Prevent serious diseases and anti-aging in advance! Expert: Stem cell storage must comply with Taiwan's national standards

Prevent serious diseases and anti-aging in advance! Expert: Stem cell storage must comply with Taiwan\'s national standards

Stem cell storage has become a new trend in health management

Taiwan’s population is aging at the fastest rate in the world, and health has gradually become the first concern of most people. As we age, our cells continue to decline, and our chances of contracting diseases increase, leading to health problems. According to the Ministry of Interior, Taiwanese people have an unhealthy remaining life span of 8.5 years. In other words, Taiwanese people are unhealthy and unable to take care of themselves for about 1/10 of their lives. Therefore, modern health management takes “preventing serious diseases, managing chronic diseases, and anti-aging” as key health indicators.

In recent years, a large number of clinical cases in Taiwan and abroad have found that stem cells can replace the body’s aging cells and repair cell tissue damage. Therefore, storing your own young and healthy stem cells and infusing them back into yourself when needed can help fight aging and Modulating immunity and even treating diseases is one of the cutting-edge medical technologies that attracts the most scientific attention at present.

Peripheral blood stem cells have the ability to differentiate and produce immune cells such as blood cells and natural killer cells, thereby regulating the balance of the body system and improving the ability of the immune system. Peripheral blood stem cells have a wide range of clinical application potential, not only in the treatment of blood and immune-related diseases, but also in degenerative treatment and adjuvant cancer treatment. By storing healthy stem cells in advance, you have a chance to protect your own health.

To achieve the maximum effect in the clinical application of stem cells, it is not just about the quantity that can be reinfused into the body. The most important key to stem cell therapy is the quality of the stem cells.

The quality of stem cells comes from the selection of storage cell banks: multi-layered checks ensure you can rest assured!

When choosing an institution to store stem cells, you must pay attention to the technical strength of the storage institution. From stem cell collection, inspection, cryopreservation, to activation and culture when needed, you need to have a complete SOP controlled preparation process to feel more at ease. Professor Lin Kaixin, an authoritative physician in pediatric hematology oncology at National Taiwan University Hospital, said, “Cells are precious health assets. The process of storing cells includes sampling, testing, separation, freezing, and transportation to ensure safety and efficacy during clinical use. A complete and rigorous link. Therefore, choosing a cell bank requires the strength and background of the laboratory, the standardization of cell production, the management system of cell quality, and even the support of medical and laboratory experts. It also needs to comply with the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Conditions of Welfare National GTP Cell Bank.

Store stem cells while you are young and healthy to provide yourself and your family with peace of mind.

In this era of aging population, civilization diseases, various types of tumors and chronic diseases, stem cell storage is not only for your own use. The matching probability of direct blood relatives is 1/4, and the matching probability of collateral blood relatives is 1/10. Take advantage of your good health and Storing peripheral blood stem cells at a young age can provide you and your family with an additional option to treat diseases in the future and help you manage health risks.

Ask the Experts:

  • Professor Lin Kaixin/physician, an authoritative physician in the Pediatric Department of National Taiwan University Hospital and the host of the Ivy Biotechnology R&D Office

Learning experience:

  • Honorary Professor, National Taiwan University School of Medicine

  • Attending Physician of the Department of Pediatrics/Director of the Department of Hematology and Oncology of the Department of Pediatrics, National Taiwan University Hospital

  • Honorary Chairman of Taiwan Thalassemia Association

  • Served as Vice President of E-Da Hospital

  • Served as Chairman of the Taiwan Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation

  • Graduated from Department of Medicine, National Taiwan University

Medical expertise:

Stem cell transplantation, hematology-oncology, cell therapy, stem cell storage, congenital genetic diseases

Further reading:

Growth surged 200%! Global mad stem cell research expert: Peripheral blood stem cells will become mainstream. Taiwan’s precision medicine has promising prospects with the help of regenerative medicine legislation.

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