Skip breakfast to lose weight? Doctors warn: Diabetics may suffer from "severe hypoglycemia"

Skip breakfast to lose weight? Doctors warn: Diabetics may suffer from "severe hypoglycemia"

Move less, eat more and drink more sugary drinks. Getting fat may lead to diabetes and fatty liver disease.

Office workers move less and eat more on weekdays, but during holidays they just want to stay at home and watch TV dramas ? Be careful of weight gain, which may not only cause obesity, but also cause “insulin resistance”, leading to diabetes. Dr. Chen Weichang from the Endocrinology and Metabolism Department of Cathay General Hospital said that eating habits such as takeout, dining together, drinking alcohol, and sugary drinks can easily lead to excessive calorie intake, leading to high blood sugar and fat accumulation, which is also an important reason for the development of diabetes in the young population.

Dr. Chen Weichang explained that insulin is an important synthetic hormone in the body, responsible for converting the calories absorbed from the diet into glycogen and fat, and storing them in tissue cells throughout the body. When calories are excessively absorbed for a long time, excess fat will accumulate in the liver, which may form “fatty liver” and may even evolve into cirrhosis and liver failure in the future.

Slim limbs but a fat belly? Beware that “visceral fat” has broken the surface

Fat is not all “bad” for the body. Dr. Chen Weichang explained that fat can be divided into “white fat” and “brown fat”. When the human body encounters cold weather, brown fat produces heat energy to maintain the body’s constant temperature.

White fat tends to accumulate under the skin and around internal organs, forming “subcutaneous fat” and “visceral fat”. Excess visceral fat is related to insulin resistance, especially for people with thick abdominal circumference but thin limbs. If the limbs are thin but the belly is fat, be careful that fat may accumulate in the viscera. Pay attention to the risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

Dr. Chen Weichang reminds that one of the indicators for early prevention of metabolic syndrome is to measure the abdominal width. If the width exceeds 90 cm for men and 80 cm for women, they should consider appropriate weight loss. It is best to increase the amount of aerobic exercise, which can help reduce visceral fat.

Skip breakfast to lose weight? Diabetics beware of severe hypoglycemia

Fasting has become a popular trend in recent years. Can “skipping breakfast” really help lose weight and even help prevent diabetes? Dr. Chen Weichang said that the pros and cons of fasting must be evaluated separately from “healthy normal people” and “diabetic patients”. Healthy people fast on the one hand to reduce total calorie intake and on the other hand to promote “glycogenesis”, allowing the body to use fat and even protein to generate heat. Therefore, methods such as intermittent fasting and the 168 weight loss method are relatively safe for healthy people. However, we must be careful not to overdo it and focus on the nutritional composition of each meal.

In contrast, the insulin and hormone secretion systems of diabetic patients have changed, and hyperglycemia may occur when too many calories are taken in; hypoglycemia may occur when too few calories are taken in. Dr. Chen Weichang emphasized that the impact of severe hypoglycemia on the body of diabetic patients is like a myocardial infarction , affecting the brain and various organs. Therefore, drastic dietary changes that will cause excessive blood sugar fluctuations should be avoided as much as possible.

Dr. Chen Weichang reminds that people with diabetes can lose weight by adjusting their daily diet. It is recommended to consume enough healthy fats, proteins, and fiber, reduce excess carbohydrates, and eat less snacks to maintain satiety and blood sugar stability. Doctors emphasize that drastic weight loss methods may cause “ketoacidosis”, which can cause a vicious counterattack on the body of diabetic patients and even cause symptoms such as fainting and shock. It is not recommended that diabetic patients use drastic fasting to lose weight.

Appropriate weight loss helps control blood sugar, incretin, and weight loss to protect the heart and kidneys.

Dr. Chen Weichang said that weight loss is very helpful in controlling blood sugar and preventing metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Obesity is common among modern people due to poor living habits. Coupled with genetic and other factors, there is a high chance of developing prediabetes or facing “sugar obesity”. It is recommended for this group of people to exercise more, improve their diet and control their caloric intake. Helps lose weight and maintain health.

As for patients with diabetes, Dr. Chen Weichang pointed out that moderate weight loss of 5% to 10% can significantly help control blood sugar and even reduce insulin resistance. Some patients can achieve blood sugar control by losing weight and adjusting their lifestyle. The effect of medicine is close. In addition, there are various treatment methods for diabetes nowadays. If you are worried that taking insulin will cause you to gain weight, you can use “incretin” treatment. In addition to controlling blood sugar, it can also achieve weight loss and protect the heart and kidneys.

Dr. Chen Weichang explained that enterocrine is especially suitable for diabetics who love to eat delicious food and have a strong appetite. The weight loss effect is quite significant. However, overeating after the injection may cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and bloating . People with diabetes are reminded that in addition to receiving stable treatment, it is best to eat three meals at regular intervals and stay away from eating habits such as late-night snacks, snacks, and sugary drinks.

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