Physical and mental health also requires "advance deployment"! Famous Tibetan doctors call on cultivating "10 habits" to help critically ill patients regain "control over their health"

Physical and mental health also requires "advance deployment"! Famous Tibetan doctors call on cultivating "10 habits" to help critically ill patients regain "control over their health"

In recent years, “preventive medicine”, which has been vigorously advocated by the West, has gradually attracted attention from all walks of life. Dr. Lobsang Gazen, an expert in preventive medicine for the mind, body and soul, believes that in Eastern societies thousands of years ago, wise men advocated the importance of “spiritual health”, which is a part of the world that has not yet been touched by Western preventive medicine.

Dr. Luosang Jiachan said that rather than “eliminating” or “fighting” the disease, we need to pay more attention to the “transformation” of the state of mind. If you don’t like the current physical, mental and spiritual state, “changing the state of mind” may lead to different results. Doctors believe that many ordinary people repeat the same mistakes again and again, but always demand the best results; while wise men will note down the results of each experiment and constantly transform and improve their behavior and mood in each life experiment.

Optimize your diet, timely detoxify, improve your gastrointestinal tract, take care of your endocrine system, and avoid “red lights” in your health.

Doctors believe that patients who have transformed old habits into good habits that are conducive to survival and have recovered from major illnesses have generally done the following 10 things:

1. Take back control of your health.

When most people fall ill, they will immediately seek medical treatment; however, Dr. Lausanne said that at most, medical institutions can only provide 25% of the help in restoring health, and the remaining 75% is actually in the hands of the patient. For example, developing the habit of changing your lifestyle, changing your routine, exercising regularly, etc. can be of substantial help in preventing diseases.

2. Overturn old habits and optimize your diet.

Optimizing diet is a very important part of transforming one’s mentality, and it is also one of the compulsory tasks for individuals. Dr. Lobsang Ghassen recommends a diet based on a “diversified plant-based diet”, which can take into account both personal health and environmental sustainability. Regardless of whether there is a disease or not, this method can be used to achieve spiritual transformation.

3. Reduce toxins, avoid toxins, and take good care of endocrine.

The earth’s environment is changing rapidly. How to reduce the harm to health caused by environmental toxins is a lesson that all mankind needs to continue to study in the future. Dr. Luosang Jiacan said that the human body has an excellent “detoxification and purification” design. Taking exercise as an example, it can achieve deep perspiration and discharge of heavy metals. In addition, ingesting coriander can also chelate heavy metals. Keep the toxins in the body from being overloaded and excreting them properly, and you will not be afraid of a red flag for your health.

4. Adjust intestinal bacteria.

Dr. Luosang Jiacan said that if the intestines are taken care of well, it will not only help the digestive tract, but also dullness and spots on the face will automatically disappear; it can also improve the body’s immunity and mood. Doctors added that 70% of immune cells in the human body are produced and trained in the intestines, and 80%-90% of serotonin, which makes people feel happy, is produced in the intestines. Supplementing more probiotics and prebiotics (also known as prebiotics) can optimize the intestinal flora. The diverse plant-based diet mentioned above is a good source of probiotics.

5. Make good use of adaptogens.

Dr. Luosang Ginseng said that ginseng, astragalus, licorice, Antrodia camphorata, which is abundant in Taiwan, turmeric from India, as well as cordyceps and rhodiola from Tibet, and even maca from South America, are all adaptogens. These non-toxic herbal plants can be said to be the “super kings” in the plant world. They regulate human body functions, restore various functions, and correct imbalances. With the blessing of the above-mentioned adaptogenic plants, they can strengthen one’s health and prevent degenerative diseases. Disease also contributes to the ability to adapt to harsh external environments.

7 out of 10 people who die young are pessimists! The winner is to cultivate “happiness power” through inner dialogue

6. Open up a dialogue with your heart.

Dr. Lobsang Gazen believes that most people live as if they will live forever. For important things such as talent, destiny, or self-realization, they often feel that they can “wait a little longer,” and in the end, they waste a lot of time on nothing. Necessary pursuit of money, relationships or the satisfaction of selfish desires. The doctor said that in life, you should maintain the mentality of “don’t tolerate what you don’t want to do, and don’t wait for what you want to do.” Occasionally, you need to stop and listen to what your heart says.

7. After receiving stress training, remember to relieve stress in a timely manner.

A Swedish study on female breast cancer by Dr. Lausanne showed that women who know how to relieve stress are 3-5 times less likely to develop breast cancer than women who endure stress for a long time. Doctors believe that although high pressure can exercise the mind, don’t forget to relieve stress after exercise. If an elastic band is stretched as tight as possible, it will soon lose its elasticity, and the same is true when individuals face stress.

8. Try your best to live a happy and comfortable life.

A follow-up study of patients with myocardial infarction found that 7 out of 10 people who died early were pessimists. The difference in survival years between a happy life and a pessimistic life can be up to seven years! Dr. Luosang Jiasen believes that in addition to hormonal effects, happy people are often the ones who see the most opportunities, are willing to try, and discover the most possibilities. Under the premise of the same resources, if you can cultivate your own happiness and health power, you will naturally become a winner.

9. Improve the dimension of the inner world.

Dr. Lobsang Gatsen said that in Tibetan medicine, “spiritual healing” is highly valued; in short, resolving the three poisons of “greed”, “hatred” and “ignorance” in the heart is the focus of compulsory practice. Change your state of mind, and your life may be different as a result. Doctors believe that one needs to first train one’s “knowledge” mentally, so that many worries can naturally be “solved”.

10. Have a strong reason to support yourself in living.

Dr. Luosang Jiazhen believes that having the motivation to “support oneself to survive” is a shot in the arm that can “bring people back to life” when it comes to recovering from illness. The doctor said that you might as well find time to talk deeply with yourself about what is a strong reason to live.

Introduction to doctors in Lausanne


  • Dr. Lobsang Founder of Lausanne Preventive Medicine Group

  • Chairman of Lepeide Health Management Consulting Company

  • Chairman of Jingyan Biotechnology

learning experience

  • Department of Physics, St. Philomena University, India

  • Department of Medicine, Taiwan National Defense Medical College

  • Research physician at Harvard Medical School, USA

  • Taipei Veterans General Hospital Neuroregeneration Center Special Physician

  • CEO of Taipei Veterans General Hospital Platinum Anti-Aging Center

The original “ACT Autologous Growth Factor Therapy” specializes in immune cell therapy, stem cell therapy, blood purification, prevention and treatment of degenerative arthritis, as well as chronic diseases, cancer and sleep conditioning. He is the author of “Tibetan Health Preservation Techniques for Not Getting Sick”, “Calm and Purify the Mind”, and “Simple Abundance - 52 Keywords for Subtractive Health Preservation”.

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