Why has the number of people with diabetes increased year after year? Pharmacist reveals "three major reasons": patients may lose control over their diet

Why has the number of people with diabetes increased year after year? Pharmacist reveals "three major reasons": patients may lose control over their diet

The prevalence of diabetes in Taiwan is increasing year by year. If there is poor blood sugar control, what are the common causes? In fact, not only Taiwanese, but also the world’s diabetic population is increasing at a certain rate year by year, which is already a “world-class” trend. According to statistics, the global population with diabetes is likely to exceed 600 million in 2045. It is one of the diseases that requires urgent attention from the outside world in addition to dementia.

Why does diabetes occur? Not just about drinking from hand cups?

Diabetes is not only related to poor blood sugar control, but may also extend to cardiovascular problems! When medical personnel in certain European countries diagnose diabetes, they often equate the patient’s diabetes course with heart disease. In addition, diabetes can also cause vascular-related diseases in the eyes and kidneys, increasing the risk of kidney dialysis in the future. It can be said to be a series of implications.

The risk groups for developing diabetes are patients with “type 1 diabetes” diagnosed at birth, and patients with “type 2 diabetes” mostly caused by acquired diet and stress. Judging from the current proportion, the reason for the increase in the population with diabetes is significantly related to the rise of sugary drinks and the fact that modern people are too stressed and do not like to exercise. In particular, the high fructose corn syrup in sugary drinks is sweeter than sucrose and is more expensive. Low, easy to store, and easier to be added to various drinks, candies or snacks.

Among them, the most widely used one should be “hand-cranked drinks”. According to the recommended daily sugar intake for adults, it should not exceed 10% of total calories, and should be less than about 50 grams. But hand drinks are not the only source of sugar in life. Carbohydrates in the diet and fruits also have the opportunity to ingest sugar. Therefore, if you consume additional sugary drinks, it is almost impossible to control your daily sugar intake below 50 grams.

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To make matters worse, under the influence of stress hormones, it is easy for people to overeat and force themselves to eat more food than usual. Office workers also have many snacks in their drawers, and some people even rely on eating to stay healthy. Relieve stress. These high-carbohydrate snacks and biscuits are more difficult to provide a sense of satiety than high-quality proteins and vegetables. You will easily feel hungry after eating them, which inadvertently creates a vicious cycle and increases additional sugar intake.

The most frightening thing is that when excess sugar leads to weight gain, people who do not usually consume dietary fiber are more likely to have poor blood sugar control. The intake of dietary fiber can regulate the rate of rise in blood sugar during a meal so that it does not fluctuate too much. If the daily intake of dietary fiber is too little, not only is it not conducive to sugar control, but the good bacteria in the intestines will also decrease.

The bacterial strains in the intestines are divided into good bacteria, bad bacteria and neutral bacteria. Good bacteria tend to make us eat healthier vegetables and fruits, while bad bacteria make us eat too much junk food. If bad bacteria remain high, the nerve signals they send out can easily interfere with the brain, making people want to eat high-calorie, high-fat or high-carbohydrate junk food every day. Therefore, the key organ that determines what we want to eat and what we don’t want to eat is probably determined by the intestines rather than the brain! In addition, the quality of sleep is also related to blood sugar control. People who sleep less than 6 hours a day are more likely to suffer from diabetes problems in the future than those who do not have sleep problems. All the above factors are closely related to our daily living habits.

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The long-term solution for controlling blood sugar is to focus on “original foods”, reduce the intake of refined carbohydrates, and avoid too many processed products. In addition, replace beverages with boiled water, and even if you want to drink, choose beverages with sugar labels. It is also recommended to actively change the order of eating: start with vegetables first. Fiber can reduce the effect of Alpha-amylase, delay gastric emptying and change the speed of glucose entering the blood. Finally, consume a small amount of carbohydrates. This can avoid a significant rise in blood sugar. , and it will not cause too much sense of deprivation in life. If you can’t eat anything, living will be too boring!

Currently, individually packaged dietary fiber is also sold in certain stores. If your elders have bad teeth, or you are a child over three years old who is very averse to vegetables, you can add it to your drinking water to supplement the dietary fiber content. Specific probiotics have been studied in clinical trials and can help improve body fat, avoid fat accumulation, and help control blood sugar. People should make good use of them.

Further reading:

If you do these things again, your organs may fail! Nutritionist warns: “8 bad habits” should be avoided when taking care of your body

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