Are you prone to insomnia and poor memory because "this nutrition" is not supplemented? Nutritionist reveals "14 major functions" of vitamin D

Are you prone to insomnia and poor memory because "this nutrition" is not supplemented? Nutritionist reveals "14 major functions" of vitamin D

do you know? Sunbathing for 15-20 minutes can supplement vitamin D, and food can be obtained from egg yolks, mushrooms, and salmon. What is the importance of the miracle nutrient vitamin D to the human body? What are the potential health risks of vitamin D deficiency? Here are 14 important aspects of vitamin D for the human body:

1. Brain

Mood: Lack of sunlight in winter indirectly affects the vitamin D content in the body, which is the cause of seasonal depression.

Insomnia: Sufficient vitamin D can stabilize mood and regulate sleep quality.

Memory: Helps focus and reduces the risk of dementia.

2. hair

Avoid brittle hair, stress hair loss and teenage graying.

3. Skin

Prevent skin eczema and acne.

4. Immune system

Prevent the autoimmune system from attacking your own organs, regulate immune system function, and enhance immunity without harming the body.

5. Eyes

Avoid dry eye syndrome, glaucoma, and relieve cataracts.

6. Teeth

Vitamin D and calcium interact to make teeth stronger.

7. Lungs

Improves asthma and has alleviating and anti-inflammatory effects on various types of lung diseases.

8. Muscles

Avoid muscle weakness, soreness and even cramps. Vitamin D and magnesium work together to double the effect.

9. Heart

Prevent coronary artery inflammation, avoid blood pressure and the chance of stroke.

10. Liver

Prevents the formation of fatty liver and helps the body absorb nutrients.

11. Kidneys

Prevents the formation of kidney stones.

12. Intestine

Prevent the occurrence of irritable bowel syndrome and chronic intestinal diseases.

13. Joints

Prevent joint stiffness, pain and inflammation.

14. Bones

Prevent bone soreness. For example, low back pain and flat feet are all related to vitamin D.

Is it time to go out and bask in the sun after reading this? The public is reminded that if there is a need to supplement vitamin D, it is recommended to focus on sun exposure and a diet rich in vitamin D, such as dried mushrooms, dairy products or deep-sea fish, etc. If you want to bask in the sun, remember to avoid the time when ultraviolet rays are strongest from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. If you need additional vitamin D supplements, you should consult a nutritionist or physician in advance to avoid excessive intake that may cause harm to the body.

Further reading:

Just over 30 years old and already have a lot of physical problems? Nutritionists advise young people: Eat this way to combat “six major symptoms of early aging”

Skin diseases that cannot be cured are caused by “eating the wrong food”? Nutritionist reveals “10 types of diet” that make eczema symptoms worse

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