The prevalence rate of colorectal cancer in Taiwan ranks first in this region! Nutritionist reveals: 1 in every 200 people will suffer from cancer

The prevalence rate of colorectal cancer in Taiwan ranks first in this region! Nutritionist reveals: 1 in every 200 people will suffer from cancer

Colorectal cancer continues to top the list of “Top Ten Cancers”, with 1 in every 200 people in this region suffering from cancer.

Colorectal cancer has ranked first among the “Top Ten Cancers” in terms of incidence for several years. In recent years, Taiwanese people have become more Westernized in their diet and have become more accustomed to hand-cranked drinks. They are accustomed to a diet rich in fish, meat, and high in sugar and oil. If they are not careful, they may be at risk of cancer. Dietitian Gao Minmin stated in a social post that colorectal cancer is the “king of cancers in Taiwan”, and the number of cancer victims also varies depending on the location of each county or city.

Dietitian Gao Minmin lists Taiwan’s “colorectal cancer prevalence map” as follows:

  • 1st: Yunjia South District

  • 2nd: Greater Taipei Area (Northern Taipei)

  • 3rd: High-screen area

  • 4th: Central District (Zhongzhang Tou)

  • 5th: North District (Peach and Bamboo Miao)

  • 6th: Huadong District

Among them, “Yunjia South District” has 497 people per 100,000 people suffering from colorectal cancer, which translates into about 1 person in every 200 people suffering from cancer. In addition, the average age of people suffering from colorectal cancer has been gradually declining in recent years, and is 5-10 years younger than before. It can be seen that many people’s eating habits are heavy on greasy and salty tastes.

Eating habits must be changed first! Nutritionist teaches “6 tips” to fight the king of cancer

Dietitian Gao Minmin emphasized that one of the key points in preventing colorectal cancer is the improvement of “eating habits”, coupled with maintaining good bowel habits and exercise, this can prevent cancer from coming to the door at a young age. Nutritionists list the “6 anti-cancer tips” as follows:

  1. Avoid processed meat: Processed meat has been listed as a first-level carcinogen, so it is better to eat less.

  2. Eat more original foods: Replace processed foods with minimally processed original foods.

  3. Avoid cancer-causing foods: Fried foods, barbecue, alcohol, red meat, high-sugar drinks, etc. are all cancer-causing foods.

  4. Eat more fruits and vegetables: It is recommended to eat 2 bowls of vegetables and 2 bowls of fruits every day. In addition to increasing dietary fiber intake, it can also nourish good intestinal bacteria.

  5. Maintain defecation habits: Maintaining regular and good defecation habits can help clean the intestines.

  6. Maintain exercise habits: More than 150 minutes of exercise per week will help control weight and metabolize excess calories and waste.

Nutritionist Gao Minmin explained that the large intestine is one of the important organs of the body. The nutrients ingested will be absorbed first in the small intestine, and then the large intestine is responsible for the recovery, processing and excretion of water and vitamins. When there is a condition in the large intestine, it affects the digestive organs and defecation. It is recommended that people aged 50-75 actively take free colorectal cancer screenings and fecal occult blood tests every two years. They can bring their health insurance cards to local medical institutions for regular screenings.

Finally, nutritionist Gao Minmin reminds people that cancer is always a threat to people, so it is important to prevent the risk of cancer through correct eating habits. If you have poor eating habits or have a related family history, you can also pay for an early check-up at your own expense. The extra precaution can also give you more peace of mind.

Further reading:

Colorectal cancer younger? Be careful if there is “1 phenomenon” in your family history! There is a big difference in survival rates between early and late stages at the time of discovery.

Can young people also get “colorectal cancer”? The risk of “2 diseases” in the family is high! Doctor: People aged 30-40 should do more “this check”

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