Study: 20 minutes of aerobic exercise a day can speed recovery from concussion in teenagersOct 4, 2021
It takes at least 3 hours for the brain to fully recover after deep anesthesia? Anesthesiologists reveal "unpredictable risks"Oct 4, 2021
"Sex Study Room" is a must-read! Is sex the same as exercise in losing weight? Weekly sex in bed is "hugely good" for your health?Oct 4, 2021
"Polycystic kidney disease" threatened to require her to undergo dialysis at the age of 24! Guangtian Hospital and National Health Research Institutes of Taiwan collaborate on "genetic testing" to aid diagnosisOct 3, 2021
Is "swollen neck" thyroid cancer? Thyroid nodules more dangerous in young people? Doctor: Female elders with medical conditions should be carefulOct 3, 2021
Do a lot of people get gout under the age of 40? In addition to high-purine foods, hand drinks, cakes and snacks are also uric acid killers?Oct 3, 2021
Do young people also have high blood lipids? Is it possible that the first attack is myocardial infarction? Doctor: Regular check-ups are most importantOct 3, 2021
Can cellulitis occur without a wound? Doctor: Serious fear of amputation! Pay attention to abnormal "redness, heat, swelling and pain"Oct 3, 2021
In addition to Pfizer BNT, what vaccines should adolescents receive? Doctor: You should also get HPV and influenza vaccines!Sep 30, 2021
Attention patients with high blood pressure! Taiwan Food and Drug Administration compiles three major dietary taboos. Bananas and durians are on the list?!Sep 30, 2021