Will plastic particles be "inherited to the next generation"? Experts call out: Holding invoices and sucking pacifiers with wet hands are dangerous

Will plastic particles in the body be “inherited” to the next generation? Bisphenol A may cause children to become obese and suffer from depression
Nowadays, plastic has become a “necessity of life” and is permeating our lives. Whenever I think about this, I feel uneasy, so I must explain to you the dangers of plastic products. Some reports point out that if a pregnant woman accumulates a large amount of “BPA” in her body, her children are likely to suffer from depression and other mental illnesses or become obese in the future.
Bisphenol A, referred to as BPA, was synthesized into a new type of plastic “polycarbonate” (PC for short) in 1953. The plastic recycling identification code in Taiwan is No. 7. It is widely used in children’s toys, sports bottles, and microwaveable products. of edible containers, beverage containers, food storage jar linings, etc. BPA exposure has been linked to hormonal disorders such as serotonin and dopamine that are associated with mental illness. Most plastic products will be “inherited to the next generation” - because environmental hormones not only cause maternal hormonal secretion imbalance, but also interfere with fetal hormonal secretion.
Why is it dangerous to hold thermal paper with wet hands? Should we avoid any plastic that touches the mouth?
In addition to paper cups and plastic bottles, plastic has long been widely used. Utensils, baby bottles, pacifiers, straws, plastic bags, food trays, plastic storage boxes, plastic wrap, wires, plastic products, dental fillings, can coatings, swimming rings, rubber balls, balloons, electrical products, CDs, glasses Lenses, toilet paper, metal coatings, adhesives, building materials, and thermal paper in ATMs or cash registers are all made of plastic.
Regarding thermal paper, there are also terrible investigative reports coming out. The subjects of the survey were cashiers. The cashiers were divided into groups and the results were compared. It was found that the group that touched the touch-sensitive thermal paper with wet hands or hands coated with hand cream had higher levels of bisphenol A in their bodies. Bisphenol A will be absorbed through the skin through water or oily cream, so never touch the touch paper with wet or oily hands.
If you rub your eyes with the hand that has touched the heat-sensitive paper, bisphenol A will pass through the eye mucosa and run into the eyes. If your hands come into contact with the heat-sensitive paper, wash it off with soap and water within a few minutes. Plastic is the general term for “chemical synthetic resins”, and there are millions of raw materials. If you distinguish carefully, there will be slight differences in the presentation and intensity of plastic toxicity.
Are there no safe plastic products in the world? Experts give 3 tips to stay away from obesity-causing factors
However, one thing is absolutely true: “There is no such thing as safe plastic.” When manufacturing plastic products, plasticizers “Phthalate esters” (PAEs3) are often used, a chemical substance that can increase the softness, ductility, and stickiness of the material. Adding it can make the product more flexible. (get diversified), is also a kind of obesogenic factor. For example, plastic wrap, invoices and receipts, plastic crisper boxes, etc. all contain phthalates.
If we were to list plastic products containing obesogenic factors, there would be too many to mention. Among so many dangerous plastic products, the ones that should be avoided the most are those that enter the body through food - those that enter the body through food, and those that come into direct contact with the mouth, such as plastic bags, utensils, straws, food trays, baby bottles, pacifiers, etc. wait. In particular, plastics that come into contact with food (which are both oily and easily soluble, especially high-fat foods) will dissolve obesogenic factors, seep into the food, and be absorbed into the body together with the food.
If you have to use plastic products, please read the labels before choosing, and remember the following tips to avoid obesity factors:
Try not to use plastic products.
PP is the only one with lower toxicity (polypropylene, Taiwan’s plastic recycling identification code No.5).
PS is carcinogenic and should be avoided (polystyrene, Taiwan’s plastic recycling identification code No.6).
However, this can only be considered a last resort, a step back option. The first principle is to avoid the use of all plastic products such as plastic bottles, plastic bags, plastic trays, plastic crisper boxes, plastic wrap, and baby bottle nipples.
Further reading: