Is sitting still for too long causing joints to age prematurely? Fitness coach reveals skin care secrets: 3 trainings are more effective when paired with "rubbed glucosamine"

Is sitting still for too long causing joints to age prematurely? Fitness coach reveals skin care secrets: 3 trainings are more effective when paired with "rubbed glucosamine"

Will lower limb muscles deteriorate if you sit for long periods of time? He neglected training and “broke his knee”

Modern people sit in office chairs at work and sofas at home, and their muscle mass is lost rapidly. When training, they only pay attention to the vest line and mermaid line, and often ignore the importance of “lower limb exercise”. Hu Xiaoxin, director of Good Habits Exercise Classroom and fitness coach, said that about 70% of the human body’s muscle mass is concentrated in the lower body, so exercising the lower limbs is far more important than imagined.

However, due to the lack of exercise for the lower body, a certain degree of “joint wear and tear” will occur during training. If you are not careful during training, you may cause permanent damage to your lower limbs. Coach Hu Xiaoxin gave an example. There was a fitness coach who accidentally broke his knee while doing a press machine training. It may have been caused by lack of training and wrong posture. Therefore, lower limb exercise is not only necessary, but also requires accuracy.

If one of the “three tricks” for joint care cannot be used, “rubbed glucosamine” is the most effective?

Whether it is lower limb training, or daily climbing, brisk walking or power walking, it will put a burden on the knees, ankles and hip joints. The more frequently a joint is used, the more the “soft tissues” in the joint need adequate maintenance. Coach Hu Xiaoxin pointed out that there are three key points in joint maintenance: strengthening surrounding muscles, restoring tissue elasticity, and maintaining the joint environment.

In terms of maintaining joint health, coach Hu Xiaoxin, who was a 400-meter runner in track and field and won the sixth place in Taiwan, believes that whether the nutrition in the diet is sufficient or whether the health products are supplemented is in fact very obvious. If you use dietary supplements or oral health products, the nutrients converted into them are secreted throughout the body and may not reach the hip or knee joints required by track and field athletes.

Coach Hu Xiaoxin said that the microvessels at the bottom of the skin are densely distributed, so using “rubbed glucosamine (GAG)” to maintain joints is the fastest way to achieve results. For example, when Maori people dance war dances, they repeatedly squat down and stand up. Their joints can still move freely between the ages of 6 and 70. This is because their daily diet contains a lot of GAG elements.

Coach Hu Xiaoxin added that there are many soft tissues in the joint cavity. In addition to exercise, “nutrition” and “maintenance” also need to be matched with each other. Coupled with adequate sleep, the body can fully metabolize and eliminate waste products, which is beneficial to maintaining healthy joints.

Too busy at work to have time to exercise your lower body? The coach teaches “3 movements” that you can practice at home

Hu Xiaoxin’s coaching method uses the lower body training of the calves, front and rear thighs, buttocks, and core muscles. “Multi-joint” training is very effective. However, if the flexibility is not good and the posture during training is incorrect, it can easily cause the lumbar spine and Knee joint injuries. Coach Hu Xiaoxin demonstrates 3 standard training movements that people can practice freely at home to strengthen the muscles of the lower limbs:


  1. Align your knees in the direction of your toes and your quadriceps parallel to the ground.

  2. Keep your back straight and your chin tight. You can use your hands forward for balance, but remember to press your shoulders down and don’t shrug.

  3. Inhale while squatting, stay for about 3 seconds, then stand up and exhale again. Movements should be slow. If you stand up too quickly, you may injure your joints. Remember that the standard posture is to bend the hip, knee, and ankle joints at the same time.

Split-leg squat

  1. Keep your waist straight and don’t hunch your back. The front leg joint is at 90 degrees, one leg is straddling back, and you can make a fist with both hands and place it on your chest.

  2. Inhale when you bend your knees down, and exhale when you stand up. When rising, make sure your knees are over your hips and your front knees are over your ankles.

  3. Repeat the action, mainly slowly.

Quadriceps training

  1. Keep your back straight, hold one hand on the wall, and keep your waist straight and not hunched over.

  2. Stand on one foot and bend one foot upward.

  3. Bend your feet and straighten them forward as much as possible. Exhale when you straighten and inhale when you retract.

Further reading:

There are many myths about protecting joints! Is glucosamine effective only if it is “rubbed”?

Practicing the push-up chest muscles every day is still “ordinary”! If you use the wrong exercise method, no matter how many bench presses you do, it won’t work?

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