Is there a solution to the problem of "bad breath"? Research: Eating more kimchi can help improve bad breath for up to 4 weeks

Is there a solution to the problem of "bad breath"? Research: Eating more kimchi can help improve bad breath for up to 4 weeks

As soon as you open your mouth, you will emit “bursts of stench”, which may affect other people’s first impressions and interpersonal relationships! In addition to brushing your teeth frequently and maintaining oral health, there are also opportunities to alleviate bad breath through diet? The authoritative medical journal “British Medical Journal” stated that consuming moderate amounts of “probiotic” food sources, such as yogurt, sauerkraut, miso, etc., can improve bad breath for up to 4 weeks.

The addition of 4 kinds of probiotics to treat bad breath can improve up to 50% of the odor

A team from China’s Sichuan University gathered 278 subjects and measured the severity of their bad breath one by one. The evaluator must be 10 cm away from the subject and conduct sensory evaluation (OLP) through the subject’s exhalation movement. In addition, the research team also used a bad breath analyzer to detect “volatile sulfur compounds” (VSCs) in the subjects’ mouths. Volatile sulfur compounds are odors caused by the interaction between “anaerobic bacteria” in the mouth and food.

Based on previous meta-analysis, the research team included “probiotic therapy” in this trial and used placebo as the control group. The results showed that compared with the control group, the subjective halitosis sensory score of the intervention group using 4 types of probiotics: Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus lodetianis, Streptococcus salivarius and Weissella genus was reduced by 58%. The objective halitosis analyzer value was reduced by 26%.

Can suppress odor for up to 4 weeks! Research reveals flaws: useless for “two types of bad breath”

However, research also emphasizes that the time for suppressing bad breath through probiotics will usually not exceed 4 weeks, and the effect on halitosis caused by tongue coating, dental plaque and other factors is relatively limited. Study author Huang Nengwen (transliteration) said that it is not yet certain that probiotic supplements have a positive impact on bad breath, but moderately increasing probiotic foods in the diet may indeed be related to the inhibition of anaerobic bacteria and volatile sulfur compounds.

Huang Nengwen also pointed out that the four types of bacteria are all Gram Positive bacteria. These bacteria will change the oral microbiota to reduce the accumulation of volatile sulfur compounds. Daily intake of sufficient probiotics may not only be beneficial to the oral environment, but also related to the long-term health of the intestines, and even affect the “gut-brain axis” connected to the brain, as well as the overall health of the body.

Chewing gum doesn’t help improve bad breath? Experts encourage eating more “8 types of probiotic foods”

In addition to diet, people also wash teeth, clean tongue coating, use mouthwash, etc. to reduce bad breath. American nutrition expert Lyn-Genet Recitas believes that in fact, the thickness of tongue coating has no absolute correlation with oral hygiene. Thorough brushing and regular cleaning of teeth is the fundamental way to prevent bad breath. Furthermore, chewing gum on an empty stomach can easily cause The secretion of gastric acid and digestive enzymes may lead to gastroesophageal reflux, which will only make bad breath worse.

In general, maintaining a healthy oral cavity, coupled with regular exercise and a good daily routine, can best prevent the occurrence of bad breath. If you want to solve the problem of bad breath through diet, Michelle Routhenstein, an American cardiology specialist nutritionist, recommends moderate intake of foods such as yogurt, yogurt, natto, kimchi, sauerkraut, fermented cheese, miso, natural yeast bread, etc. , obtaining a source of excellent probiotics may also be helpful in suppressing bad breath.

However, if bad breath still persists after changing your lifestyle and eating habits, Routhenstein recommends that you seek medical help as soon as possible to find the root cause of bad breath and prescribe appropriate treatment to prevent bad breath from affecting social interactions, interpersonal relationships, and daily life.

Further reading:

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