A must read before going out drinking on holiday! Nutritionist reveals "5 great anti-hangover tools" to relieve discomfort after drunkenness

A must read before going out drinking on holiday! Nutritionist reveals "5 great anti-hangover tools" to relieve discomfort after drunkenness

When gathering with family and friends during holidays, it is inevitable to “have a drink and enjoy yourself”; however, the behavior of “drinking wine as water” may cause strong symptoms of discomfort. Dietitian Gao Minmin said in the community that “hangover” refers to various physical and psychological discomforts that occur after drinking alcohol, such as headache, vomiting, thirst, etc. As for the causes of hangovers? Nutritionist Gao Minmin summarizes the following three points:

  1. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. When drinking, the body excretes about 3-4 times more water than what is taken into the body, which can easily lead to dehydration, thirst, and electrolyte loss. In addition, “sodium ions” will also affect the water content of the blood, causing nausea and vomiting. Lack of water in the body will also increase the osmotic pressure of the brain. When there is too little water in the brain, it will stimulate the hypothalamus and cause thirst. Feel.

  2. Excessive accumulation of acetaldehyde. After drinking alcoholic beverages, the alcohol (ethanol) in them will be converted into “acetaldehyde”. As more and more alcohol is consumed, acetaldehyde accumulates in the body for a longer period of time. The body has no time to metabolize acetaldehyde, which is one of the main causes of hangovers.

  3. Lower blood sugar. When the liver metabolizes alcohol, it is unable to store or supply the sugar the body needs, leading to an increased chance of hypoglycemia.

A must read before going out drinking on holiday! “5 great anti-hangover tools” to help relieve the discomfort after drunkenness

What should you do if you want to “avoid a hangover”? What foods can help with hangover? Nutritionist Gao Minmin explains that the following five nutrients are indeed helpful in relieving hangovers. Taking them in moderation can help relieve vomiting, headaches and other discomforts caused by drinking:

  1. Water. Water can be said to be the “best hangover solution” and can help speed up alcohol metabolism. In addition, water can metabolize acetaldehyde out of the body, relieve hangover symptoms, and also help flush the gastroesophagus.

  2. Vitamin B complex. B complex can maintain the body’s metabolic function, improve the efficiency of the liver in metabolizing alcohol, reduce the burden on the liver, and has a certain degree of refreshing effect.

  3. Mineral zinc. Increasing the activity of dehydrogenase in the human body can help relieve hangover, protect the liver, and reduce liver damage due to the influence of alcohol. It is recommended to supplement foods such as nuts, eggs, and whole grains in moderation.

  4. Electrolytes. Alcohol can cause diuresis. When the human body is dehydrated, potassium and sodium ions in the body will also be deficient, leading to dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and nausea. It is recommended to supplement your diet with sports drinks, coconut water, bananas, etc. at this time.

  5. Source of antioxidant nutrients. To help liver metabolism and fight inflammation, it is recommended to eat more sweet potatoes, citrus, strawberries, green tea, or consume fresh fruits and vegetables, which can effectively reduce the oxidative damage caused by alcohol.

Finally, nutritionist Gao Minmin recommends that even if you need to drink for entertainment or parties, people must still limit the amount of alcohol they drink. Men and women should not exceed 2 and 1 alcohol equivalent per day respectively (1 alcohol equivalent is equivalent to 375 c.c. beer). If you always drink “fragments”, you may increase the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, so any alcoholic beverages should be limited to a limited amount.

Further reading:

Want to relax with a drink at the end of the year? Experts reveal the truth: Excessive alcohol can actually make “emotions more tense”

Is it really dangerous to blush after drinking alcohol? Experts warn: People with alcohol intolerance may be 100 times more likely to develop cancer

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