Is naturally contracting the epidemic like eating the "Invincible Star"? Critical care doctor refutes: Without vaccination, antibodies may turn into a "meteor"

Is naturally contracting the epidemic like eating the "Invincible Star"? Critical care doctor refutes: Without vaccination, antibodies may turn into a "meteor"

Without any vaccination and only obtaining antibodies through “natural infection” of the new coronavirus, is it equivalent to eating an “invincible star” and will the body’s immunity be improved accordingly? Dr. Huang Xuan, an expert in critical care medicine, refuted this in a social post. According to the content published in major foreign journals, it is clearly shown that the risk of severe illness and death of unvaccinated people increases exponentially; and even if immunity is acquired due to infection, it is not long-lasting and Problems such as insufficient antibody concentration are, at best, just a fleeting “meteor”.

Elderly people who contract the disease naturally without the third dose have 15-fold increase in hospitalization and severe illness rates

Dr. Huang Xuan cited data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and explained that in a year-long random survey, compared with those who had received the third dose, the risk of severe illness and hospitalization was on average 12 times greater for those who had not been vaccinated. ; Broken down by age, the risk is 8 times for people aged 18-49, 10 times for those aged 50-64, and up to 15 times for those over 65 years old. It can be seen that the risk of not being vaccinated may increase with age.

Another study published in Nature showed that compared with vaccinated people, the neutralizing antibodies produced in unvaccinated people only showed effective resistance to Omicron, while in the face of other mutant viruses, neutralizing antibodies The concentration dropped sharply. Some studies have also claimed that the antibodies of unvaccinated people are only effective against the original strain of Omicron, and are difficult to exert an effect on subsequent mutant strains such as BA.1 and BA.2.

Dr. Huang Xuan explained that as early as 2020, before the new coronavirus vaccine was available, the academic community had already shown that antibodies produced by natural infection are not enough to resist virus invasion. Even three months after infection, a specific confirmed person has less than 18-20% of the antibodies left in his body. At this time, as long as he encounters a new variant of the virus, he will soon be exposed to the risk of diagnosis again.

Not only does it reduce the risk of severe illness and death, you can gain “comprehensive immunity” by taking 3 doses of the vaccine.

As for the actual effectiveness of the vaccine after vaccination? A report published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) pointed out that the protection against Omicron after two doses of the vaccine was 65%, and the protection against Omicron after three doses was 86%. In addition, after receiving the third dose of vaccine, the neutralizing antibodies in the body can still achieve a certain antiviral effect and generate immunity when faced with infection by other variant strains.

Dr. Huang Xuan further stated that people who have received the third dose of the vaccine have developed “breakthrough infections” after being diagnosed. In addition to strengthening the neutralizing antibodies originally generated by vaccination and effectively resisting the Omicron virus, they will also be effective against other different mutant viruses. A certain effectiveness, this phenomenon is called “Hybrid Immunity” (Hybrid Immunity).

Dr. Huang Xuan said that receiving two doses of the vaccine is still effective against omicron viruses because the vaccine stimulates the “memory cells” of the immune system, which can recognize most new coronaviruses and produce antibodies. This is why 2 doses of the vaccine still retain 65% protection against Omicron. In addition, the third dose of the vaccine not only strengthens immune memory cells, but also produces large amounts of antibodies, which helps to continue to recognize most of the unmutated virus spike protein.

“Getting the third booster shot as soon as possible not only protects oneself from severe disease and death, but also allows the body to maintain ‘comprehensive immunity’, which is more like eating an invincible star than contracting the disease naturally!” Dr. Huang Xuan appeals to the public, If there are elderly people, patients with chronic diseases, patients with immune deficiencies, etc. in the family, they should receive the third dose of vaccine as soon as possible; and according to the guidelines of the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare, it is recommended that those diagnosed should wait at least 3 months from the date of onset of illness. Those who meet the criteria for terminating quarantine will be vaccinated again.


“Are you an invincible star?” Or a temporary meteor? - Dr. Huang Xuan

What the Omicron wave is revealing about human immunity

Neutralization Profile after Recovery from SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Infection

Further reading:

Are children susceptible to encephalitis? The mortality rate is 10 times worse without vaccination? Doctors urge you to seek medical attention immediately if you have these signs.

Will children infected with Omicron suffer from “COVID-19”? Is “croup” a serious warning sign? Expert: Seek medical attention immediately if “6 phenomena” occur

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