Is sleep apnea the cause of insomnia? "Sleep testing + psychological treatment" finally made him quit sleeping pills

Is sleep apnea the cause of insomnia? "Sleep testing + psychological treatment" finally made him quit sleeping pills

Is sleep apnea the cause of insomnia? 2Treatment progressed together to finally get him off sleeping pills

The proportion of Taiwanese people taking sleeping pills is increasing year by year, with the annual consumption exceeding 1 billion pills. Clinical psychologist Wu Jiashuo of Good Dream Psychotherapy, who specializes in the treatment of insomnia, said that the causes of insomnia are complex and sleeping pills are not a panacea. The current treatment method for insomnia is “cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia”, which uses various behavioral techniques to help sleep and cognitive behavioral therapy. The core sequence of intellectual adjustment and other methods is “find the cause, then deal with it.” The ideal direction is to first find out the main cause of insomnia, and then prescribe appropriate sleep management methods.

Mr. Lin, 55, has suffered from insomnia for a long time. He has tried various folk remedies but has been inconsistent and has become dependent on sleeping aids. Through cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, Mr. Lin’s anxiety has been relieved and his sleep quality has also improved, but he has not yet fully recovered. In particular, he is prone to waking up in the middle of the night and having many dreams, which continues to bother him. After professional advice and detailed clinical assessment and sleep examination, it was discovered that Mr. Lin also suffered from sleep apnea in addition to his psychological condition, which was also an important factor affecting his sleep problems.

After psychological and sleep apnea treatment, Mr. Lin has made overall improvement and gradually reduced his reliance on sleeping aids according to the doctor’s instructions. After a period of treatment, Mr. Lin’s sleep status and daytime mental state have returned to the health level of ten years ago. Psychologist Wu Jiashuo said that the ideal way to help patients solve the problem of insomnia clinically is to understand the physiological state through sleep testing before psychological treatment to evaluate the most appropriate treatment method.

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If it is simple insomnia without physiological abnormalities, cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia is the most effective method! Among them, people with perfect personality requirements and anxious and nervous people have a higher risk of insomnia. Generally speaking, through 6-8 treatments of cognitive adjustment strategies and sleep-aiding behaviors, there is a chance to improve the insomnia problem. If it is combined with physiological abnormalities, it is necessary to consult a specialist for treatment to effectively improve insomnia. Taking sleep apnea, which has a prevalence rate of up to 15%, as an example, common symptoms include:

Frequent dreams throughout the night: Muscle tension during the rapid eye movement phase of sleep is more likely to disappear, so the number of apnea and waking up increases, causing the patient to feel that there are particularly many dreams at night.

Easy to wake up in the middle of the night: Respiratory obstruction will cause the body to be hypoxic. In the case of hypoxia, the brain will actively wake itself up to breathe to avoid suffocation.

Fatigue and lack of concentration during the day: Waking up multiple times in the middle of the night without your body getting any real rest will lead to lack of concentration during the day and feeling tired and sleepy.

Autonomic nervous system disorder: If breathing is suspended for more than 10 seconds, the negative pressure in the chest will increase, affecting cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system functions.

In which groups does sleep apnea occur more often? Experts urge: If the AHI value is higher than this number, it is faster to seek medical treatment

Hong Xiaojing, a senior sleep technician at Colin Sleeping Beauty, said that the cause of sleep apnea is the repeated collapse of the airway, causing the airway to be narrowed or blocked, making breathing shallow and laborious. It is more common in obese people, middle-aged men and above, and Postmenopausal women. Through home sleep testing, you can get the diagnostic parameter AHI value (apnea-hypopnea index/average number of no-ventilation and hypoventilation per hour) after sleeping at home for one night. If AHI>5, it means you have sleep apnea and you should actively seek medical treatment. receive treatment.

Psychologist Wu Jiashuo specifically appeals that sleep is a natural physiological need. If you have insomnia symptoms, you should thoroughly find out the cause before you can effectively treat it and avoid relying on sleeping pills.

Further reading: If sleep apnea is not treated, will the consequences go beyond heart stents? Doctor: Fear of blood vessel blockage throughout the body!

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