Is there really a "mistress character"? Study reveals: Partners with "these traits" are more likely to cheat

Is there any trace of your partner’s cheating? Research reveals that “these traits” may be precursors to an affair
Do you have the personality traits to potentially become a “mistress” or a “little king”? Is it possible to predict such characteristics through scientific data? A recent study published in the Journal of Sex Research explored the personality traits related to “stealing behavior” and found that men and women have different traits and different purposes.
A research team from the University of Rijeka in Croatia collected 187 heterosexual couples from Croatia as a sample. All couples were married or cohabiting, and relationship lengths ranged from 6 months to 18 years. The subjects participated in a questionnaire survey, and the items included a survey of their partner’s personality traits, including the “Big 5 Personality Traits” and the “Dark Triangle Personality.”
The results show that men have traits such as “low conscientiousness” and “high Machiavellianism” (meaning apathy, indifference to society, and abandonment of morality), which may be related to future extramarital affairs. In addition, the men in the study were also very controlling and liked to be in charge of their partners. Female cheaters show high levels of extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.
“Psychopathy, low conscientiousness, and a cold attitude towards morality proved to be the most important predictors of eating experiences for both men and women, especially men. However, contrary to the team’s expectations, judging from the personality traits analyzed in the study “There is no direct correlation between narcissism and extramarital affairs,” said study author Igor Kardum.
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Are men and women’s motivations for cheating very different? Men pursue sexual attraction while women avoid emotional discord.
Kardum said the personality traits of men in the study seemed to have a greater impact on women than women on men when it came to infidelity or extramarital affairs. Men with low agreeableness and high neuroticism may even affect the original female partner’s (first wife’s) perspective on whether the other half’s extramarital behavior was caused by him or her, causing him to fall into a vicious cycle of self-blame and despair.
“Interestingly, men and women’s motives for having affairs are also different in this study.” Kardum explained that men’s motives for affairs are often based on the “sexual attraction” and “appearance” of the affair partner, as well as a good relationship with their partner. Bad or not is less relevant; women tend to invest in another relationship based on the tension and emotional discord with their partner.
Kardum pointed out that although this study deeply explores the correlation between affair behavior and partner personality, the research still has many limitations. For example, the study did not investigate multi-racial, homosexual, or people from different regions around the world. Future research should include more diverse ized samples. Furthermore, the cross-sectional nature of the study precludes drawing causal inferences from the results about affair behavior and partner personality.
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The “three major traits” of men with overwhelming narcissism and disregard for moral standards are related to more sexual partners
The “dark triangle personality” mentioned above may not only affect future extramarital affairs, but also be related to the number of potential “sexual partners”? A previous Finnish study analyzed 210 men and women through the “Spouse Value Scale” to answer questions about self-perception of attractiveness, spouse value and dark triangle personality, and found that “narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy “Three traits are indeed related to men having more sexual partners.
However, when the study looked at personality traits in women, the correlation with Machiavellianism and psychopathy dropped. Research results point out that male narcissists have an extremely exaggerated view of their own attractiveness. “In the eyes of women, the man’s attractiveness may only be a 6 point, but to the man himself, his own attractiveness rating may be an 8 or more. 9 points.” said Javier Borraz-Leon, a biologist at the University of Turku in Finland.
Borraz-Leon points out that the display of dark triangle personality may help men benefit from short-term mating strategies, because narcissists tend to be outgoing and extremely selfish. “Men with ‘masculine traits’ seemed to have an advantage in this study. This trait is usually found in men with high narcissism scores. However, the connection between narcissism and women needs more research to confirm.” Borraz-Leon said.
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