Research: The total number of male sperm in the world has "dropped by more than 60%"! Critical care doctors urge you not to do 5 "spermicidal behaviors" again

Will the “Bug’s Life” become a global concern after the millennium? Study: Male sperm count dropped by more than 60%
Is the “sperm concentration” of men around the world declining at an unimaginable rate? A study published in the journal “Human Reproduction Update” in November 2022 stated that between 1973 and 2011, the sperm concentration of men in Western countries fell by 52.4%; the total sperm volume also decreased by 59.3%; from 1973 to 2000 , the annual decline rate is about 1.16%, and it accelerated to 2.64% after 2000, without slowing down at all.
Research points out that the global average male sperm count has dropped from 101 million/ml in 1973 to 49 million/ml in 2018. Data show that sperm decline among men around the world is likely to continue to accelerate in the 21st century. Therefore, there is an urgent need for more research and literature to explore the reasons for the continued decline of male sperm, and relevant units also need to take action to prevent further damage to male reproductive health.
Are tobacco, alcohol, and plasticizers the culprits of male infertility? Medical warning: Don’t do these 5 “spermicide behaviors” again
Why are the total sperm count and sperm concentration in men declining year by year? Dr. Huang Xuan, an expert in critical care medicine, pointed out in the community that the reasons for this phenomenon are generally related to the living environment, daily habits and diet. Among them, modern men are more likely to be exposed to various chemical substances, which may be an important reason why the quality of sperm is not as good as in the past. . Clinically, it has been observed that male sperm quality declines, which may be related to the following reasons:
Smoking and drinking behavior. Cigarettes or tobacco products contain nicotine and a variety of carcinogens, which not only reduce the total number and quality of sperm, but may also increase the proportion of abnormal sperm. Alcoholism or excessive use of alcohol can easily poison sperm and increase the possibility of sperm deformity. More likely to increase the chance of infertility.
Exposure to plasticizers. The living environment of modern society is filled with various types of plastic products. If they are used improperly in daily life or come into contact with low-quality plasticizers, the plastic particles in them may affect sperm. Studies have shown that long-term exposure to plasticizers or their products may be harmful to sperm health, especially in plastic toys played by male children. The plasticizers in them will affect the production of testosterone in the future.
Specific drug use. Certain clinical drugs may affect reproductive ability, such as chemotherapy drugs, antidepressant drugs, gout treatment drugs, tranquilizers, blood pressure lowering drugs, etc. If patients taking the above medications currently have childbearing plans, they should discuss with their physician whether the medication should be changed or discontinued.
Contact with high temperature substances. Exposure to high-temperature substances or environments, such as placing a laptop close to the perineum and often wearing airtight tights or underwear; daily activities such as soaking in hot springs and hot baths. The above behaviors can easily cause the scrotum temperature to be too high, which is not conducive to sperm production, and thus Affects sperm count.
Cycling for long periods of time. Some studies believe that those who regularly ride bicycles have lower sperm concentrations than those who do not. The possible reason is that riding a bicycle increases the temperature and pressure of the scrotum, which is detrimental to sperm production. However, some literature also points out that regular exercise (except cycling) can still help increase sperm concentration and increase the chance of conception.
Exercise 7 hours a week to increase concentration by 50%! 6 things to do to avoid sperm quality decline
In addition to listing the “5 types of spermicidal behaviors,” Dr. Huang Xuan also reminded men that if they want to prevent male sperm deficiency and even infertility, they must first stay away from two major bad habits: smoking and alcohol addiction. Quitting smoking can increase sperm activity and prevent Abnormal sperm shape; quitting drinking can prevent the sperm from being poisoned by alcohol. It is recommended that those who want to have children should not drink more than one glass of beer a day.
In addition, men should also avoid using drugs that can affect sperm quality. Certain hormonal drugs such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone propionate can inhibit the brain’s “pituitary gland” from secreting gonadotropins, thereby inhibiting the spermatogenic function of the testicles. . Temperature is also a key factor affecting sperm quality. It is recommended that men do not overheat the water when taking a bath, avoid placing laptops in the perineal area, and do not wear narrow pants every day.
Finally, Dr. Huang Xuan suggested that men should exercise and lose weight at the same time. A Harvard University study pointed out that if men exercise for more than 7 hours a week, their sperm concentration is 50% higher than that of those who do not exercise. Obesity is not conducive to sperm survival. When the BMI If the value exceeds 25, the sperm concentration is 26% lower than that of a healthy weight person. Non-cycling exercise not only helps to lose weight, but also helps to increase sperm concentration.
If you are planning to have a baby in the near future, you can also be moderately abstinent. The World Health Organization (WHO) points out that moderate abstinence for men can help improve the quality of sperm and help increase the chance of pregnancy during sexual intercourse. However, it should be noted that if sperm accumulation exceeds 3 days, its quality may be damaged or reduced. It is recommended that moderate abstinence is sufficient and there is no need to deliberately extend the number of days.
Data source:
“Spermicidal Behavior and Sperm Rescue Action” - Dr. Huang Xuan
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