An office worker's back pain doesn't go away. After a checkup, it turned out to be "lower cross syndrome"! Medical education "5 actions" to relieve symptoms

An office worker's back pain doesn't go away. After a checkup, it turned out to be "lower cross syndrome"! Medical education "5 actions" to relieve symptoms

An office worker’s back pain doesn’t go away. After a checkup, it turned out to be “lower cross syndrome”

Office workers cannot avoid sitting for long periods of time. If you already have back pain due to sitting, be aware that it may be a sign of “lower cross syndrome”! Dr. Li Yanyu, director of the Renyi Boai Rehabilitation Clinic, stated in a social post that a male patient previously reported that his waist was always sore after sitting for a long time at work. After going to the clinic and receiving an X-ray examination, he discovered that the area around his pelvis was unbearable. The “iliopsoas” muscle is tight, and it is suspected that it may be caused by lower crossed syndrome.

Dr. Li Yanyu pointed out that lower crossed syndrome is generally not serious; past medical evidence also shows that most low back pain is benign pain, and the common acute “flare to the waist” also falls into this category. Lower crossed syndrome is mostly caused by four major aspects: “tight erector spinae”, “weak abdominal muscles”, “tight iliopsoas”, and weak gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles; in addition, back pain may also be caused by Fasciitis of the erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, and psoas major muscles, facet joint pain, sacroiliac joint pain, etc.

Dr. Li Yanyu said that the appearance of lower cross syndrome is mostly anterior pelvic tilt (research has pointed out that pelvic anterior tilt exists in 85% and 75% of healthy men and women, and it is still doubtful as a diagnostic name), protruding belly, and false buttocks , sometimes even combined with sciatica. With appropriate treatment, the soreness will improve within 3 months. Risk factors include obesity, prolonged sitting, smoking, poor health, depression, and excessive occupational load-bearing. Clinically, it is recommended that people avoid sitting for long periods of time and get up and walk or move their limbs every hour after sitting. If it is really unavoidable to sit for a long time, you should strengthen your daily exercise, especially the stretching of the iliopsoas muscle.

Don’t let back pain become a daily routine! Doctor teaches “5 actions” to relieve symptoms

What movements can sedentary people and office workers practice to relieve symptoms such as tight iliopsoas muscles or back pain? Dr. Li Yanyu suggested that you can try the following stretching exercises to relieve the pain: To stretch the iliopsoas muscles, use forward and backward lunges, or assist in leg extension through tables, beds and other flat surfaces; to stretch the erector spinae muscles, you can use the knees and Crouched position with hip flexion. Stay for 20 seconds while stretching the above movements, and do a total of 3 times.

The next step is the “V-shaped abdominal crunch”. First lay out a yoga mat or training mat, lie flat on the ground, then straighten your hands and feet off the ground. Use your abdominal muscles to exert force and gather your limbs into the air as if you are folding your body in half. Fall slowly again. This action should be repeated 10 times and repeated 1-3 times.

In addition, single-leg lunge deadlifts can also be added to training during routine strength exercises. The method is to first assume a lunge position, with empty hands or holding a dumbbell. During the process, the core muscles of the trunk are tightened without arching the back. Bend forward with the front leg and hip as the center, lift the front leg and hip with force, and feel the proximal end of the rear thigh (iliac waist). muscle), lasting about 6 seconds. It is recommended to repeat this action 10 times and do 3 cycles.

Finally, Dr. Li Yanyu reminded the public that although back pain can be relieved through proper rest and walking, if the pain does not subside for a long time, or even seriously affects life and work performance, it is recommended to consult an orthopedic or rehabilitation doctor as soon as possible, and Never buy painkillers from unknown sources without the supervision of a doctor or pharmacist to avoid worsening of symptoms and causing more harm than good.

Further reading: People with low heads and turtle necks may cause “upper cross syndrome”! 5 steps to learn to correctly “tuck your chin” to extend your cervical spine

Not a stiff neck! Is the neck pain that won’t go away turned out to be an attack of “torticollis”? Medical exposure: 1 Treatment can help significantly reduce pain

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