Is it possible that young people also have sarcopenia? Expert reveals the menu for building muscle and losing fat: add "this pack" to supplement high-quality protein

Is it possible that young people also have sarcopenia? Expert reveals the menu for building muscle and losing fat: add "this pack" to supplement high-quality protein

Sarcopenia is usually caused by aging, but recently there has been a trend of younger people. Sarcopenia is a phenomenon of reduced muscle quantity and quality, including: low muscle mass, low muscle function, and low physical performance. Experts say that insufficient nutritional intake is one of the important factors that cause sarcopenia to become younger and remind the public that they should eat correctly and exercise regularly to maintain good health!

Wang Sihan, a pregnancy and childbirth planner, said that many female friends do not diet properly or lose weight excessively after childbirth, resulting in insufficient intake of high-quality protein. Insufficient nutritional intake is one of the important factors causing rejuvenation of sarcopenia, because when the intake of high-quality protein is insufficient, it will decompose The protein in skeletal muscle is converted into energy to provide the body with energy, causing muscle loss. At this time, if you are sitting for a long time, have no exercise habits, and are not exposed to the sun, and the body is deficient in vitamin D, it will easily affect the calcium absorption rate, causing the rate of bone loss to increase.

Wang Sihan emphasized that the key to staying away from sarcopenia is to consume nutritious high-quality protein and exercise regularly, which are also the two keys to building muscle and reducing fat. Among them, Yizhen Gongshan’s White Feather Black Bone Drizzled Chicken Essence is the best way to supplement high-quality protein. One of the best sources, during the production process, the crude protein is decomposed into small-molecule amino acids and branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) that the human body cannot synthesize by itself, using high-temperature and high-pressure dripping methods with no reflux of steam. Helps maintain muscle growth.

Yizhen Gongshan White Feather Black-bone Chicken Essence is made from purebred white-feather black-bone chicken. Compendium of Materia Medica records that black-bone chicken can warm the body and nourish the kidneys, nourish qi and blood, clear away heat and deficiency, and is suitable for all seasons. Native chickens also have lower fat and higher quality protein than ordinary broiler chickens, and are rich in collagen, which is an important source of nutrients to slow down muscle loss. In addition, the White Feather Silky Chicken Essence added with Golden Cordyceps can maintain energy and vitality. Female friends can also drink it after their menstrual period to replenish the lost nutrients.

Pregnant women are susceptible to changes in hormonal secretion in the early stages of pregnancy, which can lead to changes in appetite and decreased physical strength. It is recommended that during pregnancy, continuous intake of Yizhen Gongshan White Feather Black Bone Essence of Chicken can help pregnant women maintain good physical strength, easily replenish nutrients, increase the lactoferrin content of colostrum, and lay a solid foundation for the health of the fetus in advance.

Wang Sihan also suggested that high-quality protein foods should be distributed evenly among three meals, and try not to concentrate on one meal to avoid increasing the burden on the kidneys. It is recommended that you drink a packet of chicken essence on an empty stomach for breakfast, or eat a hard-boiled egg with milk or soy milk. Eat fish or pork for lunch and pair it with a packet of chicken essence at the right time. For dinner, you can drink a bowl of tofu soup with protein vegetables, such as broccoli, potatoes, spinach, corn, or brown rice, oats and other whole grains and nuts, all of which contain Rich in protein.

Further reading:

National treasure writer Sima Zhongyuan passed away! Is it not just the elderly who are at high risk of falling? The most harmful factor is actually “it”

Is sarcopenia the cause of chest tightness and discomfort in autumn and winter? Medical warning: Death rate among 450,000 middle-aged and elderly patients may triple

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