Will being an "otaku" become stupid if you binge-watch dramas about epidemic prevention? Research: Sitting for long periods of time increases brain degeneration by 70%!

Will being an "otaku" become stupid if you binge-watch dramas about epidemic prevention? Research: Sitting for long periods of time increases brain degeneration by 70%!

Although the current epidemic prevention level has been downgraded to Level 2 alert, it is true that many people have become accustomed to working and attending classes at home due to the implementation of the previous Level 3 alert. They have also developed many bad habits during this period: for example, playing around at home during holidays. , watching TV series without interruption, playing mobile games all day, or lying in bed to rest immediately after eating, seems to have mastered the life of an “otaku”. We sit for a long enough time at work on weekdays, and my butt can’t leave the chair even on holidays, which is really bad for your health! Research from Columbia University in the United States believes that prolonged sedentary behavior may cause cognitive decline and make the brain slower.

Being a “couch potato” during epidemic prevention at home will increase the rate of brain degeneration by 7%

Priya, assistant professor of medicine and epidemiology at Columbia University. Priya Palta published a study that analyzed information from 10,700 adults. The researchers asked the subjects to take cognitive tests, including memory, language ability and brain processing speed. They found that middle-aged adults who watched television more frequently experienced a 7% greater decline in cognitive function over 15 years than those who watched television less frequently! Parta said that watching more TV or sitting for longer periods of time is associated with cognitive decline and risks to brain health, so reducing sedentary behavior may be an important way to keep the brain healthy.

This is not over yet, led by Kelly, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Alabama School of Public Health. Haiti. Another study led by Kelley Pettee Gabriel analyzed brain MRI scans of about 1,600 subjects and found that people who watched TV a lot had less gray matter than people who watched less TV more than a decade later. If it is lower, it means that their brain degeneration is more serious.

Speaking of gray matter, Dr. Len. Ryan Daugherty also tracked nearly 600 people in a study to observe the changes in gray matter in their brains caused by watching television over a 20-year period. The results showed that if a person’s average TV viewing time per day increased by 1 hour, the amount of gray matter in the brain would decrease. It will be reduced by 0.5%. Dougherty and his research team believe that given that the process of Alzheimer’s disease often begins in middle age, sitting for too long and watching TV for too long may greatly increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Watching dramas with your legs crossed and a hunchback may cause your body to enter old age early.

Although the above three studies cannot prove that watching a lot of TV will damage the brain’s memory, watching TV and watching TV series for a long time are indeed related to a decline in cognitive function and a reduction in brain capacity. In fact, sitting for long periods of time due to watching TV and watching dramas will not only degenerate the brain, but also cause pathological changes in the body! Spinal distortion, joint degeneration, muscle imbalance, etc. are all sequelae of long-term sitting; if you sit for a long time while lying on a chair, crossing your legs, or hunching your back, you may also suffer from intervertebral disc herniation, degenerative arthritis, and other diseases.

If you want to avoid brain degeneration caused by sitting for long periods of time, it is recommended to get up and move every 30 minutes to promote joint metabolism while watching TV dramas or working. In addition, it is best to sit in a straight line with the upper and lower body, which is better for joints and muscles. It is the most labor-saving to use; if long-term poor posture causes back pain, you still need to seek medical examination to see if it is a compensatory problem in muscles, bones or joints.

If you have to sit for long periods of time at work, sit and watch TV on holidays, or take a nap while scrolling on your phone, it is extremely unhealthy for your body. It is recommended that you get up and walk from time to time, relax your muscles and bones, and do some simple exercises before taking a shower. Don’t sit for too long or not sit well enough to make your body hurt here and there like a 65-year-old man at a young age!


Too much TV may be bad for your long-term brain health

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