What is the Paleo Diet? Does it help with weight loss? Experts urge the "three major ethnic groups" not to try indiscriminately

What is the Paleo Diet? Does it help with weight loss? Experts urge the "three major ethnic groups" not to try indiscriminately

How is the Paleo Diet, which has been praised by many European and American celebrities, different from other diets? The Paleo Diet, also known as the “Paleo Diet,” originated in 1975 and was proposed by nutritionist Walter L. Voegtlin. It advocates that the diet should follow the diet of primitive people in the Stone Age, eating only fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fish, and nuts. or seeds, and avoid whole grains, legumes, and processed foods.

The diet content of the Paleo Diet may seem quite healthy at first glance, but its complete elimination of grain foods has caused considerable controversy in the academic community. Does this diet have any health benefits? Is it feasible for modern people to follow the wisdom of their ancestors and adopt ancient dietary methods?

What are the benefits of the Paleo diet? European research confirms: beneficial to patients with chronic diseases

Research on the Paleo Diet was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) as early as 2000. Research indicates that the potential benefits of the Paleo diet include weight loss, blood pressure and blood sugar control, improvement and prevention of autoimmune diseases, and more. The main health benefit is to reduce high-calorie, high-sugar and high-sodium intake by eliminating processed foods.

A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (EJCN) in 2015 even stated that the low sugar and low carbohydrate characteristics of the Paleo diet can help improve insulin sensitivity in the human body, thereby benefiting patients with chronic diseases. , such as those with type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity or metabolic diseases, may benefit from this diet.

The Mayo Clinic, an international authoritative medical institution, also pointed out that numerous randomized clinical trials have shown that the benefits of the Paleo diet may include helping with weight loss, improving glucose tolerance, reducing triglycerides and Appetite control. If obese or overweight people want to lose weight, this diet is indeed one of the feasible methods.

Is the Paleo Diet “Too Extreme” and Difficult to Follow? Experts urge “three groups” not to try indiscriminately

However, as a long-term diet or weight loss strategy, the Paleo diet may not be suitable for most healthy people. Research from the University of Calgary in Canada has mentioned that the Paleo diet is too extreme and is recommended only under medical guidance. If generally healthy people try it easily, they will easily lose the dietary fiber and good starch sources provided by beans and whole grains, and face the risk of nutritional deficiencies.

Study author Tanis R. Fenton pointed out that the lack of dietary fiber in the Paleo diet will undoubtedly have an impact on the body of people suffering from congenital malignant dystrophy. In addition, burning fat requires a good source of starch. In the absence of high-quality starch, it may be difficult for athletes or athletes to metabolize fat, which may indirectly lead to a decrease in exercise ability.

“A diet lacking dietary fiber may lead to an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, which may be a precursor to future health problems. In addition, a lack of fiber in the diet increases the risk of constipation. Without normal intestinal function, our bodies It’s impossible to effectively detoxify,” Fenton said.

Therefore, Fenton said that it is not recommended for healthy normal people to adopt a “restrictive diet” such as the Paleo diet. Not only is it difficult to maintain, it may also cause harm to specific ethnic groups. It is recommended that the public choose the Mediterranean diet or the DESH diet as the main diet. Not only is it relatively safe and easy to follow for a long time, it can also protect their cardiovascular health and maintain good posture.


Paleo diet still lacks evidence

Paleo diet: What is it and why is it so popular?

Interplay between food and gut microbiota in health and disease

Metabolic and physiological effects from consuming a hunter-gatherer (Paleolithic)-type diet in type 2 diabetes

Further reading:

Follow the example of Nordic people and naturally lower your blood sugar and cholesterol levels by eating! Research says the key is “unsaturated fatty acids”

Have you eaten wrong before? American Heart Association announces “Top 10 Heart-Protect Diets” that patients with cardiovascular disease should know more about

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