Newlyweds need to understand! Nutritionist unveils the must-eat menu of "Fighting to Be a Human": Learn about nutritional supplements for men and women to prepare for pregnancy

Newlyweds need to understand! Nutritionist unveils the must-eat menu of "Fighting to Be a Human": Learn about nutritional supplements for men and women to prepare for pregnancy

How should newlyweds eat while “working hard to be human”? Nutritionist reveals 8 major diets for men and women to prepare for pregnancy

Taiwanese people are marrying and having children later in life, and the proportion of men and women suffering from infertility is also increasing year by year. Infertility is not just a female problem, men can also suffer from infertility due to various reasons! This time, based on my previous experience in working in an infertility clinic, I have compiled the following information to share with you. What should men and women eat during pregnancy preparation to help increase the chance of pregnancy? The dietary contents are listed below:

Foods that women should eat more

  • Inositol: To improve egg quality, you can eat more corn, wheat, oats, oranges, and cabbage.

  • Calcium: Reduces stress and strengthens bones. You can take dried fish, milk, dried tofu, and sesame seeds.

  • Vitamin E: Also known as tocopherol, it helps antioxidants, such as germs, whole grains, beans, eggs, sweet potatoes and green leafy vegetables.

  • Folic acid: can prevent miscarriage. Nutritional sources include spinach, broccoli, and dark green vegetables.

Foods that men should eat more

  • Vitamin A: Enhances resistance and activates the body. Such as eel, eggs, liver, spinach.

  • Vitamin B: eliminates fatigue and enhances physical strength. Such as mushrooms, meat, grains and roots.

  • Zinc: Improves sperm production capacity and enhances energy. Such as oysters, shrimps, seafood, meat.

  • Arginine: Increases sperm count and motility. You can eat more brown rice, sesame seeds, soy miso, and nuts.

How should women eat during the “lactation” period after giving birth? 5 calcium-supplementing foods to prevent cramps and help you fall asleep

As for the “lactation period” after a woman successfully gives birth, what is the best way to eat? It is recommended that women who are breastfeeding have a daily calcium intake of 1,000 mg. This can avoid leg cramps during sleep, stabilize mood, and help sleep. A simpler notation is that 1 ml of milk contains approximately 1 mg of calcium; however, it is difficult for most people to drink enough 1000 ml (1 liter) of milk in a day.

Therefore, the following 5 “calcium-supplementing foods” are provided, which can be eaten interchangeably with calcium-rich foods such as milk (calcium content per 100 grams):

  1. Dried tofu: 685 mg

  2. Cheese: 573 mg

  3. Milk: 111 mg

  4. Pan tofu: 140 mg

  5. Kale: 240 mg

In addition, many people think that eating dried fish (2200 mg/100 g) and black sesame seeds (1450 mg/100 g) can absorb calcium. In fact, because of their small size, in order to absorb 100 g, they need to eat a lot. Therefore, it is recommended that lactating women eat dried small fish or black sesame seeds as an after-dinner snack, and the main meal content should be based on the above five calcium-supplementing foods to achieve a complementary effect.

Further reading:

How to improve morning sickness? Eating more “vitamin B6 foods” can help relieve symptoms? Nutritionist: Avoid 4 behaviors first

Could adjusting your diet increase your chances of conceiving? Nutritionist’s advice: Eat this way to prevent miscarriage and improve egg quality

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