Will partying during the Chinese New Year improve mental health? Study: "3 types of gatherings" best help relax

Will partying during the Chinese New Year improve mental health? Study: "3 types of gatherings" best help relax

At the end of the year, many festivals such as the Lunar New Year will take place together, which is a good time for people to connect with relatives and friends. If you are currently overwhelmed by career or schoolwork, getting together with friends and participating in social activities at this time can be regarded as an excellent way to “replenish energy.” Research in the “Journal of Public Policy & Marketing” points out that just getting together with family and friends to eat, drink and chat can significantly reduce stress and even extend life.

At the end of the year, grab some friends and family to eat, drink and relax! “3 party modes” can best help reduce stress

The University of Connecticut and Indiana University conducted a joint study to conduct a comprehensive analysis of eight past papers on social and group life, involving more than thousands of people. Preliminary results show that if subjects participate in celebrations that meet three conditions—social gatherings, dining gatherings, and meaningful life event gatherings (such as wedding anniversaries, Christmas, and New Year), they will receive the highest social support, There is a significant correlation with mental health.

Kelly Wight, the author of the study and an assistant professor at the Indiana University School of Business, said that the three different types of gatherings have completely different meanings. “This is completely different from buying a Christmas gift to comfort yourself. Having dinner or drinking with friends to celebrate is the same as happiness.” Celebrations don’t have to be lavish or expensive; simply talking about things and communicating with each other can also have this effect."

Is social interaction actually a “human instinct”? Party behavior causes the brain to secrete “oxytocin”

Wight pointed out that according to past research and analysis, social interaction is actually one of human “instincts”. The brain will secrete the “love hormone” oxytocin to promote neuron activity, allowing people to achieve happiness through parties or dates. For example, social gatherings involve a lot of conversations, and people will release their emotions unconsciously; eating gatherings can gain a sense of belonging from food and temporarily relieve stress; meaningful anniversaries can trigger brain memories and review previous experiences. feeling of happiness.

In addition, oxytocin can be secreted through conversations, sexual intercourse, listening to music and other behaviors. In addition to achieving a sense of happiness, it can also significantly reduce psychological stress and temporarily forget the troubles caused by work. Wight believes that even online virtual activities, such as video calls, voice chat rooms, etc., can achieve similar effects, and this can benefit people at risk of loneliness who live in rural areas. .

Socializing with family and friends to promote mental health not only reduces stress but also helps “extend life”?

In general, based on past research results, Wight summarizes the benefits that frequent gatherings and socializing with family and friends can bring as follows:

  1. Avoid shortening of life span. According to guidelines published by the World Health Organization (WHO), mental illness is a risk factor that significantly affects life span. The life expectancy of people with severe mental illness will be reduced by up to 25 years; the risk of death for patients with depression is 1.8 times higher than that of ordinary people. Although it is still not possible to prove the correlation between social interaction and longevity, Wight believes that social interaction may indeed help prevent serious psychological problems.

  2. Dramatically reduce stress. Anxiety and stress can be said to be civilized diseases of modern people. According to the above, people can relax and release oxytocin by talking, listening to music, etc., which is a good way to regulate stress and relieve emotions. However, if you have suffered from depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses in the past, you can also engage in moderate social interaction to relieve symptoms under the guidance of a doctor or psychologist.

  3. Develop positive emotions. Wight said that gatherings that combine the three elements of socializing, eating, and important anniversaries have the strongest correlation with subjects’ positive emotions. This is why people like to gather for dinner or hold wedding parties at Christmas, Chinese New Year or special anniversaries, because these festivals often contain the above three elements.

  4. Get social support. Positive emotions are closely related to social support. Wight believes that receiving positive feedback can encourage people to invest in charity, donation and other charitable undertakings, thereby invisibly achieving a “circle of kindness”. Additionally, individuals who receive social support can significantly reduce feelings of loneliness or isolation.

Finally, Wight called on the public to take a moderate rest at the end of the year, and also encouraged gatherings with relatives and friends. A good mental state can promote future work performance. However, the food content at year-end parties is often not very healthy, such as alcohol, fried foods, red meat and other foods. Excessive intake of these foods is extremely harmful to the body. Therefore, when celebrating, it is recommended to focus on communicating with relatives and friends, supplemented by eating, which is less likely to cause serious health problems.


More than fun and games: Celebrations can benefit your health and well-being

EXPRESS: Celebrate Good Times: How Celebrations Increase Perceived Social Support

Let’s Get This Party Started: UConn Researcher, Colleagues Discover that Certain Celebrations Can Boost the Health of Participants

Further reading:

Can you find true love on dating apps? Research reveals the body most prone to seasickness: the more you play, the more painful it becomes

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