Are prone to anxiety and insomnia a sign of "autonomic nervous system disorder"? 3 self-help tips from medical education: not only meditation is useful

Are prone to anxiety and insomnia a sign of "autonomic nervous system disorder"? 3 self-help tips from medical education: not only meditation is useful

You are obviously very tired, but you keep tossing and turning and can’t sleep? Frequent gastrointestinal discomfort, but often in the two extremes of constipation or diarrhea? Dr. Wang Sende, director of the Department of Family Medicine and Occupational Medicine at Lian An Clinic, said that people often feel emotionally unmotivated and fatigued, and may even experience anxiety or depression, which can lead to shortness of breath, chest tightness, palpitations and other related problems. Pay attention to the possible “autonomic nervous system” Symptoms of “disorder”.

People prone to anxiety and insomnia should pay attention! Five-point self-assessment to see if you have “autonomic nervous system disorder”

The human body’s autonomic nervous system is responsible for controlling emotions and balancing the body’s state when facing stress. If you have the above-mentioned physical or psychological abnormalities for 3 weeks to more than 1 month, it may be an autonomic nervous system disorder, and further confirmation through a health examination is required. Dr. Wang Sende pointed out that autonomic nervous system disorders are closely related to modern people’s high-pressure living environment and bad habits.

Dr. Wang Sende further reminds the public that if you suspect that you have autonomic nervous system problems, you can use the following five reasons to clarify whether you are a high-risk group:

  1. Internal pressure is too high. Modern people live at a fast pace, and the pressure from external environments such as work, family, and relationships is increasing rapidly. If you are in a high-pressure environment for a long time and lack a pressure relief channel, resulting in abnormal activation of the sympathetic nerve or excessive suppression of the parasympathetic nerve, and the two cannot reach a balance, autonomic nervous system disorder will occur. As for those with inner personalities such as Type A personality, pursuit of perfection, over-sensitivity, suppressed emotions, or those with excessive external pressure and expectations, you should also pay attention to the risks.

  2. Irregular work and rest. The autonomic nervous system has its own fixed operating rhythm: the sympathetic nerve is more active during the day, helping to stay awake, focused and energetic to cope with daily work and challenges; the parasympathetic nerve becomes dominant at night, helping to relax the body, mind and soul. Prepare to go to sleep. However, if you often stay up late and reverse day and night, it may lead to autonomic nervous system disorders and the inability to balance the body between activity and rest.

  3. Male and female sex hormones. For example, in women, before and after menstruation, postpartum and menopause, hormone fluctuations in the body may affect the autonomic nervous system, leading to mood changes, sleep disorders, physiological dysfunction and other problems; in men, due to the gradual reduction of testosterone after middle age, some men Men may even experience symptoms of “male menopause,” which can cause their autonomic nervous system to become unstable.

  4. Endocrine abnormalities. Abnormal thyroid function or changes in anti-stress hormones may also be one of the causes of autonomic nervous system disorders. The thyroid is an important organ in the endocrine system that regulates metabolism. Abnormal function may lead to changes in the body’s metabolic rate, which in turn affects the regulation of the autonomic nervous system. Changes in stress hormones may also affect the balance of the autonomic nervous system, making it difficult for the body to cope with daily stress.

  5. Chronic inflammation in the body. Nutritional deficiencies and chronic inflammation may also affect the autonomic nervous system. For example, a lack of important nutrients such as vitamins B and E may reduce the body’s antioxidant capacity, thereby increasing the risk of chronic inflammation. In addition, chronic food allergy is also a possible factor, which may cause the body to be in a state of inflammation for a long time, thereby affecting the stability of the autonomic nervous system.

What should I do if my body suffers from autonomic nervous system disorder? 3 self-help tips from medical education: not only meditation is useful

Dr. Wang Sende emphasized that autonomic nervous system disorders are closely related to stress and living habits. Therefore, people may wish to improve their autonomic nervous system disorders through the following methods: First, good dietary measures. Eat three meals at regular intervals and chew slowly. Healthy eating habits help stabilize blood sugar and energy supply, reduce drastic changes in blood sugar, and maintain the stability of the autonomic nervous system. In daily life, you should try to eat a balanced intake of the six major food categories and increase the intake of unsaturated fatty acids and high-fiber foods to ensure that the body obtains sufficient and balanced nutrition and promotes the normal operation of various physiological functions.

Second, be sure to develop regular exercise habits. A good exercise frequency recommendation is “531”: 30 minutes each time, 5 days a week, with a heart rate of 110 beats per minute. It is recommended that exercise should combine “aerobic exercise” to improve cardiopulmonary endurance, “muscle strength training” to improve muscle strength and endurance, and “flexibility training” to increase joint mobility and stretch muscle groups. Exercise can help improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress and anxiety, and help regulate autonomic nervous system activity.

The third is mindfulness-based stress reduction measures. Through mindfulness activities such as sitting still, meditation, yoga and mindful eating, it can help reduce stress and avoid sympathetic imbalance. Finally, moderate supplementation of nutrients such as magnesium, glycine, GABA, casein hydrolyzate, and regular life and dietary rhythms can help maintain the stability of the autonomic nervous system. It is also recommended that the public undergo regular systemic examinations to discover potential causes such as nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and chronic food allergens that may affect autonomic nervous system disorders.

Finally, Dr. Wang Sende reminded that the autonomic nervous system relies on daily maintenance and upkeep. If you have related problems, you can understand the condition of autonomic nervous system disorder through a health examination. During diagnosis, lifestyle habits and stress sources can be comprehensively considered, supplemented by a heart rate variability analyzer and functional medicine testing for comprehensive evaluation, so that further treatment or lifestyle adjustments can be taken to improve symptoms and better take care of one’s own health.

Further reading:

Don’t always get enough sleep and have acne on your face? Medical warning: It may be a sign of inflammation in the body! 5 tips to help develop an “anti-inflammatory physique”

Are there no serious illnesses but constant minor illnesses? Beware of the 10 warning signs of “autonomic nervous system disorder”! Nutritionists teach principles of diet improvement

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