No need to plug in silicone! Doctors reveal the advantages of the latest "breast cancer reconstruction treatment": the softness is not inferior to the original breast

No need to plug in silicone! Doctors reveal the advantages of the latest "breast cancer reconstruction treatment": the softness is not inferior to the original breast

Help breast cancer patients get rid of their nightmares! Doctor reveals “1 treatment” to maintain breast softness

Breast tumors require total surgical removal, which is a nightmare for many breast cancer patients. However, even after undergoing breast cancer surgery, women can still regain their confidence and beauty through breast reconstruction. Dr. Chen Junjia, director of the Medical Cosmetic Center and Plastic Surgery Center of Chi Mei Hospital, said that a 48-year-old breast cancer patient who was previously treated was diagnosed with a malignant tumor of the left breast last year (2023) and required total removal surgery. Facing major surgery, patients hope to receive comprehensive breast cancer treatment on the one hand, and on the other hand, they also hope to maintain the original appearance of the breasts.

The patient was referred to the Medical Cosmetic Center for consultation, stating that she hoped to use professional plastic surgery to help restore the appearance and natural appearance of the breasts. She did not want to insert any foreign objects, and was worried about whether there would be serious complications in the future. After in-depth discussion by the medical team, it was recommended to use “deep inferior epigastric artery penetration flap surgery” for reconstructive treatment after total mastectomy.

Dr. Chen Junjia pointed out that the procedure involves removing an autologous abdominal free skin flap from the abdomen in advance, performing micro-anastomosis, and then backfilling the autologous abdominal fat into the breast to fill the tissue defect after mastectomy. After 6 hours, the operation went smoothly. Finish. The patient was successfully discharged from the hospital 7 days after the operation. After treatment, her breasts not only became softer and more natural, she also became more confident and is now returning to normal work and life.

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According to statistics from the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, Health Promotion Administration in 2023, breast cancer is the most common cancer among Taiwanese women. The peak incidence is between the ages of 45 and 69, at about 188 to 194 per 100,000 women. people. Data show that the standardized incidence and mortality rates of female breast cancer are 69.1 and 12.0 (per 100,000 population) respectively. More than 10,000 women suffer from breast cancer every year, and more than 2,000 precious lives are lost to breast cancer.

Dr. Chen Junjia pointed out that the current standard treatment for breast cancer is still mastectomy. However, the pressure and psychological trauma of cancer, coupled with the physical disability, often leave patients unprepared for the impact. However, today’s medical advances can help patients perform autologous breast reconstruction surgery to restore health while maintaining a complete breast appearance.

In terms of reconstructive surgery after mastectomy, the best results can be obtained with “immediate reconstruction”. Reconstruction after mastectomy can be divided into two surgical methods: autologous tissue reconstruction (deep inferior epigastric artery perforation flap surgery, transverse rectus abdominis flap reconstruction, latissimus dorsi muscle flap reconstruction) and prosthetic breast reconstruction. However, reconstructing a natural and beautiful breast is quite challenging.

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Dr. Chen Junjia emphasized that in terms of autologous tissue reconstruction, “deep inferior epigastric artery penetration flap surgery (DIEP flap)” is a relatively mature technology, which is characterized by not sacrificing the body’s rectus abdominis muscle. After reconstruction, the abdomen is not injured. It can reduce postoperative pain and help patients recover early. However, although the shape of the breasts after autologous tissue reconstruction surgery is similar to that of natural breasts, the surgical procedure is complicated and time-consuming.

Fat is a part of human tissue. The available tissue transplant sites can be obtained from places with a lot of fat such as the back and abdomen. Through liposuction or skin flap transplantation, the fat tissue is transplanted to other parts of the body where it is needed. Finally, transplantation The fat tissue will survive in the new transplantation site, thereby improving the appearance of the depression and deformation. However, because microvascular grafting is used, it requires the skill and experience of the doctor. Compared with breast implant reconstruction surgery using silicone, collagen and other implants, this method is safer and less likely to cause side effects such as rejection, allergies, infections, and foreign body reactions (inflammation, hardening).

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Dr. Chen Junjia explained that the autologous tissue reconstruction surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Before the operation, the transplantation area is marked, and the skin flap is removed from the area with more abdominal fat. Then, micro-flap anastomosis surgery is performed, and the blood vessel anastomosis is used to provide New blood supply to the flap. During the operation, doctors will use fluorescent blood flow monitoring equipment to promptly detect the blood circulation of the flap, understand the activity of the flap, and predict whether the flap is at risk of necrosis.

With the assistance of fluorescent blood flow monitoring, it is helpful to remove fat flaps with better blood circulation for breast reconstruction, thereby reducing the risk of possible flap necrosis in the future and thereby reducing the occurrence of corresponding complications. After the vascular anastomosis surgery is completed, a Doppler device is further implanted at the location of the vascular anastomosis to continuously monitor the blood flow for 24 hours to ensure that the flap has good blood circulation.

Dr. Chen Junjia emphasized that postoperative care is relatively simple. There will be slight swelling and pain at the site where the skin flap is supplied, but the swelling will gradually reduce and will subside in about a week. The wound on the abdomen heals in about 7 to 10 days and is covered with wound gel and does not require dressing changes. Smoking, drinking, coffee, spicy food, etc. should be banned during this period to reduce the risk of skin flap necrosis. Two weeks after surgery, massage can be done to help restore softness, and a corset can be worn on the abdomen to help firm the abdomen.

Extended reading: Is the recurrence rate of breast cancer as high as 30% 2 years after surgery? Doctor: “These women” beware of the high risk of metastasis in multiple locations!

The prognosis of breast cancer in young people is poor and the disease is more advanced? Doctors reveal the key to “precision treatment”: 3 types of breast cancer patients must undergo genetic testing

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