Is there really a physique that "eats without getting fat"? Doctors analyze the 3 truths about "calorie absorption": Don't be deceived by the illusions of online beauty

Is there really a physique that "eats without getting fat"? Doctors analyze the 3 truths about "calorie absorption": Don't be deceived by the illusions of online beauty

Do you really have the physique to “eat without getting fat”? Nephrologists reveal 3 possibilities

There are many people who want to lose weight but are unwilling to change their eating habits. Many people are pursuing ways to develop a physique that “eats without getting fat.” But is there really such a thing as a physique that “eats without getting fat”?

Nephrology specialist Dr. Wang Jieli pointed out in a social media post that there are three possibilities for the phenomenon of “you won’t gain weight no matter how much you eat.” Medical doctors will pay attention to evaluate whether it is “abnormal weight loss.” The first is “calories not absorbed by the intestines”, which may be caused by various indigestion and intestinal diseases. The second is “increased heat energy consumption.” At the disease level, it may be inflammation, cancer or hyperthyroidism. The third type is “direct loss of heat from the human body”, which is related to diabetes and protein loss and intestinal disease.

If there is no physical abnormality caused by disease, the first type of “calories are not absorbed by the intestines” is related to the type of food ingested and the intestinal absorption rate. However, the absorption rate of ordinary adults is actually not far from the basal metabolism. Dr. Wang Jieli pointed out that the second type of “increased caloric consumption” excludes diseases or medication. Exercise is the most obvious and effective way, and the advantage is that the effect has “no upper limit”. As long as the exercise time is long enough, it can indeed increase more caloric consumption. .

Taking medication to increase caloric consumption is a double-edged sword. Internet celebrity endorsement may be an illusion.

Dr. Wang Jieli explained that the drugs currently available for weight loss in medicine have different mechanisms. For example, Roche Xian prevents calories from being absorbed by the intestines. Nuomeiting increases the body’s consumption of heat energy. Ingredients such as ephedrine also have similar effects and may even suppress appetite at the same time. However, the side effects of the drugs are likely to have more impact on the body, and the extent of the impact is difficult to estimate.

“Relying on drugs to increase calorie consumption is a dangerous double-edged sword. You would want to rely on drugs just because you can’t increase calorie consumption in real life, is that right?”

Dr. Wang Jieli pointed out that many Internet celebrities or weight loss spokespersons eat high-calorie delicacies when they are on camera, but claim that they can maintain a perfect figure without exercising. These phenomena lead people to believe that calories can disappear directly from the food they swallow in an effortless way. The truth is that even if it can be done, it will cost a lot.

“This is the biggest lie and the ugliest illusion!”

Isn’t the difference in absorption rate the key to fatness and thinness? Doctor: The key is to eat less in total

“The key to weight loss is to eat less in total!” Dr. Wang Jieli said that it is impossible for calories to be completely absorbed. In some people, the absorption rate is only reduced. Most people will absorb it as long as they eat, and the more they eat, the more they will absorb. If you overeat thinking you are absorbing fewer calories, you will end up consuming too many calories.

Dr. Wang Jieli believes that the ratio of calorie absorption is only a relative difference. For example, a person who eats 100 calories absorbs 80 calories, and a person who eats 50 calories absorbs 50 calories. Although the absorption rate of the former is 80%, it is obviously the total amount absorbed by the latter. less. Because most of the food eaten will be converted into calories, no matter how low the intestinal absorption rate is. This is why current and future mainstream weight loss drugs focus on suppressing appetite and eating behavior.

“Because eating less is the right way to go, but reducing absorption is not!” Eating more high-fiber foods and reducing the absorption rate of macronutrients are helpful for weight loss, but the real point is “eat less in total.”

In recent years, many voices believe that the reason why some cases do not gain weight is related to intestinal bacteria, and “lean bacteria” have suddenly become a new hope in the weight loss market. Dr. Wang Jieli pointed out that leptobacteria are still far away from standard clinical trials. In recent years, there have been studies on drugs that increase the secretion of sebaceous glands and successfully made obese rats lose weight without eating fat. However, whether the mechanism of sweat gland oil excretion is suitable for treating obesity in humans remains to be scientifically verified in the future.

Further reading:

168 fasting method to lose weight painlessly? Doctors reveal the 3 major “harmful consequences” of fasting that are worse than regaining weight

When you encounter a “hitting wall” in weight loss, it’s because you don’t have enough nutrients! Won’t “running” every day make you lose weight? Nutritionist teaches “1 action” to burn fat faster

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