No need to walk ten thousand steps! Research reveals new concept: make good use of "this method" and reach the target by taking 2,000 steps

Are you still “walking 10,000 healthy steps every day”? Research: 2,000 steps is actually enough!
Many people have the existing concept that “walking 10,000 steps a day is good for good health.” The fact is that young people are busy with their careers and studies and compete against time, so it is difficult for them to spare time to develop the habit of walking 10,000 steps. Older people are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases and joint degeneration, making it difficult to simply walk, let alone walk 10,000 steps. . The good news is that research published in the authoritative journal “JAMA Internal Medicine” shows that compared to walking 10,000 steps, taking 2,000 steps through “power walking” has significant benefits for the body.
The research team analyzed 78,500 subjects with an average age of about 61 years old and analyzed their walking habits by wearing fitness tracking devices. Data analysis pointed out that subjects who walked 2,000-10,000 steps a day had a reduced risk of certain cancers, heart disease and death.
However, the research team also showed that just walking 2,000 steps can reduce an individual’s risk of all-cause death from 11% to 8%. In addition, walking an average of 2,000 to 3,800 steps a day can also reduce the risk of dementia by 25%. %.
Extended reading: If you want to live longer, remember to stretch your legs! Study: Walking 2,000 more steps a day will lead to a longer life
Isn’t “the more the better” when it comes to walking? Expert answer: Step by step is more beneficial to weight loss
“Most people usually think that ‘the more steps the better’ when walking, but experiments have proven that walking 10,000 steps can have a positive impact on health.” Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis, author of the study and an expert at the University of Sydney, Australia, said walking 10,000 steps a day It is more difficult for certain groups of people. Taking the method of “power walking” and increasing the walking speed to 7-9 km/h can promote fat burning more than ordinary walking and bring varying degrees of benefits to the body. .
Professor Stamatakis also emphasized that power walking can be regarded as an introductory exercise measure for those who have limited time, or those who are worried about failing to lose weight for the first time. He said that although resistance training or specific aerobic exercise is more beneficial for building muscles or losing fat, there is no guarantee that you will be injured due to too high intensity during the training process. “Starting with 1,000 steps a day and gradually increasing the number of steps every week or month may be a simpler and safer exercise pattern.”
What are the benefits of developing a walking habit? Harvard integrates “5 major advantages”
In addition to bringing benefits such as weight loss and reducing the risk of dementia, Harvard University’s publication “Harvard Health Publishing” also shows that developing a walking habit every day can bring the following “5 benefits”:
Reduce the role of obesity genes. Harvard University analyzed more than 12,000 people and found that there are about 32 genes in the human body that promote obesity. The research team found that subjects who walked briskly for about an hour a day reduced their risk of being affected by obesity genes by about 50%.
Resist the desire to eat sweets. Research from Exeter University in the UK has found that walking for 15 minutes a day can suppress the desire for sweets such as chocolate, and even prevent “stress eating”. Research suggests that walking can be beneficial in the weight loss process by reducing cravings for a variety of sugary snacks.
Reduce the risk of certain cancers. Academic circles generally believe that any form of physical activity can help reduce the risk of cancer. However, a previous study by the American Cancer Society on walking behavior found that women who walked more than 7 hours a week had a 14% lower risk of breast cancer. Walking may also provide protection for women even if they have breast cancer risk factors, such as obesity or use of estrogen therapy.
Reduce joint pain. Several studies have found that walking can reduce pain associated with arthritis. Walking 8-10 kilometers per week can help prevent the formation of arthritis. Research shows that walking can strengthen the muscles surrounding joints to protect the joints themselves, especially the knees and hips, which are most susceptible to osteoarthritis.
Enhance immune function. A study of more than 1,000 men and women found that those who walked for at least 20 minutes a day and at least five days a week had 43% fewer days sick or had a cold than the average person. In addition, even if a subject does get sick, the chance of a shorter illness and milder symptoms increases.
However, although walking is relatively easy, “Harvard Health Publishing” still reminds the public to exercise within their ability before doing any exercise, and adjust the training menu or program according to the physical condition. Do not over-force the training to increase the harm to the body. In addition, you can also consult a fitness coach or doctor before training, which may make the training process more efficient and achieve better expected results.
Further reading: