Why do partners always have sex at Christmas? Experts reveal "4 major causes": you can actually get these benefits

Why do people like to “seek love” on certain festivals? Research reveals: Muslim and Christian countries are the same!
Do people prefer to have sex on “certain holidays”? According to previous research published in “Scientific Reports”, no matter where the inhabitants of the earth are located, sexual preference tends to rise sharply during major cultural or religious celebrations. The possible underlying reason is that people’s emotional state changes during festive celebrations, which in turn prompts sexual behavior.
First, the research team conducted a variable analysis test on the search engine for the word “SEX”. After excluding many variables, we can see that in Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United States, the search volume for the word targeted increased from November to December. It’s between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Not only Christian countries, but also the celebration of “Eid al-Fitr”, a festival in Muslim countries, is also related to the increase in searches for sexual words. The research team further used social media to analyze the correlation between sexual behavior and festivals, and found that during the celebrations of Christmas and Eid al-Fitr, the number of searches for “sex”-related words did show an upward trend, including contraception, body positions, condoms, and sex. Orgasms, aphrodisiacs, sex toys and more.
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The study even pointed out that these sex-related search records may be related to the increase in the birth rate in the United States nine months later. Research published in “Human Reproduction” also confirms this statement, showing that in southern states in the United States, the pregnancy rate of women increases by 45% during Thanksgiving (late November), and they will give birth to more “Thanksgiving babies” in the future. Sex increases during the holidays.
The connection between sex and vacation is not just a theoretical hypothesis! According to an analysis of annual sales in South Korea by well-known convenience stores, the frequency of condom purchases by South Koreans peaks during Christmas; and during the Hindu festival “Navratri”, local condom sales in India increase 10-20%, showing that people do prefer to have sex during festivals.
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As for what motivates people to have sex on holidays? According to experts, the following four reasons can be roughly drawn:
Traveling on vacation. Laurie Mintz, a certified sex therapist in the United States, said that people often arrange travel during vacations; the relaxed state during vacations can easily bring positive emotional feedback, prompting partners to increase the number of sexual intercourse. “This is why couples often don’t want to be intimate with their significant other when they get off work, because they haven’t recovered from the torment of going to work.”
It’s the “heating season”. American psychologist Susan Albers-Bowling explained that the so-called Cuffing Season refers to a phenomenon in which individuals feel particularly lonely during autumn and winter and want a partner to relieve their loneliness. Albers-Bowling believes that when the temperature drops, the secretion of “melatonin” and “serotonin” in the human brain will change, causing a strong sense of loneliness.
“Spending the cold winter with others can naturally promote the secretion of serotonin. Many young people fall in love and even start to get married at this time. This may be due to changes in the chemicals in the brain.”
Increased sexual attraction. A study published in “Perception” pointed out that men’s evaluation of women’s sexual attractiveness will differ with the change of seasons. In winter, women wear more clothes; when their female partners take off their clothes, men tend to have higher sexual desire than in summer, thus increasing the number of sexual acts. Another possibility is that men’s hormone levels fluctuate with the seasons, changing attraction patterns.
Improve relationship timing. Mintz believes that for couples or partners whose sex life has been put on hold for a long time, specific holidays or long holidays can give them enough time to improve their relationship. Hugging, kissing, or having sex or having an orgasm triggers the body to release the “love hormone” oxytocin, which makes people feel closer to their partner.
Mintz pointed out that in general, certain holidays such as Christmas, New Year’s or anniversaries are indeed associated with multiple sexual relationships. However, even if you “can’t help” wanting to be intimate with your partner during the holidays, you must remember the importance of “safe sex.” The use of birth control pills and condoms is a necessary measure; if it can be combined with pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) Used, it has the effect of reducing HIV infection.
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