Is it possible to use "dating software" to find a marriage partner? Research reveals the cruel truth: Emotional stability may be poor after marriage

If you seek your partner through dating software, online dating, etc., will you be able to find happiness after getting married? It has always been an issue that many young people are curious about. Now, “Computers in Human Behavior” has published literature showing that when partners meet and enter into marriage through “online dating”, initial marital satisfaction is indeed higher, but as time goes by, marriages are more likely to experience “instability” “.
Is it possible to use dating apps to find a marriage partner? Research: Marital satisfaction and stability are prone to decline
The study was jointly sponsored by Michigan State University and Arizona State University. The team first analyzed 923 married people. About half of the subjects met their partners through online dating; the other half were familiar with them through introductions from relatives and friends or common friends in their life circles (such as colleagues and classmates). In addition, the research team also assessed the subjects’ degree of social marginalization, social support, long-distance relationships, and disclosure of private information as research indicators.
After analyzing the data, the research team found that compared with those who meet their spouses through traditional “offline” methods, those who meet their spouses through online dating are generally younger (18-29 years old) when they meet each other and have more experience in pre-marital dating. many. Interestingly, those contracted through online dating are more likely to marry later than the general population, and are more likely to be same-sex or interracial marriages.
However, compared with ordinary marriages, although the satisfaction of online marriages reaches a peak in the early stage, it is more likely to experience a sharp decline; this also leads to lower marital stability. Study author Liesel L. Sharabi believes that this difference may be attributed to the “higher degree of social marginalization” and “lower social support” of both parties. These factors are more common in online dating.
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Another important finding is that online daters are often separated by two places, that is, “long-distance dating.” Although long-distance relationships make partners willing to reveal more intimate information about each other and lead to greater marital satisfaction, paradoxically, it is associated with lower marital stability. Sharabi said that although online dating has expanded the scope of dating and made marriages more diverse, it may indeed affect the long-term quality of marital relationships.
“However, participants who entered into marriage through online dating still rated their marital satisfaction and stability as higher than the median on the study scale, suggesting that despite the challenges of online dating, people are There are potentially negative perceptions, but the relationship is still viewed positively by online daters,” Sharabi said.
Although the experimental results are insightful, the study has limitations. For example, relying on subjects to recall and report their early relationship experiences may be affected by memory biases. The research team stated that it is recommended that future studies need to track couples who make friends online over a longer period of time, preferably from courtship to marriage, in order to have a deeper understanding of dating software and marriage.
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To sum up, even though meeting your partner through online dating may affect the stability of your marriage, it is undeniable that online dating has gradually become the mainstream way for young people to meet their partners. In particular, dating software is the first choice for many young men and women. One choice. Many people are curious about how to present themselves on dating apps so as to attract the attention of others?
Research in “Personality and Individual Differences” points out that people who like to meet romantic partners through dating apps are usually more willing to see their partners display four types of personalities. Based on the “Big Five personality traits” scale, a research team from the University of Stirling in the UK found that subjects showed a preference for “agreeableness”, “openness”, “neuroticism” and “extroversion” Classification preferences:
“High agreeableness” represents trust, generosity and helpfulness. Compared with more rational dating app users who like to criticize others, people who are empathetic are more popular. Research emphasizes that cooperative relationships are an important factor in human evolution, and those who have a cooperative attitude towards others are considered to be better suited for survival.
“High openness” is related to creativity and curiosity. It is an important factor in driving oneself and others to get to know each other and to get closer to each other. Research has found that most dating software users have a relatively open attitude towards relationships, while users who are too cautious or rigid will be defined as boring and unapproachable.
“Less neurotic” subjects mean that their emotions are relatively stable and they show a more tolerant attitude towards their dating partners. On the contrary, showing sensitive or nervous emotions can easily send “unstable” signals to the other party, leading to an increased risk of date failure.
Subjects with “low extraversion”, that is, introverts, seem to be more popular than extroverts. The research team explained that the experiment was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic, and many subjects believed that the adventurous spirit of extroverts may lead to an increased risk of infection. Additionally, dating apps may be primarily used for short-term relationships (such as one-night stands), but when considering long-term relationships, extroversion classification becomes less important.
The study further analyzed the “conscientiousness” index and found that it has nothing to do with popularity on dating software. The possible reason is that dating software pursues short-term relationship strategies, and a high degree of conscientiousness may be more beneficial to long-term relationships. To sum up, the research shows that dating partners with high agreeableness and openness, emotional stability and introversion may be more popular on dating apps.
The so-called five types of personality refer to an individual’s openness (creative/curious or consistent/cautious), conscientiousness (efficient/organized or extravagant/careless), extroversion (outgoing/energetic or lonely/introverted), and agreeableness. (friendly/compassionate or critical/rational) and neuroticism (sensitive/nervous or resilient/confident). The subject’s own personality traits do not significantly affect the number of matches, but when it comes to the user’s personality, it will have a significant impact.
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