How can outsiders eat a balanced diet? Nutritionists announce the "Lazy Man's Pairing Technique": any combination of 25 ingredients is healthy

How can outsiders eat a balanced diet? Nutritionists announce the "Lazy Man's Pairing Technique": any combination of 25 ingredients is healthy

Eating a nutritious and balanced diet is often very difficult for diners or office workers who are accustomed to relying on supermarket food and fast food. Nutritionist Gao Minmin pointed out in the community that people who eat out want to eat a balanced diet. In fact, by dividing the content of each meal into 5 categories, and then matching them one by one, they can ensure that the content of the meal is more balanced and healthy, thereby avoiding sitting for a long time, The harm of lack of exercise to the body.

Dietitian Gao Minmin further enumerated the “lazy man’s combination technique” for balanced nutrition for eaters as follows. It is recommended to choose one of each item and consume it:

1. Carbohydrates

You should choose those with higher dietary fiber. Compared with common staple foods such as white rice and oily noodles in the same portion, it is a lower-calorie choice.

  • Whole grain rice

  • Udon

  • Sweet potato

  • Soba noodles

  • Corn

2. Protein

Choose mainly “prototype foods” that are not overly processed.

  • Braised chicken legs

  • Chicken breast

  • Salmon

  • Steamed egg

  • Grilled fish

3. High fiber vegetables

In addition to blanched vegetables, there are many vegetable options for eating out.

  • 3 Boxes of bento dishes

  • Vegetable soup

  • Lettuce salad

  • Blanched vegetables

  • Big tomato/small cucumber

4. Drinks

Mainly focus on calorie-free sugar-free tea or coffee, or you can supplement dairy products and high-quality protein with drinks.

  • Milk

  • Black coffee

  • Sugar free tea

  • Yogurt

  • Soy milk

5. Fruit after meal

Busy modern people tend to overlook the importance of moderate intake of fruits every day. Fruit contains natural vitamins that help maintain health. It is recommended to eat 2 servings of fruit every day (one serving is about the size of a fist).

  • Apple

  • Half banana

  • A bowl of cherry tomatoes

  • Guava

  • Fresh fruit (8 points)

Dietitian Gao Minmin reminds that after improving the content of the diet, the order of eating is also very important. The order of meals should be to eat vegetables first, then protein, and finally starch. You can take another serving of fruit after meals to supplement dietary fiber and vitamin C, and also help the body excrete excess sodium. If you need to lose weight, you should consult a nutritionist or physician beforehand to implement a stricter dietary strategy.

Further reading:

Have you found the reason why obese people overeat? Brain response to nutrients ‘severely impaired’, study confirms

Will “going to bed 1 hour earlier” every day help lose weight? Benefits revealed by doctors: Improve sleep and reduce 270 calories a day

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