The proportion of tinnitus in Taiwan exceeds 15%! Is unilateral tinnitus more dangerous than bilateral tinnitus? Doctor: Don't ignore 3 dangerous tinnitus symptoms

The proportion of tinnitus in Taiwan exceeds 15%! Is unilateral tinnitus more dangerous than bilateral tinnitus? Doctor: Don\'t ignore 3 dangerous tinnitus symptoms

1 in 5 people in Taiwan suffers from tinnitus! What are the causes of tinnitus?

Do you often have tinnitus but can’t find the cause? Tinnitus usually occurs when an individual hears a sharp, roaring, or pulsing sound that is synchronized with the heartbeat when there is no sound outside. According to statistics, one in five people in Taiwan has experienced tinnitus. The prevalence of tinnitus among adults is as high as 15-20%, making it one of the most common reasons for seeking otolaryngology treatment. Dr. Lin Dailou, deputy director of Quanyu Department of Otolaryngology and tinnitus specialist, reminded that tinnitus and hearing changes are not only seen in the elderly. Young adults should also be careful about the correlation between tinnitus, stress and disease.

Dr. Lin Dailou pointed out that clinically, the most common tinnitus symptoms reported by tinnitus patients include pulsating tinnitus with sharp sounds, roaring sounds, or “whirring” vibrations like heartbeats. Tinnitus usually lasts for a period of time and then disappears. Its frequency, symptoms and causes are relatively complex. If necessary, you should seek a detailed diagnosis from a specialist who specializes in diagnosing tinnitus. Diseases and health factors that may cause tinnitus include:

  1. Earwax blocks the ear canal

  2. Otitis media caused by colds

  3. Diving pressure drop causes bleeding in the ear

  4. Long-term chronic disease, especially cardiovascular disease

  5. Injury to the cochlea or auditory nerve caused by accident or trauma

  6. Excessive life pressure and abnormal work and rest causes body inflammation

  7. Tumor compression

  8. Water in the middle ear

Dr. Lin Dailou said that many patients believe that their tinnitus is caused by autonomic nervous system disorder due to stress, and it can be recovered by adjusting their work and rest. However, in clinical cases, some young and middle-aged patients were found to have hydrops in the middle ear caused by tumor compression. As a result, their hearing seems to be separated by a layer of membrane for a long time, and they will also experience tinnitus from time to time. If treatment is delayed, it may lead to irreversible hearing damage. damage or even greater health harm.

Is unilateral tinnitus more dangerous than bilateral tinnitus? 3 major dangers: See a doctor as soon as possible if tinnitus occurs

The frequency, state and degree of tinnitus vary from person to person. Under what circumstances should you seek medical attention immediately? Dr. Lin Dailou reminds that if you have any of the following conditions: “unilateral or bilateral tinnitus for more than 48 hours”, “obvious hearing loss”, or “severe dizziness”, you should be careful that “tinnitus” is related to other potential causes, especially Pay special attention to the symptoms of “unilateral tinnitus”. Some serious diseases such as nasopharyngeal cancer and acoustic neuroma may cause unilateral tinnitus. You must seek medical treatment at an otolaryngology department for evaluation as soon as possible.

Dr. Lin Dailou explained that tinnitus can be mainly divided into acute tinnitus and chronic tinnitus depending on its duration. Tinnitus occurring within one month is called “acute tinnitus”. If acute tinnitus patients are treated aggressively, most patients can return to their original hearing. On the contrary, “chronic tinnitus” that lasts for more than three months is likely to have a higher risk of being unable to recover hearing. The treatment of chronic tinnitus will focus on relieving symptoms and reducing tinnitus discomfort.

Dr. Lin Dailou said that the clinical manifestations of tinnitus are very diverse and are also affected by various environmental, dietary, and lifestyle factors. Usually tinnitus is not the direct cause of hearing loss, but tinnitus that excessively affects the quality of life may be complicated by emotional disorders including anxiety, depression, and even disability. Common risk factors for tinnitus include:

  1. Chronic disease patients: Those with cardiovascular-related chronic diseases are prone to tinnitus due to poor blood circulation and inflammatory reactions.

  2. Irregular work and rest: excessive life pressure, disordered work and rest, etc. will make the body prone to inflammation.

  3. Nasopharyngeal cancer: Influenced by food culture, Asian regions such as Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and coastal China have a higher proportion of nasopharyngeal cancer. In the early stage of nasopharyngeal cancer, unilateral ear fluid, tinnitus, and ear tightness often occur. , ear swelling and other symptoms.

  4. Exposure to occupational environmental noise: Some specific work types require exposure to high decibel noise, which can cause hearing damage in the long run and often cause tinnitus.

  5. Congenital factors of the auditory nerve: Sensitivity of the auditory nerve due to genetics can easily lead to otitis media and tinnitus due to inflammatory pressure caused by colds.

The treatment of chronic tinnitus cannot be treated overnight: Don’t do these things after tinnitus occurs

Dr. Lin Dailou pointed out that the treatment of general tinnitus, especially chronic tinnitus, usually needs to last for a period of time. Current treatments for tinnitus include medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. However, about 20% of patients do not respond well to medication or behavioral therapy and may need to Treatments include acupuncture, electrical stimulation, magnetic field stimulation, etc., but their indications vary and must be evaluated by a specialist.

In addition, the commonly heard “hyperbaric oxygen” treatment is more effective in treating sudden hearing loss, with an effective rate of about 40%. Nowadays, there are medical centers in Taiwan that use drugs combined with acupuncture and hyperbaric oxygen to treat moderate or above sudden hearing loss. “Three-in-one” treatment for sexual hearing loss can be helpful to some extent. In foreign clinical studies, PRP proliferation therapy has been tested to treat hearing and tinnitus symptoms, but there is still no obvious effective evidence and further research needs to be confirmed.

Dr. Lin Dailou suggested that tinnitus disease is closely related to the overall physical condition. Usually, before treatment, the patient will be confirmed with the patient whether there is a chronic disease. If so, the control of the chronic disease will be given priority. When tinnitus occurs, you should avoid drinking alcohol for at least 2 weeks. Try to exercise regularly to help improve peripheral blood circulation, maintain adequate sleep, and avoid staying up late at work for more than 2-3 days. Doctors remind that tinnitus is a signal sent by the body due to excessive stress or fatigue. Do not ignore the health warning behind tinnitus.


Zhuang Zongxian: “Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment of Tinnitus”, Family Medicine and Primary Care, Volume 27, Issue 5

Further reading:

Is tinnitus a sequelae of COVID-19? The fluid in his middle ear turned out to be “nasopharyngeal cancer”! 3 major dangers of tinnitus: Beware

of not being able to understand what your colleagues are saying may be “late-onset hearing loss”! Who should consider artificial electronic ear implants?

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