Can Omicron heat up the tail teeth? 3 tips that eaters must know to "reduce virus exposure"

Can Omicron heat up the tail teeth? 3 tips that eaters must know to "reduce virus exposure"

Is it safe to eat out as the epidemic heats up? Medical Education 3 focuses on reducing virus exposure

During the annual vacation, business people or students living abroad gradually return to Taiwan, preparing to reunite with their families for the New Year. However, the Omicron variant virus is raging abroad and the epidemic situation is relatively severe, which has also affected the number of confirmed cases in Taiwan. At this critical moment, should we avoid going out for gatherings and cancel related New Year activities?

Dr. Yan Zonghai, director of the Clinical Poison Center of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, said that since the outbreak of clusters in peach machines in early January, the epidemic situation in Taiwan has indeed increased. In terms of the current Level 2 alert situation, although the Epidemic Command Center has not adopted control measures for internal use, it reminds the public to pay attention to the latest announcements from the Command Center and the policies of local governments; and to make adjustments to the policies at any time. There are three ways to be infected with the new coronavirus when you go out:

  1. Droplet infection. To reduce the risk of droplet infection, you must wear a mask outdoors or in open spaces and maintain social distance.

  2. Contact infection. Avoid contact with people and use soap or hand soap to clean your hands for more than 20 seconds. If you cannot clean your hands immediately, you need to carry alcohol and dry hands with you for cleaning.

  3. Airborne infection (aerosol infection). Avoid staying in confined spaces or indoor locations for too long.

Dr. Yan Zonghai said that there is still about a week left before the Chinese New Year. There are still variables in the direction of the epidemic, and the public is advised to be vigilant. If you are dining out at a party, you should pay attention to the following three points:

  1. Wear a mask when leaving your seat.

  2. Wash your hands before eating.

  3. Use public chopsticks and mixed spoons when dining to prevent the virus from being transmitted to diners at the same table through saliva.

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As for purchasing or cooking New Year dishes, should we pay attention to the possibility of virus transmission through contact with items? Dr. Yan Zonghai warned that if people do not clean their hands or take appropriate protection when handling food, the virus may indeed contaminate food or food containers through droplets. Therefore, it is safer to wear a mask, wash your hands, and wear gloves to avoid contact before handling food.

Traditional markets or supermarkets have large crowds and are more at risk of clustering. Dr. Yan Zonghai suggested that you might as well prepare a shopping list before purchasing and leave immediately after purchasing to reduce the possibility of gathering and infection. Purchase portions within 1-2 weeks to avoid food waste or microbial contamination.

Dr. Yan Zonghai said that scientifically it is generally believed that the chance of transmitting the new coronavirus through food packaging is low. As long as the core temperature of the food exceeds 70°C during cooking, the germs can be completely eliminated. In general, doctors recommend the following four principles for purchasing and cooking food during the epidemic:

  1. Make a shopping list to avoid staying in traditional markets for a long time and causing food waste.

  2. Remove the outer packaging within 2 hours and wash the ingredients thoroughly. Unused ingredients must be stored in an environment below 7°C.

  3. Wear masks and gloves when handling food to prevent viruses in droplets from contaminating food.

  4. Cook food thoroughly to above 70°C to eliminate viruses and microorganisms and prevent food poisoning.

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