Are the sequelae more terrifying than the diagnosis? COVID-19 may affect the body's "9 major systems"! Doctor: "Three groups" need to prepare in advance

Are the sequelae more terrifying than the diagnosis? COVID-19 may affect the body's "9 major systems"! Doctor: "Three groups" need to prepare in advance

Will infection with COVID-19 also affect cardiovascular disease? His “ventricular pulsation” lasted for 20 seconds

When infected with COVID-19, you need to pay attention not only to the sequelae of “COVID-19”, but also to the impact of the virus on the “cardiovascular system.” Dr. Chen Jieyu, the attending physician at the Cardiovascular Center of Cathay General Hospital, said that there was a man in the clinic who was infected with the new coronavirus in May this year. In addition to common respiratory symptoms, he also suffered from chest tightness, palpitations, asthma and other symptoms. In severe cases, he even almost died. Fainting.

As the symptoms worsened, the man went to the cardiology clinic for consultation. After examination, it was found that he was complicated by severe arrhythmia, and the “ventricular pulse” episode lasted for nearly 20 seconds. Dr. Chen Jieyu said that after medical treatment and drug control, the man’s condition has gradually stabilized and his cardiopulmonary symptoms have gradually improved.

Are the sequelae of the epidemic more terrifying than the diagnosis? COVID-19 may affect the body’s “9 systems”

Dr. Chen Jieyu pointed out that Taiwan’s epidemic prevention policy has been relaxed because the current circulating variant strain Omicron has a lower mortality rate in severe cases, but its transmissibility is stronger than previous virus strains and there is a more obvious phenomenon of immune escape. Even if vaccinated, there is still a risk of infection. . However, vaccine protection can reduce the mortality rate of moderate to severe cases, because once the disease enters the moderate to severe stage, the mortality rate may also increase.

Dr. Chen Jieyu said that at present, the vast majority of infected people have mild symptoms. Even if they do not enter moderate to severe disease, some infected people may still have residual sequelae. According to the WHO definition, those diagnosed within 3 months after being infected with the epidemic The occurrence of persistent symptoms or sequelae lasting for more than 2 months is called “long COVID-19 syndrome”. It covers a wide range of symptoms, including various organ, system or sensory diseases. Common ones include:

  1. Respiratory system: persistent dyspnea, wheezing, pulmonary fibrosis, increased respiratory tract sputum, and chronic cough.

  2. Cardiovascular system: palpitations, chest tightness, chest pain, myocarditis, arrhythmia, and blood clots.

  3. Cranial nervous system: anxiety, depression, mood disorders, insomnia, fatigue, brain fog, inattention, and cognitive dysfunction.

  4. Bone and joint system: Muscle and joint pain, abnormal bone metabolism.

  5. Endocrine system: Abnormal thyroid function, changes in menstrual cycle.

  6. Renal urinary system: deterioration of renal function, acute kidney injury, changes in urination.

  7. Gastrointestinal digestive system: abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, regurgitation, loss of appetite, gastroesophageal reflux.

  8. Skin system: skin rashes, ulcers, and hair loss.

  9. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS), including MIS-C (MIS in children) and MIS-A (MIS in adults).

The vascular system may be severely damaged! Those who have been diagnosed and recovered should be careful about “8 major complications”

In addition to the above-mentioned known COVID-19 symptoms, Dr. Chen Jieyu explained that regarding the cardiovascular system, a recent American study found that subjects infected with COVID-19 had an increased incidence of the following complications after 12 months compared with the control group:

  • Cardiovascular complications are approximately 4.5%.

  • Major adverse cardiovascular events (including myocardial infarction, stroke, and total mortality) were approximately 2.3%.

  • Arrhythmia is about 2.0% (more than half of which are atrial fibrillation).

  • Other cardiovascular disorders (including heart failure and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy) are approximately 1.3%.

  • Thromboembolic disorders occur in approximately 1.0%.

  • Ischemic heart disease is about 0.7% (of which 73% are acute coronary heart disease and 40% are myocardial infarction).

  • Cerebrovascular disease is about 0.5% (70% of them are strokes).

  • Inflammatory diseases of the heart or pericardium were 0.1% (including pericarditis and myocarditis).

Recent studies have also analyzed the risk factors of Omicron variant virus developing into severe disease: including unvaccinated individuals, especially men aged 40-64 years old with two or more comorbidities, or patients over 65 years old with multiple comorbidities. However, Vaccinated patients under the age of 65 are at lower risk of developing severe disease after being infected with COVID-19.

Finally, Dr. Chen Jieyu said that in the post-epidemic period when the world is gradually unblocking and opening up, the spread of influenza-like COVID-19 is an inevitable trend. Therefore, the general public needs to take personal epidemic prevention and enhance their own immunity; and early treatment for high-risk diseases The most important issue today is that the population take antiviral drugs; and for severe cases, injection treatment, antiviral drugs, immunomodulatory drugs, supportive care and respiratory assistance are given. The public is urged not to listen to rumors on the Internet or in the market, and to accept treatments or folk remedies that are not scientifically proven to avoid harming the body.

Further reading:

Can children also get COVID-19? “Ten major sequelae” can be understood at once! Seek medical attention immediately if your child has “6 troubles”

Is “brain fog” not unique to COVID-19? Seriously afraid of being “disabled”? Medical warning: “2 things” to avoid

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