can consume “insoluble dietary fiber”, which has a hard texture and can help increase the volume of stool and make you feel full, such as celery, broccoli, burdock, bamboo shoots, beans, nuts, guava, passion fruit, etc. .

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The last type of constipation comes from people who like to eat meat, fruits, and vegetables but eat very little. The risk of eating an unbalanced diet is an increase in visceral fat, body cholesterol and polyp growth rates. The feces of this group of people are highly sticky and tend to stick to the walls of the toilet when flushing, and need to be cleaned with a brush.

Nutritionist Li Wanping pointed out that this group can try to supplement water-soluble and non-water-soluble dietary fiber. Cuisine suggestions include bamboo shoots, mushrooms, chicken/pork ribs soup, corn and kelp chicken/pork ribs soup, or Tremella lotus seed soup. The staple food can be five-eye rice, which contains Burdock, carrots, black fungus, etc. help with defecation.

Relieving constipation is not just about eating more vegetables! Nutritionist: Sedentary workers at work should pay attention to the “4-point principle”

In addition to changing your eating habits and getting a balanced intake of the nutrients your body needs, nutritionist Li Wanping said that if you want to get rid of the dilemma of “big belly” and long-term constipation, you can follow the following 4 life tips, which will not only help metabolize waste in the body, but also promote Healthy gastrointestinal environment:

  1. Replace refined starches with dietary fiber-rich staple foods: brown rice, red barley, and oats.

  2. Eat at least 4 bowls of vegetables and 2 fist-sized fruits a day.

  3. Drink more water to soften and make stool easier to pass.

  4. Walk more to help intestinal peristalsis.

In general, staple foods and side dishes should contain as much dietary fiber as possible, reduce refined starch, and increase the intake of fruits and vegetables. Finally, don’t forget to drink more water and exercise more. Not only dietary adjustments, but also physical exercise can also help intestinal health.

Isn’t it only constipation that needs attention? Understand 4 types of stool color patterns at once

According to the British “Bristol Stool Classification”, normal and healthy stool should be long yellow-brown or yellow-brown stool, which looks more like sausages or bananas, and has a smooth and soft surface. Have regular, smooth and effortless defecation habits, with no sticky feeling and no sticking to the toilet bowl. When poop is not yellow, what are the warning signs to look out for for various colors of poop?

Dark brown: The diet contains a high proportion of animal fat and protein, and a large amount of bile must be secreted to digest it. Bile will make the stool darker in color and stronger in taste.

Green: If you eat too many dark green vegetables at one time, or the bile in the body does not have time to secrete and digest the food, the food has been quickly excreted through the body, and then the color will be restored without any serious problems. Sometimes it may be gastroenteritis caused by bacterial or viral infection, and the symptoms include diarrhea. If there is no fever and the stool returns to yellowish brown after observing for a day or two, there is no need to worry too much. Otherwise, it is recommended to seek medical examination.

Black: You may eat foods with high iron content (such as pig blood, pig blood cakes, cherries, mulberries, additional iron supplements, etc.) or squid ink products that are easy to stain. If it is not affected by diet, be careful. Problems with upper gastrointestinal bleeding (related diseases such as duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer or hemorrhagic gastritis).

Red: If you do not eat red pigments (such as red dragon fruit) in your diet but have red stool, it is most likely related to the lower digestive tract, such as hemorrhoids or large intestine health warning, please seek medical examination as soon as possible.

Further reading:

Can it help bowel movements better than taking laxatives? Doctors reveal that 1 fruit may be a “magic tool for defecation”: gastrointestinal discomfort will also be improved

I get crazy diarrhea and constipation during the Chinese New Year! The inspection found nothing unusual? The doctor lamented: “This disease” is difficult to cure even with medication.

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