Is it possible for young people who do not smoke or drink and have no family history to suffer from myocardial infarction? Pay attention to "2 major signs" when they appear

Is it possible for young people who do not smoke or drink and have no family history to suffer from myocardial infarction? Pay attention to "2 major signs" when they appear

If you have no bad habits or family history, you should still pay attention to the risk of “myocardial infarction”! Dr. Liu Yucheng from the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Cheng Ching Hospital Chung Kang Branch said that during the epidemic, a patient suddenly fainted and lost his heartbeat at work. He was still unconscious after emergency CPR. After the diagnosis, it was determined to be acute myocardial infarction. The cardiovascular system was already chronically blocked by about 90%, and the complete blockage caused a large area of ​​myocardial infarction with hypoxia. Fortunately, he recovered smoothly after an emergency vascular stent was installed.

He is a non-smoker, non-drinker and has no family history. He suddenly suffered an “acute myocardial infarction” while working.

Dr. Liu Yucheng pointed out that the patient does not smoke, drink, or chew betel nut, and does not have any family history of cardiovascular disease. However, he had previously visited the cardiovascular department because of slight breathlessness while walking and decreased exercise tolerance. After evaluation, Blood test and exercise electrocardiogram test were carried out, but the patient did not go for exercise electrocardiogram test. The reason was that he was busy with the epidemic prevention insurance business and was afraid that the workload of other team members would increase as a result, so he returned to work and continued to work.

Dr. Liu Yucheng said that after the patient lost his heartbeat at the workplace, he was sent to the emergency room for timely intubation and fortunately saved his life. Judging from the electrocardiogram results, it was determined to be acute myocardial infarction. The thrombus was blocked in the left anterior descending branch of the coronary artery. After emergency cardiac catheterization, the thrombus in the coronary artery was first removed, and then a balloon was used to dilate the narrowed blood vessel and install the blood vessel. After the stent was inserted, the patient’s blood pressure and heartbeat gradually returned to stability, and he was still under observation in the intensive care unit after regaining consciousness.

Dr. Liu Yucheng explained that symptoms of cardiovascular atherosclerosis will not appear until it reaches a certain level, so early detection and early treatment are very important. Exercise ECG can detect about 80% of cardiovascular problems. The earlier cardiovascular diseases are detected, the better the timing for drug treatment.

Myocardial infarction is not just for the elderly! Young people should pay attention to “2 signs” when encountering them

Dr. Liu Yucheng pointed out that young people, those who don’t smoke, don’t drink, don’t chew betel nut, and don’t have family history of high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease, seem to be a low-risk group for myocardial infarction. However, “low risk does not mean zero risk,” and it still needs to be understood clearly. Measure based on your own physical condition. If you feel that there have been significant changes in your physical condition recently, such as being easily breathless or having reduced activity level, even though it is only a slight difference, the seeds of cardiovascular problems may have been planted.

“Cardiovascular stenosis is actually a progressive disease. Cardiovascular atherosclerosis is formed slowly, and the blood flow space of the blood vessel gradually narrows. In the end, it is completely blocked and people will collapse immediately or even lose their lives.”

Finally, Dr. Liu Yucheng appealed to young people not to ignore the possibility of myocardial infarction because they do not have bad habits and feel that they are healthy. They still need to pay attention to their physical condition. If they have shortness of breath while walking or a decrease in physical strength during exercise, they should seek medical treatment immediately. to confirm the condition. In addition, patients who have already suffered from myocardial infarction should strictly control their cholesterol, make adjustments to their diet and lifestyle, and follow the doctor’s instructions to take medication on time to prevent the condition from continuing to worsen.

Further reading:

Are men and women at different risk of myocardial infarction? Don’t ignore these 4 “atypical symptoms” in women!

Acute myocardial infarction is related to “7 risk factors”? Research reveals: 85% correlation with young patients

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