Who is Qingguan No. 1 suitable for? What symptoms is it effective for? What should I do if I get diarrhea if it's too cold?

Who is Qingguan No. 1 suitable for? What symptoms is it effective for? What should I do if I get diarrhea if it\'s too cold?

What are the ingredients in Qingguan No. 1 prescription? What symptoms is it effective for?

The number of confirmed cases of the local epidemic has exceeded 50,000 in consecutive days, and inquiries about the traditional Chinese medicine prescription drug “Qingguan No. 1” are increasing day by day. Dr. Huang Kuiyou, the attending physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Shin Kong Hospital, said in an interview that Qingguan No. 1 basically has the main function of clearing away heat and detoxifying. The content of the prescription is adjusted based on “Jingfang Baidu Powder”, which can help improve anti-inflammation and keep the disease under good control.

Dr. Huang Kuiyou pointed out that the prescription includes windshield, mint, and mulberry leaves, which can relieve inflammation and relieve muscle pain. Together with the antibacterial and antiviral effects of skullcap, isatis root, and Houttuynia cordata, it can reduce the amount of viruses and improve lung inflammation. In addition, there are also Gualou, which removes phlegm, and Magnolia officinalis, which lowers Qi and relieves asthma. Finally, mix the herbs with licorice.

Dr. Huang Kuiyou said that Qingguan No. 1 is less targeted than Western medicine, but it can achieve multi-target therapeutic benefits at the same time, including affecting the interaction between viral proteins and cell receptors, inhibiting viral replication, and reducing inflammation. It is also suitable for treating cough, asthma, phlegm, fever, etc. caused by viruses, which tend to be “wind-heat” and have a floating pulse.

However, if wind-cold is the symptom, such as fatigue, body chills, and weak pulse, the suitability of Qingguan No. 1 may be affected. It is recommended to consult a traditional Chinese medicine clinic and adjust the prescription according to your physical condition.

Is Qingguan No.1 available to the general public? What should I do if my body is too cold and I have diarrhea?

Many confirmed cases or people in need have gone to TCM outpatient clinics to seek prescriptions for Qingguan No. 1. Dr. Huang Kuiyou said that clinical practice has seen that many people have effectively improved sore throats, recurring fevers, muscle aches, etc. after using Qingguan No. 1. symptom. There are also asymptomatic patients whose CT values ​​fluctuate high and low, but are under stable control after using Qingguan No. 1.

Dr. Huang Kuiyou pointed out that the characteristic of traditional Chinese medicine is to use medicine according to the body’s constitution, but in the face of a pandemic “epidemic”, large-scale medicines will be used to cut off the spread of the disease. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be estimated from the clinical symptoms that “wind-heat” was the main manifestation of infection, resulting in inflammation and heat-oriented symptoms after diagnosis, such as fever, sore throat, and excessive phlegm. At this time, the intervention of Qingguan No. 1 can fight inflammation and help the disease to be well controlled. You can also add or subtract from the formula according to your physical condition, and the effect will be more obvious.

Dr. Huang Kuiyou reminded that although ordinary people or high-risk groups can also use Qingguan No. 1, it is recommended that the dosage needs to be adjusted, such as reducing it by 1/2 or 1/4, or combining it with other medicinal materials to balance the medicinal properties, in order to achieve heat-clearing and detoxification while preventing the body from becoming too cold. cold. People who are relatively weak and cold may experience mild diarrhea if they use Qingguan No. 1. It can be balanced with ginger soup, walnuts, mutton, and longan.

Seeing Chinese medicine for brain fog cough is also effective for undiagnosed patients. Drinking this tea can help regulate immunity.

According to research, Omicron symptoms such as coughing and brain fog may persist. Dr. Huang Kuiyou said that for Omicron conditions, you can first use Qingguan No. 1 to clear away heat and detoxify. If the symptoms do not improve after using it for more than ten days, you can combine it with Polygonatum odoratum, Adenophora japonicus, Ophiopogon japonicus, and Asparagus to nourish yin, moisten the lungs, and nourish the body. The function of Qi should also be adjusted according to the patient’s constitution, such as kidney deficiency, spleen and stomach deficiency.

Can people who have not yet been diagnosed or are asymptomatic and worried about being diagnosed use Chinese medicine to enhance their protection? Dr. Huang Kuiyou pointed out that this group of people will be given Qi-tonifying prescriptions, such as bamboo, saposhnikovia, tangerine peel, skullcap, Bupleurum, and Patchouli, together with a small amount of Forsythia suspensa, Houttuynia cordata, mulberry leaves, mint, and isatis root, to simultaneously clear away heat, detoxify, and Boost the immune system.

Dr. Huang Kuiyou said that various traditional Chinese medicine hospitals provide the public with all prepared anti-epidemic teas, whose ingredients include Agastache rugosa, Forsythia suspensa, Magnolia officinalis, Scutellaria baicalensis, Bupleurum, etc. Xinguang Hospital also provides “Zhengqi Guardian Tea”. The prescription has similar ingredients to Qingguan No. 1. It can help inhibit viruses, fight inflammation, and regulate immunity.

Dr. Huang Kuiyou reminded that due to the recent increase in the epidemic and climate change, many people have come to see traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of unhealed coughs, especially the elderly and smokers. Respiratory symptoms may be aggravated. You should first clarify whether the cause of the cough is viral infection, gastroesophageal reflux, nasal discharge, cold, etc. It is best to consult a Chinese medicine practitioner and issue a prescription. Do not go to a Chinese medicine shop to dispense medicine on your own to avoid injury due to unsuitable properties.

Further reading:

There is a new virus! COVID-19 mutates every 6 months? Beware of Delta’s comeback

COVID-19 oral antiviral drugs are the dawn of the epidemic? Scholar: There may be “drug-resistant” viruses in the future

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