Parents argue every day and children make noise every day! How to resolve the "sequelae" of home isolation? Psychologists teach 5 ways to relieve stress

Parents argue every day and children make noise every day! How to resolve the "sequelae" of home isolation? Psychologists teach 5 ways to relieve stress

During the previous three-level alert period, home-based epidemic prevention and remote work and classes almost completely changed the lifestyle of some people. Among them, the most subtle change is that parents and children suddenly become “extremely close”. In order to take care of their children, parents have to pay close attention to their studies while working, which creates more friction. In addition, people who used to suffer from depression could hide in their comfort zone to take a breather before the epidemic. Now, due to the restriction of social space, there is simply “nowhere to hide” when spending long hours with family members, and they may even be scolded by their family members and spend less time. longer, bringing greater psychological pressure. Returning to a doctor at this time may also be considered a waste of medical resources… How to resolve the difficulties faced by the depressed group and the national anxiety caused by the “post-epidemic era”? Psychologist Lin Renting believes that mastering the first principles of life and seeking relaxation at the right time can be helpful.

It is difficult to adapt to changes in living habits. Remember to use “first principles” as your basis.

Psychologist Lin Renting said that in the past, the best way was to keep a distance from family members who had different values. Now that the epidemic has locked the whole family at home, it is even more difficult not to listen and talk, and the relationship becomes tense, which will lead to disputes. , the occurrence of violent behavior, which is why patients with depression will be more miserable.

The epidemic has changed most things related to ourselves, such as physical and mental conditions, interpersonal relationships, sense of space, etc. It is impossible for us to change every habit. We have to make choices. Therefore, psychologist Lin Renting believes that the “first principle” The concept is very important. What are first principles? To put it simply, it means putting the principle you think is most important first, such as maintaining the parent-child relationship or turning in school assignments on time. Which one is more important? If “parent-child relationship” is the first principle, it means that the worst case scenario is that the homework is not handed in in time, but the parent-child relationship can be maintained and used as the basis for handling things. The same is true for patients with depression. If nothing is more important than settling their souls, family members should not break their first principle.

During the epidemic, the pressure is overwhelming and there is nowhere to vent? Psychologist reveals 5 tips to easily reduce stress

It takes time to relieve anxiety or depression. Since life at home is the same and full of stress, you may want to start by changing your lifestyle. Psychologist Lin Renting has compiled 5 relaxation tips that can effectively help people adjust their mood:

  1. Physiological relaxation: Many people rely on overeating to relieve stress, which is actually very unhealthy for the body. Instead of eating without restraint, it is better to learn to cook by yourself and improve your cooking skills; if it is too troublesome, you can also order food delivery to support catering companies.

  2. Psychological relaxation: There is no need to force yourself to learn new knowledge at this time, and there is no need to pay too much attention to the epidemic. When tidying up the room or cleaning the home, you can calm your mind, or do nothing to keep yourself away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. Achieve the effect of stabilizing mood.

  3. Relax your body: You can do simple exercises after meals and before taking a bath. If you don’t like sports, you should also keep “active”, such as playing cards and educational games with your family; when you are tired from work, get up and do stretching exercises. You can also try fitness rings that have been popular recently. New gadgets can create a sense of freshness and the relaxation effect will be better.

  4. Space to relax: Staying at home for a long time will really make you tired. You can go out to meet friends during the current unblocking period, but you must pay attention to epidemic prevention measures and wear a mask.

  5. Relax interpersonal relationships: Being too close to family members may cause conflicts, so contact friends you haven’t seen for a long time! Choosing the most comfortable social way to interact with friends is a good way to relax.

Now that the epidemic has been gradually brought under control, the public is reminded to remember not to let themselves be in too tense emotions while preventing the epidemic. In addition to the above 5 relaxation methods, remember to find your own pace of life and use this as a principle to allow yourself to gain Peace of mind; in addition, pay more attention to friends and family around you, they may also need your help to get through this difficult time. If patients with depression have any problems, it is still recommended to call the 1925 safety hotline or 1980 Teacher Zhang for help. Don’t let the home life after the epidemic swallow you up.


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