Do narcissists affect the "workplace atmosphere"? Is it harder to follow epidemic prevention measures? Research reveals common "4 traits"

Do narcissists affect the "workplace atmosphere"? Is it harder to follow epidemic prevention measures? Research reveals common "4 traits"

Taiwan has a profound Chinese education and emphasizes modesty and unassuming in doing things. This social atmosphere has led to the public’s unsatisfactory impression of “narcissists”. In fact, excessive narcissists or those with “narcissistic personality disorder” as defined in psychology may indeed affect teamwork in the workplace and make cross-department communication extremely inefficient: some studies even indicate that narcissism Those with higher levels are less likely to comply with epidemic prevention measures during the pandemic.

Research on managers with “narcissistic” personality traits: It is easy to affect the team atmosphere and poor information flow

The University of Washington in the United States cooperated with the business department of a Chinese company to test the narcissism level of the company’s supervisors and unit heads through the 16-item “Narcissistic Personality Report”. Questions that appear in this report include “I like to be the center of attention”, “I like to blend in with the crowd” and so on. Preliminary statistics show that narcissists generally have the following four characteristics: they are easily unable to see reality clearly, they are arrogant, they are more likely to have low self-esteem, and they are jealous.

Research results show that if the leader or supervisor of a certain unit has the above-mentioned narcissistic personality traits, internal teamwork may be less smooth than in other departments. In addition, leaders with excessive self-esteem will have worse information flow across departments and within departments than in other departments. The result of the lack of information circulation may be that leaders tend to be prone to “oligopolistic management” and are prone to ignore company regulations or subordinates’ suggestions and make unsatisfactory decisions privately.

Narcissists tend to ignore epidemic prevention measures? Wearing masks and less willing to get vaccinated

Pennsylvania State University in the United States recruited 1,100 adults for long-term tracking and found that in addition to political factors and regional relationships, the reasons for the unsatisfactory vaccination rate and poor epidemic prevention effectiveness may be related to the “narcissistic” characteristics of the subjects. related. After controlling for subjects’ political leanings, risk perceptions and other variables, it was found that those with higher levels of narcissism were less likely to wear masks and get vaccinated, or were more sensitive to others’ judgments of the epidemic.

“Failure to follow epidemic prevention regulations seems to give narcissists a certain sense of superiority. They are more likely to believe that the media has over-exaggerated the dangers and impacts of the virus.” Study author Peter Hatemi said that to persuade narcissists to follow epidemic prevention measures, rely solely on logic The effect of the relationship with the interests is limited; on the contrary, they must be made to realize that the decision they make is unique, different, and has the greatest benefit to them. This may be the first step in persuasion.

Are narcissistic traits not entirely negative? Experts reveal: higher mental toughness, lower risk of depression

However, showing moderate confidence in yourself does not necessarily have a negative impact. Queen’s University Belfast, UK, has confirmed through an experiment with 700 people that narcissism can increase psychological resilience and is even related to a lower prevalence of depression. Research also points out that narcissists have lower levels of perceived stress and are less likely to be emotionally affected by trivial matters in life.

Kostas Papageorgiou, the author of the study, said that in psychology, narcissism is called the “dark tetrahedron”, which means that narcissists also have characteristics such as a sense of superiority, impulsive behavior, overconfidence, and devaluation of others. However, this study shows that narcissism may be beneficial to mental health, so narcissism should not be regarded as an “undesirable trait”.

“This study promotes diversity of thought and tolerance. A person’s narcissistic personality should be determined by the current environment or way of speaking, rather than established stereotypes,” Papageorgiou said.


People high in narcissism less likely to comply with COVID-19 mitigations

Narcissistic bosses stymie knowledge flow, cooperation inside organizations

The bright side of dark: Exploring the positive effect of narcissism on perceived stress through mental toughness

Upper echelons and intra-organizational learning: How executive narcissism affects knowledge transfer among business units

Further reading:

Choose your partner carefully! Study: Narcissists are more likely to be violent and ‘difficult to treat’

Are narcissistic personalities prone to drama and lacking empathy? Psychologist reminds: 5 signs of relationship, beware of meeting a scary lover

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