The number of confirmed cases in a single day exceeded 10,000! Is it still possible to get infected even if the vaccine is "full"? Doctor lists "3 situations" to help protect yourself

The number of confirmed cases in a single day exceeded 10,000! Is it still possible to get infected even if the vaccine is "full"? Doctor lists "3 situations" to help protect yourself

The local epidemic has exploded, and the number of confirmed cases in a single day has exceeded 10,000 (4/28). The health bureaus of various county and city governments are overwhelmed, and the emergency departments of hospitals in various places are also overcrowded. In the post-epidemic era, when influenza is about to become common, how should people protect themselves?

The number of confirmed cases in a single day exceeded 10,000! Is it still possible to get infected after taking 3 doses of vaccine?

Dr. Zhong Yaoren from the Department of Family Medicine of Yadong Hospital said that healthy people should try to avoid crowds and abide by a safe social distance of 1.5 meters when dining in restaurants. When dining at home, if there are elderly people living with you or those who have not been vaccinated for special reasons, you should avoid eating with them or being in the same room to prevent household infection.

Dr. Zhong Yaoren pointed out that based on the current strong contagiousness of omicron, as long as you eat at the same table with a confirmed person, you have a very high chance of being diagnosed, and even if you have received “3 doses of vaccine”, there is a high possibility of causing a “breakthrough” sexually transmitted infections". Therefore, you should always prepare alcohol or hand sanitizer when going out. As long as you touch public facilities, you must thoroughly disinfect your mouth and nose before touching it. In addition, you should try to avoid taking public transportation during peak hours. You can go out early or choose to work from home.

Dr. Zhong Yaoren reminded that people can maintain good immunity by maintaining a normal schedule, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. In terms of diet, you should eat more eggs, beans, fish, meat and milk to supplement high-quality protein, and eat different types of fruits and vegetables to supplement vitamin C to enhance immunity.

What should I do if I test positive during quarantine? Doctor lists “3 situations” to help protect yourself

If you have cold symptoms, such as cough, sore throat, headache, nasal congestion, runny nose, muscle aches, general fatigue, etc., Dr. Zhong Yaoren recommends using home rapid screening test at home to avoid going out, do independent health management, and reduce the risk of contact with others. Family contact. If people who are quarantined at home and the general public are diagnosed positive, they need to follow the following methods:

  • People in home quarantine who test positive: should call the local health bureau immediately and seek medical treatment as instructed.

  • Those who are not in home quarantine and test positive: Wear a mask, do not take public transportation, go to the community screening station for PCR testing by yourself, and return home to wait for the report.

  • People who are quarantined at home or outside of home have tested negative: Carry out independent personal health management and reduce going out and contact with others.

Due to the sharp increase in the number of confirmed cases in a single day, Dr. Zhong Yaoren advises the public not to go directly to emergency departments for testing because of excessive worries or suspected cold symptoms, so as to avoid contact with patients at high risk of diagnosis. If symptoms such as persistent high fever, confusion, or shortness of breath occur, you must still seek medical attention as soon as possible. If there are young children or elderly people at home who cannot be vaccinated, other people living in the same household should receive a full 3 doses of vaccine to protect family members who cannot be vaccinated.

Dr. Zhong Yaoren said that in addition to making more use of community screening stations and quarantine clinics, the introduction of a rapid screening real-name system will also help people test themselves at home. However, the public still needs to be urged to carefully evaluate their own situation before purchasing rapid screening to know their diagnosis status. Do not waste medical resources or hoard supplies, which will result in no reagents for people living in isolation and affect the progress of epidemic prevention operations.

Further reading:

Go and fight quickly! Does the third dose of vaccine prevent severe disease? Research: “B cells” play a key role

One article to understand “Quick Screening for Real Joint System”! Who needs to use it? Does a negative screening test mean that the diagnosis has not been confirmed?

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