Overeating, becoming fat and lethargic could be the cause of "seasonal depression"? Medical reveals 3 tips to help restore stability to body and mind

Overeating, becoming fat and lethargic could be the cause of "seasonal depression"? Medical reveals 3 tips to help restore stability to body and mind

OL’s overeating, weight gain and lethargy are caused by “seasonal depression”?

The temperature changes greatly during the seasons, and lethargy and overeating begin to appear. Are these signs of “seasonal affective disorder”? Dr. Li Minshan of Jiesi Mind and Body Medicine Clinic pointed out that a female OL in her 30s originally had a tendency to seasonal depression. Recently, due to the stressful event of her father’s death, her emotional state deteriorated and she began to suffer from long-term lethargy and inability to get up to work, overeating and overeating. Problems such as weight gain also affect work performance and interpersonal relationships, and even people are reluctant to go out with their boyfriends and friends during holidays. After increasing sunlight exposure, exercising regularly (three times a week) for 150 minutes, and seeking medical advice to adjust medication, it took 2-3 months for the condition to return to stability.

Dr. Li Minshan said that “seasonal affective disorder” is very common in the clinic and is prone to seasonal cycles. It can easily cause depression after autumn and winter and last for several months, and then gradually recover in spring and summer. It is related to the shortening of light and the imbalance of day and night cycles affecting neuroendocrine including serotonin and melatonin. Coupled with the delayed sunrise time, the body’s biological clock may not be able to adapt, and symptoms may become more obvious when the seasons change.

Dr. Li Minshan reminded that the general symptoms of depression include low mood, loss of energy and fatigue. If you have lethargy, increased food intake, craving for a large amount of carbohydrates, inexplicable crying, suicidal thoughts, inability to work normally, and interpersonal relationships are affected, it is recommended to seek medical advice. Seek professional help early. “Seasonal Affective Disorder” does not necessarily cause obvious physical and mental symptoms, but if it occurs during a huge stressful event such as the death of a loved one or a change in career, the incidence may increase.

Reduced sunshine could lead to an outbreak of depression? Doctors remind you of 3 tips to help stabilize your body and mind

With less sunshine in autumn and winter, are groups already suffering from “depression” more likely to experience an outbreak of symptoms? Dr. Li Minshan said that the change of seasons can indeed lead to poor control of depression. Although some patients have not changed their treatment, they will find it more difficult to control their emotions when the seasons change. It is recommended that depressed people take medication according to medical advice. During this period, they can spend more time in the sun. It is best to spend 1-2 hours in the sun every day. You can also eat more foods containing tryptophan to replenish serotonin. Regular exercise can also help the brain produce endorphins and help maintain emotional stability.

In addition, anxiety and irritability may also be related to depression. Dr. Li Minshan pointed out that the two emotions of anxiety and depression are often mixed into one. Some patients are easily irritated by things around them, and have symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, panic, impatience, restlessness, etc. They even do not want to deal with things and just want to “get rid of them”. “Rotten” may be due to underlying depression issues. It is recommended to get more exposure to the sun, adjust your diet, exercise regularly, and continue to practice meditation to help maintain emotional stability.

Emotional stress is more likely to be tense before the New Year. Dr. Li Minshan reminds that on the eve of the New Year, people face various pressures such as work deadlines and gatherings of relatives and friends back home. In addition, during the holidays, it is easy to reverse the day and night schedule or eat and drink too much, which can easily increase mood swings. . It is recommended that you maintain a normal schedule during the Chinese New Year, maintain your existing lifestyle and exercise habits, in order to reduce the physical and mental impact of emotional stress and maintain a positive mood before and after the holidays.

Further reading:

Does it happen in autumn or winter? Oversleeping, overeating, and inexplicable crying may be signs of “seasonal depression”

As soon as winter comes, I cry inexplicably and feel tired and weak! Doctors reveal the truth: It may be “1 disease” that affects mood

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