Saying to yourself "Stuck in Yin"? Are symptoms getting worse? Doctor: Hallucinations and delusions may be precursors to mental disorders

It coincides with the Folklore Month. If relatives and friends around you suddenly talk to the air or change their personality, it is not necessarily a sign of “Yin stuck”. It may be a precursor to suffering from “schizophrenia”? Dr. Qiu Yihang, director of the acute psychiatric ward of Wanfang Hospital, said that there was once a 28-year-old man in the clinic who was talking and laughing to the air all day long. He asked and answered questions as if there was a real person talking to him. The family members were so frightened that they all thought he was “stuck in the yin”. They went to various temples to pay homage, but nothing improved. Afterwards, they went to a psychiatric hospital and discovered that the man was suffering from schizophrenia rather than being possessed by an evil spirit.
Teenagers aged 15-25 years old should pay attention! 2 of the 5 symptoms may be “schizophrenia”
Dr. Qiu Yihang explained that schizophrenia is a disease caused by abnormal neurotransmitters in the brain, which may be caused by genetic inheritance or acquired environmental stress. Typical symptoms include hallucinations (mainly auditory and visual), delusions, nonsense, confusion or Schizophrenia can only be determined if at least two of the above symptoms occur and last for more than six months, causing functional impairment.
Dr. Qiu Yihang said that schizophrenia is an early-onset mental illness that mostly occurs in young people. It usually occurs in men between the ages of 15 and 25; in women, it occurs about 10 years later than men, and most of the time it occurs before the age of 35. Patients often experience social withdrawal and personality changes in the prodromal stage of the disease. When the disease enters the active stage, positive and negative symptoms will appear - positive symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and out-of-order speech and behavior; negative symptoms are lack of interest in people and things around them. Inadequacy, emotional numbness, neglect of personal hygiene and appearance, etc.
Brain function is impaired as soon as the medication is stopped! Doctors reveal the effect of “this treatment” lasts for 3 months
Dr. Qiu Yihang pointed out that schizophrenia is not as good as anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses. If treatment and medication are not followed regularly, the chance of disease recurrence will be greatly increased, and brain function will be damaged again. Just like an injured athlete who suffers from repeated sports injuries, patients with schizophrenia have greater risk of irreversible damage to their brains as they relapse.
Dr. Qiu Yihang emphasized that continuous cooperation with treatment is the key to maintaining the stability of the condition and avoiding functional impairment. Currently, medication is still the main treatment for mental disorders. In addition to oral medications, there are also long-acting injections. The long-acting injection is slowly released from the injection site to the muscle layer, and then gradually absorbed by the body. The effect of the injection lasts at least 2 weeks, and some types last up to 3 months.
Don’t panic if you experience hallucinations! Get medical treatment early to avoid the “revolving door” dilemma
Dr. Qiu Yihang believes that it is indeed difficult for most patients with schizophrenia or their family members to notice any abnormalities when they first develop symptoms. Especially if your family has a specific belief, the first thing you may not do is seek medical treatment. Instead, you may rush to the temple to worship or to be frightened. It is the folk custom month, and some parents will think that their children’s condition will improve after the folk custom month. Parents are reminded that as long as their children have relevant symptoms, they should seek psychiatric help as soon as possible.
Dr. Qiu Yihang said that it takes a long time for symptoms to appear to diagnose schizophrenia. When the above symptoms appear, early medical treatment can achieve better results. In addition, patients should pay attention to regular medication. Some patients recover well and are discharged after the first treatment. Subsequently, they do not take medication regularly and their condition worsens. They are rejected by relatives, friends or the community. This may lead to recurring symptoms and repeated trips back and forth between the hospital and home. The “revolving door” dilemma.
Finally, Dr. Qiu Yihang reminded that due to the popularization of health education concepts, the stigma of psychosis has been reduced in recent years. He called on the public to avoid concealing the disease and avoiding medical treatment, which would lead to delayed diagnosis. As long as you feel that your mental health is not ideal, you can go to major hospitals. Psychiatric or psychosomatic evaluation. When symptoms related to schizophrenia appear, as long as they are diagnosed early and treated appropriately, they can still be well controlled and maintain a normal quality of life.
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