Is the rice dumpling too heavy in the stomach during Dragon Boat Festival? Nutritionists teach "three major menus" to improve constipation and gastrointestinal discomfort

Is the rice dumpling too heavy in the stomach during Dragon Boat Festival? Nutritionists teach "three major menus" to improve constipation and gastrointestinal discomfort

Feeling “too heavy” after the Dragon Boat Festival? Improve the content of your diet to give your stomach and intestines a break

Eating too many rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival. A diet high in oil and salt will not only easily lead to weight gain, but the indigestible nature of glutinous rice may also cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Nutritionist Gao Minmin posted on social media to urge the public to make good use of the concept of “gastrointestinal holidays” after the Dragon Boat Festival to allow the gastrointestinal tract to rest properly and avoid constipation or discomfort.

Dietitian Gao Minmin explains that “gastrointestinal public holidays” are easier to implement than common eating methods or fasting methods. It is recommended to adopt the principle of “eating six times and taking one day off” and choosing one day a week as a gastrointestinal public holiday. By combining original, high-fiber ingredients with drinks such as yogurt and yogurt to replace high-oil, high-salt and high-sugar diets, it can significantly reduce the burden on the intestines and help the body to “smoothly clean up”.

How to eat three meals during the gastrointestinal holidays? Nutritionist teaches “3 menus” to help maintain good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract

Nutritionist Gao Minmin pointed out that the following methods can be used to refer to the dietary content of the three meals:

1. Breakfast: sweet potatoes, corn, salad, blanched vegetables and yogurt.

Nutritionist Gao Minmin said that sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber and “oligosaccharides”, while yogurt is rich in “good bacteria”. Supplementing oligosaccharides can enhance the activity of good bacteria in the body, so the combination of the two can help maintain the intestinal flora ecology. In addition, corn is rich in fiber, and lettuce salad contains dietary fiber, phytochemicals and vitamin C, which all help smoother digestion.

2. Afternoon snack: Apple, guava, cherry tomatoes, lotus mist and yogurt.

Nutritionist Gao Minmin explained that fruits such as apples, guava, cherry tomatoes and lotus root contain high water-soluble dietary fiber content, which can promote gastrointestinal motility during chewing. Yogurt can replenish the daily requirements of dairy products and calcium. It can also significantly increase the feeling of fullness and quickly replenish the source of good bacteria in the body. It can be regarded as a healthy choice for afternoon tea or snacks.

3. Lunch and dinner: multigrain rice, fried vegetables, chicken breast, a fruit and yogurt.

Nutritionist Gao Minmin said that both chicken breast and yogurt contain high-quality protein, which helps the body have good metabolism even during gastrointestinal holidays. It is recommended to replace high-fat fried pork ribs and fried chicken legs with chicken breasts with higher nutritional value. Multigrain rice is richer in fiber, protein and antioxidants than white rice, and can replace refined starch as a staple food source. Finally, vegetables and fruits after meals contain phytochemicals and fiber, which can make digestion smoother and help eliminate excess waste from the body.

Nutritionist Gao Minmin recommends that it is also important to replenish adequate amounts of water during gastrointestinal holidays. It is recommended to develop the habit of drinking water at any time and drink at least 2000 cc of water a day. The public is urged to consult a gastroenterologist immediately if gastrointestinal discomfort symptoms continue to occur after the Dragon Boat Festival and follow the doctor’s instructions to take medication in order to improve the symptoms.

Further reading:

Can fiber intake reduce blood pressure and prevent dementia? Experts urge you to eat more “4 kinds of foods”

What is the healthiest way for children to eat when they are “schooling at home”? Nutritionist Gao Minmin reveals the “5 must-have foods”

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