Can saffron extract reduce stress and help you sleep? Make good use of high technology to replenish your sleep ability

Can saffron extract reduce stress and help you sleep? Make good use of high technology to replenish your sleep ability

Long working hours, high stress, and insomnia have become the norm. Sleep disorders triple the risk of heart disease.

“Insomnia” has become a common civilized disease among modern people. People suffering from sleep disorders are prone to difficulty falling asleep at night and lack of energy during the day, resulting in physical discomfort, reduced quality of life and work efficiency, and even depression and anxiety. Many people even rely on sleeping aids for this reason, but they have to face the dilemma of becoming addicted and unable to stop taking the drugs.

In addition, the mechanical effect of sleeping pills is equivalent to “forced shutdown” of the brain, which not only has limited help in improving the quality of deep sleep, but also does not restart the body’s “self-repair” function. More importantly, certain drugs are not suitable for people with poor liver function, pregnant women, sleep apnea patients and other groups.

High work pressure and long-term use of 3C products seem to be more likely to increase sleep problems. According to a report released by the American Heart Association (AHA) earlier this year, groups with “multiple sleep disorders”, including difficulty falling asleep, easily waking up in the middle of the night, and less than 6 hours of sleep, have a higher risk of heart disease than sleep quality. Nearly three times more.

On the contrary, research shows that people with “5 healthy sleep patterns” usually have better physical and mental conditions and live longer, including maintaining 7-8 hours of sleep every night, having difficulty falling asleep no more than twice a week, and having interrupted sleep every week. Have difficulty falling asleep no more than 2 times, not rely on any sleeping pills, and feel fully rested after waking up at least 5 days a week. The long-term solution to avoid insomnia is to improve your diet and living habits and seek natural and non-harmful auxiliary methods.

3 major sleep journals study saffron extract helps improve sleep

As for which foods have natural sleep-promoting effects? In addition to the well-known bananas, oats, milk, or nuts such as sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, or walnuts, “Saffron” is also a rising star among natural sleep-aiding foods. Many studies have confirmed that its extract has the effect of improving sleep.

For example, animal experiments published in Neuroscience confirmed that the “trans-crocetin” substance in saffron extract can inhibit “glutamic acid” (for animals) in the brains of rats. Excitatory neurotransmitters (excitatory neurotransmitters) in the central nervous system are transmitted to help relax nerves, thereby achieving the effect of improving sleep and tissue repair.

A randomized controlled, double-blind trial in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine showed that supplementing subjects with saffron extract before bed could indeed improve sleep quality compared with placebo, and There were no obvious adverse reactions among the 120 subjects, showing its safety.

Sleep disorders are generally believed to be related to the increased prevalence of psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety. A meta-analysis in the Journal of Affective Disorders claimed that saffron extract and its active ingredients are similar to antidepressant drugs. Research suggests that saffron has the potential to help with depression and has the potential to be an effective and safe mood-relieving intervention.

Naturally relaxing and anti-stress Saffron Technology sleep gummies may be a sleep savior?

Taking advantage of the natural relaxing properties of saffron, supplements containing saffron extract are already on the market. In recent years, there have been patented high-tech sleep gummies that combine saffron extract with effective elements. Supplementary method helps office workers improve their ability to sleep well. The products are certified by French technology patents and manufactured in GMP-qualified factories in the United States to ensure compliance with FDA quality standards. It is a simple and convenient supplement for young and middle-aged office workers with busy lives and high pressure.

Unlike using sleeping pills, which will directly force the brain into hibernation, saffron gummies can not only help shorten the rapid eye movement (REM) period of sleep, thereby increasing the time of deep sleep; it can also help activate the body’s self-control. The repair function greatly reduces the drowsiness after waking up. The brain function at work is less susceptible to fatigue. People who are worried about drug side effects or related complications can supplement with peace of mind.

“Many people in Taiwan have the problem of poor sleep due to physical and mental stress, whether they are employees or bosses!” A director of a technology park surnamed Wu (pseudonym) told this publication that his lifestyle is the epitome of many modern people. , long working hours coupled with physical and mental stress lead to poor sleep for a long time, difficulty falling asleep, and general fatigue after waking up. By adjusting work and rest, diet, and using high-tech sleep gummies containing a patented French technology formula, actual measurements using a smart wearable device found that deep sleep time was significantly extended, and daytime energy was also significantly improved.

In addition, according to the Citruslabs research team’s report: “More than 10 Clinical Research Methods for Improving Sleep Quality”, it was pointed out that subjects who took saffron gummies twice a day had significant reductions in anxiety and stress, and felt that they felt better physically, mentally and spiritually. Calm and the mood becomes more stable. In terms of sleep, the subjects’ sleep disorders were reduced, the number of difficulties falling asleep was reduced, the problem of falling asleep again after waking up at night, and the tossing and turning before going to bed were all improved to a certain extent.

Although saffron extract is used in various sleep aids, ingesting large amounts of saffron extract may cause side effects including drowsiness, stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, and severe allergic reactions. In addition, although saffron extract is a natural plant extract, pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with bipolar disorder (formerly known as bipolar disorder), and people who are allergic to plant ingredients need to ask a professional health care provider before supplementing.

The public is reminded that sleep problems may be caused by many reasons. Overuse of any sleep aid products or extract ingredients should be avoided, and it is best to consult a medical practitioner to understand your own situation before taking supplements. If you want to completely correct the problem of poor sleep quality, you should start from Work, rest, exercise, diet and even interpersonal relationships should be synchronized. Health products should mainly choose pure natural plant extracts to reduce the risk of dependence, so that we can truly stay away from sleep disorders and maintain a good quality of life.

A multi-pronged approach to work, rest, exercise, and diet Harvard revealed that improving sleep should focus on 6 aspects

In addition to using natural foods to assist sleep, Harvard Medical School also recommends that improving sleep quality can be done in six major areas:

  1. Examine the root causes: including diseases, medication and other issues.

  2. Good sleeping habits: Only sleep or engage in sexual activity in bed, avoid noise and light obstruction, and try to get up at the same time. If you cannot fall asleep within 20 minutes, you can get up and engage in reading or other relaxing activities. Do not force yourself to fall asleep.

  3. Control sleep during the day: Lying in bed during the day may make it difficult to fall asleep at night and make you feel depressed during the day. You can simply close your eyes to rest.

  4. Appropriate exercise period: Exercise will stimulate the body and brain. It is recommended to avoid exercise within three hours before going to bed.

  5. Avoid bad diet: It is recommended to avoid foods that can easily cause heartburn, heartburn, and drinks containing caffeine six hours before going to bed. In addition, it is not recommended to drink alcohol two hours before going to bed.

  6. Consult a sleep expert: If improving the above sleep habits still does not work, it is recommended to go to a sleep center for professional diagnosis.

In terms of diet, foods rich in “L-tryptophan” can be converted into serotonin, helping the body calm down, improve sleep, and calm emotions, while whole grains can promote the efficiency of converting L-tryptophan into serotonin. Foods rich in L-tryptophan include chicken, milk, pumpkin seeds, cheese, soy, fish, eggs, meat, almonds, etc. In addition, consuming more fruits and vegetables and unrefined whole grains that can help fight inflammation will also help maintain overall health.


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