The prevalence of "hepatitis C" is 5 times higher among people undergoing kidney dialysis! High-tech doctor's "micro eradication" reduces infection by 90% and is published in international journals

The prevalence of "hepatitis C" is 5 times higher among people undergoing kidney dialysis! High-tech doctor's "micro eradication" reduces infection by 90% and is published in international journals

She was diagnosed with hepatitis B and C after 28 years of kidney dialysis! Doctor: Easily increase kidney damage

“Liver disease” and “kidney disease” are two major national diseases in Taiwan. Patients with both diseases at the same time are more likely to face the risk of worsening kidney function due to hepatitis C virus. An “auntie” named Xie from Gangshan, Kaohsiung, suffered from uremia at the age of 30 and underwent long-term kidney dialysis for 28 years. During this period, she was also tested for hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses. Fortunately, after receiving oral medication for liver C, he successfully “graduated” from the liver C area of ​​the dialysis center and moved towards a “C-free” life.

Aunt Xie said in an interview at the Gao Medical Press Conference that in the past, hepatitis C treatment required “interferon”, which was very troublesome and had many side effects. Now, as long as you take oral medicine on time, you can get the hepatitis C virus in 3-6 months. A completely cleared “Graduation Certificate”, the therapeutic effect and convenience are incomparable.

Dr. Qiu Yiwen, director of the hemodialysis unit at Chung Ho Memorial Hospital affiliated to Kaohsiung Medical University, said that if kidney dialysis patients are infected with hepatitis C, they can easily infect people around them, and even medical staff are at risk of exposure. Generally, if hepatitis C patients do not receive treatment, they may not only deteriorate into cirrhosis and liver cancer, but also cause systemic problems such as kidney damage and even poor control of diabetes. We urge kidney friends with hepatitis to receive treatment as soon as possible.

The prevalence of hepatitis C in Taiwan’s hemodialysis patients is 13%, which is five to six times higher than that of ordinary people.

Hepatitis C is mainly transmitted through the blood of hepatitis C virus (HCV). It not only has a high chance of evolving into chronic hepatitis, but may also develop into a carrier, cirrhosis and even increase the risk of liver cancer. It is also an important global public health issue. Currently, about 60 to 70 million people are infected. Although the World Health Organization (WHO) has set a goal of eliminating hepatitis C virus by 2030, only about one-fifth of the patients have been identified, and less than 10 countries have reached the treatment goal.

Dr. Huang Chuanfeng, director of the Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Medicine at Taiwan Medical University, pointed out that hepatitis C faces many hurdles from screening to treatment. To this end, the government established the “Taiwan National Hepatitis C Program Office (TWNHCP)”, among which the important screening methods One is to carry out “micro-elimination” for groups at high risk of hepatitis C. Groups considered to be at high risk for hepatitis C include HIV patients, gay male partners, drug addicts, and hemodialysis (kidney dialysis) patients. The prevalence rate is high and they are easy to infect each other.

Dr. Huang Chuanfeng said that the prevalence rate of hepatitis C in the hemodialysis population is about 13%-17%, which is more than five or six times that of the general population. In the past, the effect of interferon treatment was not satisfactory, and only less than 5% of dialysis patients infected with hepatitis C were treated. success. Coupled with the low disease awareness and poor support system of dialysis nephrophiles, hepatitis C can easily cause various extrahepatic manifestations in patients, such as blood sugar control and vascular conditions. In addition, the hemodialysis group has many comorbidities and requires special care due to the interaction of different drugs. Various factors have created difficulties in treating hepatitis C for hemodialysis patients.

Gao Yi’s micro-eradication of liver C infection in kidney dialysis patients reduces the infection rate by 90%, published in an international journal

Dr. Huang Chuanfeng said that in order to help patients with hemodialysis patients eliminate hepatitis C virus, Gaohe Medical has integrated local hemodialysis centers, including 1 medical center, 4 regional hospitals, and 17 grassroots hospitals in the three counties and cities of Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung. The clinic has a total of 500 medical staff and 2,300 hemodialysis patients. Through the three methods of “comprehensive screening”, “local treatment” and “timely referral”, the hepatitis C infection rate of dialysis patients has been reduced from the original 8%. It has dropped to less than 1%, a decrease of more than 90%. Among them, more than 90% of liver C kidney dialysis patients have recovered from treatment, and the treatment success has been published in the top medical journal “Gut”.

Dr. Huang Chuanfeng further explained that “local treatment” is more effective than “referral treatment”. It can overcome the inconvenience of patients seeking medical treatment and increase their willingness to receive treatment. Combined with “comprehensive screening” measures, after 3 years of follow-up Afterwards, more than 90% of kidney dialysis centers have achieved the goal of mini-eradication of hepatitis C. In the future, we will continue to promote the long-term generation tracking of hepatitis C annihilation.

In order to achieve the ultimate goal of “C-free kidney dialysis”, Gaoyin comprehensively counsels kidney dialysis patients and medical care providers to be free of hepatitis C virus infection for at least half a year. At present, 10 have met the qualification standards for “No C Liver Dialysis” (NoC-HD) hemodialysis centers certification, 18 have no new infections in dialysis patients after strict review, and a few medical institutions continue to During the counseling, I hope to fully achieve the goal of micro-eradication of hepatitis C.

Treatment of liver C has multiple benefits Dr. Dai Jiayan: Regular follow-up screening is still needed

Dr. Ye Minglun, director of the Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Medicine at Gaoyin Medical University, said that treating hepatitis C virus will not only eliminate the threat to the liver, but also reduce the risk of other diseases such as kidneys and diabetes. It will have multiple health benefits for kidney patients on hemodialysis. .

In the past, the cost of treating hepatitis C was expensive, or the use of interferon treatment with severe side effects caused many patients to be quite resistant. However, now there is a good oral antiviral treatment, which can be taken once a day and can be effectively eliminated from the body in about 2-3 months. Hepatitis C virus is not covered by health insurance, so patients should seize the opportunity to treat it and jointly move towards the goal of a C-free country.

Dr. Dai Jiayan, deputy dean of Gaoyin Medical University and professor of hepatobiliary and pancreatic medicine, reminded that achieving micro-eradication of hepatitis C for special groups is an important task to achieve the goal of eliminating hepatitis C. As long as we devote ourselves seriously and cooperate across departments, it is expected to help most patients avoid hepatitis C. C liver. However, patients with chronic hepatitis are still at higher risk of liver cancer and cirrhosis. People with hepatitis B and hepatitis C are reminded that in addition to receiving treatment, they must maintain regular follow-up screenings to ensure liver health.

Further reading:

After recovering from physical fatigue, he was diagnosed with “10 centimeters of liver cancer”! Doctor: 1 kind of people must have regular check-ups

Will taking tuberculosis drugs cause liver cancer? Oncologist reveals the truth: Many patients are 20 centimeters tall when they arrive

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