A study involving 20,000 people confirmed: 6 lifestyles can prevent "dementia"! This thing has the strongest effect on the brainFeb 17, 2023
More poisonous than gasoline? Study: Inhaling diesel exhaust may damage brain's "connectivity"Feb 16, 2023
What should I do if I feel pain after a stiff neck? Should I apply ice or heat? Experts reveal 1 action to prevent "cervical joints" from getting stuckFeb 16, 2023
Bruce Willi diagnosed with frontotemporal lobe dementia! Experts: There is a serious risk of becoming a person with ALS and unable to take care of themselvesFeb 16, 2023
The superstar was mistakenly reported to be suffering from "myocardial infarction"! More than 50% of patients died before arriving in hospital? Doctors warn: Cold snaps are not the only riskFeb 15, 2023
Don't eat too many conditioning packs and sugary drinks! Study: Ultra-processed foods increase cancer incidence and mortalityFeb 15, 2023
If you like to eat vitamin C to replenish your body, beware of the increased risk of "kidney stones"! Nutritionist warns: Do not exceed XX mg a dayFeb 15, 2023
Is it easier to lose weight if you get up early and exercise? Animal studies: Increased lipolysis and metabolic rateFeb 14, 2023
The stool is hard and the farts are smelly. Beware of constipation, which will affect your skin and make you look older! Nutritionists recommend "1 liquid" to drink in the morning to help defecationFeb 14, 2023
Help with immunotherapy! Hematopoietic stem cell "expansion technology" improves the dilemma of difficult-to-treat diseasesFeb 14, 2023