Former professional baseball player Zhang Zhijia suddenly passed away! Doctors name "6 types of young people" as high-risk groups for acute myocardial infarction

Former professional baseball player Zhang Zhijia suddenly passed away! Doctors name "6 types of young people" as high-risk groups for acute myocardial infarction

Former professional baseball player Zhang Zhijia was shocked to pass away in China on January 1 at the age of 43. It was rumored that the cause of his death was myocardial infarction. Zhang Zhijia’s mother also confirmed the news today (2nd). Is the rate of myocardial infarction increasing among young adults? Experts said that although acute myocardial infarction still affects the elderly mostly, there is an increasing trend in patients aged around 3 and 40, especially those with high blood pressure, obesity, and smokers who need to pay more attention.

Why do young people suffer from acute myocardial infarction? American study: Highest correlation with “7 major risk factors”

Acute myocardial infarction among young people is more than 80% related to specific factors? Yale University in the United States initiated a study in which 2,264 patients with acute myocardial infarction under the age of 55 were included in the experiment, and the age, gender, and race of the corresponding groups were matched through questionnaires. In addition, the team also took into consideration factors such as the subject’s lifestyle, family history of cardiovascular disease, medication records, and psychological state.

The study results pointed out that 7 risk factors were significantly associated with the risk of acute myocardial infarction in young women (83.9%) and young men (85.1%): diabetes, depression, hypertension, smoking, family history of myocardial infarction, low family income, and Hypercholesterolemia. This association remained significant even after factors such as race, economic status, and growing environment were taken into account.

Among them, diabetes has the strongest correlation with acute myocardial infarction in women, followed by smoking, depression, hypertension, low family income, and family history of myocardial infarction; men’s smoking behavior is most closely related to acute myocardial infarction, followed by myocardial infarction. Family history of infarction, hypertension; hypercholesterolemia, depression, diabetes. Lower family income was associated with women but not men; hypercholesterolemia was associated with men but not women.

Former professional baseball player Zhang Zhijia suddenly died suddenly. Obesity may cause severe contraction of narrow blood vessels.

Dr. Qiu Yiqi from the Department of Cardiology at Guangtian General Hospital also said in a previous interview that the mortality rate of acute myocardial infarction is extremely high. Research statistics have found that more than 60% of patients are declared dead before receiving treatment in the hospital. People with risk factors should pay attention to regular health check-ups.

Dr. Qiu Yiqi pointed out that the most common risk factors for acute myocardial infarction are still high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol. Smoking, obesity, and age may also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Cold weather is indeed the season when the disease is most likely to occur. When the temperature becomes cold, blood vessels constrict. When the already narrowed blood vessels contract violently, it is more likely to increase the chance of acute myocardial infarction.

Are myocardial infarctions more common in young adults? Stress, staying up late and not sleeping well are at higher risk

Is the rate of myocardial infarction increasing among young adults? Dr. Qiu Yiqi said that although the majority of acute myocardial infarction is still among the elderly, there is indeed an increase in patients aged around 3 and 40, especially those who have high blood pressure, are obese, and smoke.

“I often talk about why we need to control blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. It may not be bad when we are young, but the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke will be very high in the future!” Dr. Qiu Yiqi pointed out that Taiwanese people “eat too much” in their daily diet. The proportion of obesity and hyperglycemia among young people is naturally increasing, and related cardiovascular problems are certainly showing a trend among younger people.

In addition, daily routine also has a significant impact on cardiovascular health. Dr. Qiu Yiqi reminded that stress, staying up late, and poor sleep quality can easily put the body in a state of fatigue for a long time, leading to high blood pressure, poor body repair ability, and easy inflammation of blood vessels, which will increase the risk of myocardial infarction.

The pain feels like being “pressed by a stone”, is it a heart disease? Pay attention to the signs of myocardial infarction due to the large temperature difference between day and night

“Young people who have cardiovascular disease themselves, or those who have the three high blood pressure (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes), if not well controlled, are particularly prone to cardiovascular events during the seasonal changes!”

Dr. Wu Yanwen, director of the Cardiovascular Medicine Center of Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, reminded that acute myocardial infarction may not have obvious symptoms. In order to reduce cardiovascular events caused by weather changes and day-night temperature differences, if young people have recently noticed that they are suddenly prone to chest tightness, asthma, or engage in the same exercise When endurance is significantly reduced, these are symptoms related to myocardial hypoxia that should be paid attention to in advance.

In addition, the nerve transmission paths of many organs overlap, and hypoxia in the lower wall of the myocardium can sometimes cause abdominal pain, or joint pain in the shoulder, left arm, jaw, teeth, back and other parts. Dr. Wu Yanwen reminds that the pain caused by heart disease usually occurs at a specific time. If you have symptoms of heart discomfort and back pain at the same time, or the pain feels like oppression or tightening, “like a stone pressing down”, and is vague and cannot be localized, you should be particularly careful. Be careful.

6 habits to prevent myocardial infarction: young people should control blood pressure and protect cardiovascular system

How can young people prevent acute myocardial infarction? Dr. Qiu Yiqi suggested that maintaining a normal daily routine as much as possible, not smoking, developing the habit of measuring blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol, receiving regular health checkups, exercising more, relaxing, and keeping warm when the weather is cold can all help prevent myocardial infarction.

Blood pressure is mainly measured while resting at home, and the average value is taken for 2 consecutive weeks. Blood pressure should be measured at regular intervals and should not be measured only after discomfort occurs. The United States has lowered the high blood pressure standard to 130 mmHg. In recent years, studies have found that reducing systolic blood pressure from 140 mmHg to 130 mmHg can bring significant cardiovascular benefits. It is expected that Taiwan will also move towards lowering the hypertension standard. People with risk factors should control blood pressure as soon as possible.

Dr. Qiu Yiqi reminded that people who have had myocardial infarction should pay more attention to physical symptoms and pay attention to signs of chest pain. In daily diet, it is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits and less salty and oily foods. You should also develop regular exercise habits and quit smoking to reduce the chance of another acute myocardial infarction.

Extended reading: He went to the doctor for stomach pain and the test result was “myocardial infarction”! Doctors reveal “5 atypical symptoms” are most easily confused

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