How to relieve itching when bitten by mosquitoes outside? Toothpaste and peppermint oil are useless! Experts reveal the correct approach

How to relieve itching when bitten by mosquitoes outside? Toothpaste and peppermint oil are useless! Experts reveal the correct approach

Summer is the season when mosquitoes are more active, so you will inevitably get bitten when engaging in outdoor activities. Common symptoms of mosquito bites include skin redness, itching, pain, blisters, or allergies. It may even lead to bacterial infection due to scratching of the skin, evolving into cellulitis. The Food and Drug Administration of Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare pointed out that most symptoms caused by mosquito bites disappear within a few days, but there are also a small group of people who will have a major allergic reaction to mosquito saliva.

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The Food and Drug Administration explains that when a mosquito bites a human, it pierces the human skin with a “mouth needle”, injects saliva and ingests blood. The chemicals contained in the mosquito’s saliva can irritate the human body, causing redness, swelling, itching and inflammation of the skin. reaction. As for how to prevent mosquito bites? The Food and Drug Administration points out that the following five points should be paid attention to in daily life, especially those who engage in outdoor activities should fully understand:

  1. Clear water-stagnant containers: Mosquito larvae tend to breed in large numbers in water-stagnant containers such as buckets, flower pots, bottles, pots and pans and other waste. It only takes about a week for mosquito larvae to appear in large numbers in water-stagnant containers. Therefore, you should pour out the stagnant water in containers at home to effectively prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs.

  2. Wear long-sleeved clothes and pants: If you go out to areas prone to mosquitoes, it is recommended to wear well-fitting, light-colored long-sleeved clothes and pants that can cover the skin to effectively prevent mosquitoes.

  3. Install anti-mosquito equipment: Correctly install anti-mosquito equipment such as screen windows, screen doors or mosquito nets to reduce the chance of mosquito bites.

  4. Choose qualified products: There are many types of mosquito repellent products on the market, and products containing DEET and Picaridin are more common. It is recommended to use anti-mosquito products approved by the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare to prevent mosquito bites; if you are prone to allergies, it is recommended to spray a small area on the inside of the back of your hands first. If there is no allergic reaction such as redness, swelling, heat, pain, or itching, then Expand range of use.

  5. Pay attention to children’s safety. Many parents have concerns about the use of mosquito repellent-related products for infants and young children, so they instead apply essential oil-based mosquito repellent products that are advertised as natural. When choosing such products, you need to avoid choosing products that add mint or camphor and other related ingredients to avoid causing serious adverse reactions in infants and young children.

How to relieve itching when bitten by mosquitoes outside? Food and Drug Administration reveals details on mosquito repellent selection

The Food and Drug Administration points out that using mosquito repellent is one of the most common ways to prevent mosquito bites. However, you must still pay attention to certain things when using it: one is the application site. It is necessary to distinguish whether the product is sprayed on clothing or applied on skin, and not all parts of the body can be applied. You still need to confirm the usage instructions or related labels before use. If the skin has wounds or allergies, avoid it to avoid excessive skin irritation.

Furthermore, the mosquito repellent product needs to pay attention to the time it can be maintained after application so that it can be reapplied. If the protective effect of the anti-mosquito liquid has weakened and mosquitoes are still lingering around you, you should follow the dosage instructions in the instructions or instructions and reapply an appropriate amount. Finally, if you need to use sunscreen and anti-mosquito products at the same time, it is recommended to apply sunscreen first, then use anti-mosquito products after a period of time, and pay attention to product labels and precautions before applying.

Finally, the Food and Drug Administration reminds the public that if they are unfortunately bitten by mosquitoes, they should avoid excessive scratching to avoid bacterial infection. The correct approach is to clean the wound with soap and clean water, which can not only reduce infection, but also moderate itching. In addition, you should avoid using unknown folk remedies, such as toothpaste and peppermint oil, on the affected area to avoid irritating the wound or even causing infection. If you have an ice pack around you, you can also apply a moderate cold compress to the wound, which will be helpful to reduce swelling and relieve itching.


Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare Food and Drug Administration Drug and Food Safety Weekly Report No. 982-1

Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare Food and Drug Administration Drug and Food Safety Weekly Report No. 982-2

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