Is skipping breakfast healthier to lose weight? American Study: These People Don't Try! prone to lack of important nutrients

Is skipping breakfast healthier to lose weight? American Study: These People Don\'t Try! prone to lack of important nutrients

Have you had breakfast today? In recent years, the debate on whether to eat breakfast has become more divided. Some people believe that “breakfast is the most important meal” and will determine the mental state of the whole day’s work. Therefore, no matter how busy you are, you should make time for breakfast. Some people think that eating breakfast will make them drowsy and increase their total calorie intake, or they are doing the 168 fasting method and simply skip breakfast. Previous studies have pointed out that people who eat breakfast consume an average of 259 more calories per day, but there is no evidence to support the idea that “eating breakfast helps lose weight” or “not eating breakfast makes you gain weight.” However, a recent study from Ohio State University in the United States believes that if adults are used to skipping breakfast, their bodies will be deficient in nutrients and may also cause their total daily calorie intake to be higher.

Failure to develop the habit of eating breakfast may lead to the loss of important nutrients

In this study, Ohio State recruited more than 30,000 U.S. adults to participate in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), obtaining information about each person through annual interviews, laboratory tests and physical examinations. physical condition information. In this study, 15.2% of the subjects did not have the habit of eating breakfast.

In the test, those who skipped breakfast took in less vitamins and minerals than those who ate breakfast; among them, the differences were most obvious in folic acid, calcium, iron, vitamins A, C, D, and vitamins B1, B2, and B3. The nutrition professor who led this research - Christopher. Christopher Taylor found that people who skip breakfast sometimes do not even meet the minimum recommended intake of nutrients throughout the day, and the quality of their diet is also lower than that of people who are used to eating breakfast. Consume more sugar, carbohydrates and cholesterol than those who eat breakfast.

Taylor believes this phenomenon may be because people who skip breakfast tend to make up for the missing calories through snacks and late-night snacks, which are often unhealthy. Pregnant women and the elderly actually need to supplement with multiple nutrients. If you skip breakfast, you may lose the opportunity to absorb calcium, potassium, iron, and fiber, which will have certain effects on the body in the long run.

Can skipping breakfast lower blood pressure? The key is to do the best nutrition distribution

Of course, some scholars believe that eating breakfast is not as important as anecdotal evidence. Terence. Formerly Vice-President and Professor of Clinical Chemistry at The University of Buckingham, UK. Dr. Terence Kealey mentioned in his book “Breakfast is a Dangerous Meal” that most people, including himself, do not eat breakfast that is healthy, making it easy for them to eat breakfast. His blood pressure soared. After he changed this habit, his blood pressure dropped to a safe range. Guo Yuxiang, an autonomic neurologist, also believes that gastrointestinal motility is limited in the morning, so there is no need to force the body to accept a meal that is not very healthy and full of calories. In addition to being difficult to digest, breakfast may also increase the risk of obesity, so it is not necessary to get up specifically to eat breakfast.

Regardless of whether you have the habit of eating breakfast or not, it is the healthiest thing for your body to eat all kinds of nutrients and not prefer the intake of a single food. The “Daily Dietary Guidelines” recommend that getting a sufficient amount of each nutrient your body needs from your diet every day, and achieving a balance between the calories eaten and consumed, is “balanced nutrition.” You should eat all six major food categories. In comparison, unbalanced nutrition is more important than eating or not eating breakfast.

As for those who have chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes, you should be particularly cautious in your diet. Even if you have breakfast, you must pay attention to calories and cholesterol. If one breakfast accounts for more than half of the daily caloric intake, the body may not be able to tolerate three meals. If you really don’t know how to match your daily diet and have weight management or health needs, the best way is to consult a professional nutritionist and let the expert help you adjust your diet menu.


Modern people are healthier if they skip breakfast

Breakfast Is A ‘Dangerous Meal’, Warns Cambridge Expert

Skipping breakfast is associated with nutrient gaps and poorer diet quality among adults in the United States

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