Myopia laser allows Mona to regain the joy of diving! Doctors reveal "1 technology" that greatly improves safety: you are not even afraid of earthquakes

Myopia laser allows Mona to regain the joy of diving! Doctors reveal "1 technology" that greatly improves safety: you are not even afraid of earthquakes

The recent Hualien earthquake and its aftershocks have caused many myopia patients to experience the inconvenience of glasses and contact lenses in times of disaster. Mona, a 3C video creator at Weishi Ophthalmology Hospital in Taichung, also expressed concerns about the safety of surgery during an earthquake before the surgery, asking: “What should I do if there is an earthquake during surgery?”

Dr. Xu Chengru, currently the director of the medical department of Weishi Tai Tung Hsing Campus, also explained to Mona before the operation that the SMART transPRK surgical instrument used by Weishi Ophthalmology has an advanced eye tracking system. If the patient’s eyeballs deviate too much, the laser will Automatically stops firing to ensure patient safety. In addition, SMART transPRK, a fully intelligent, zero-contact laser surgery method, greatly improves the safety during the surgery.

Faced with the safety of surgical procedures, Weishi Ophthalmology always maintains caution and high standards. On the day of the earthquake, professional engineers were immediately arranged to conduct equipment inspections to ensure that all equipment could operate in a safe state. Ensure that every customer can complete the surgery safely and smoothly.

It has been two months since Mona’s surgery. She recently shared her post-operative experience on social media and expressed her satisfaction with the results of SMART transPRK surgery. Mona shared: “It feels amazing to wake up and see the world clearly. It makes me regret why I didn’t have this surgery earlier.” She loves outdoor sports. In the past, she was unable to fully enjoy it due to high myopia and severe astigmatism. She said: “Now my eyesight has returned to 1.0. I went to Orchid Island to see the blue sky and white clouds for five days, and also started diving. In short, myopia has improved. It’s really worth it! Thank you Weishi Eye Clinic.”

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