A must-see for home care or isolation! This is the correct way to reveal essential medical equipment and rapid drug screening

A must-see for home care or isolation! This is the correct way to reveal essential medical equipment and rapid drug screening

A must-see for home care or isolation! Physician reminder equipment and medicine preparation

The number of confirmed cases in the local area is heading towards the peak period. What kind of preparations should be made for home care and diagnosis at home? Dr. Colin Dailou of Quanyu Otolaryngology Clinic pointed out that a “thermometer” is an essential item at home. You can prepare an ear thermometer or an armpit thermometer, and pay attention to the special battery.

It is also best to prepare a “blood oxygen machine”. When a family member has shortness of breath or chest tightness, you can quickly know his blood oxygen concentration and heart rate and make a preliminary assessment. However, the prices of blood oxygen machines vary widely, so you can choose one based on your personal conditions.

Dr. Lin Dailou said that if you are diagnosed with mild illness or are living in isolation at home, and are very anxious or worried about the health of yourself and your family, you can consider preparing an “oxygen concentrator” and “oxygen cylinder.” The former can increase oxygen supply when shortness of breath, chest tightness or low blood oxygen occurs. The latter is similar to canned oxygen used for mountaineering, and can also provide a sufficient amount of oxygen in a short period of time.

The surge in the number of infections has also increased the trend of medicine hoarding. Dr. Lin Dailou suggested that standing medicines only need to be prepared for 7-10 days. The main types are analgesic and antipyretic medicines, cough and phlegm medicines, gastrointestinal medicines, nasal congestion medicines, and vitamin supplements. Don’t forget to check the chronic medications such as high-risk drugs, anticoagulants, etc. that are used daily by the elders in the family.

What is the best way to do quick screening at home? The doctor reminds that “angle” is the key point

Rapid saliva screening has not yet been fully popularized, and many people are still afraid of the use of rapid nasopharyngeal screening. Dr. Lin Dailou pointed out that most people will feel uncomfortable when doing rapid screening because the angle of insertion into the nose is wrong. Except for some patients with narrow nasal cavity, severe nasal septum curvature or severe allergies, the correct rapid screening should There will be no pain at all. Recommended quick screening steps at home are as follows:

  1. Take out the quick-screening cotton swab and select the nostril that feels less blocked.

  2. Keep your head level or slightly raised, and gently put the cotton swab into the nasal cavity, towards the angle of the earlobe (horizontally and slightly downward).

  3. Slowly insert 5-7cm into the nose to reach the nasopharynx, turn it gently 4-5 times and then take it out.

Dr. Lin Dailou reminds that if you mistakenly poke inward on the forehead or between the eyebrows in the second step, you will feel very uncomfortable, and you will not be able to sample correctly, which requires special attention.

Recommended reading: Which one is more accurate, rapid nasopharyngeal screening or rapid saliva screening? Doctor: Two positive tests should be considered as confirmed diagnosis

Are you afraid of being diagnosed with a major epidemic? Doctors name 10 tricks to boost immunity

The epidemic in Taiwan is gradually reaching its peak. How should Taiwanese develop correct health habits and improve their immunity? Dr. Lin Dailou pointed out that there are 10 suggestions in total that can be provided to the general public as a health reference.

  1. Quit smoking. COVID-19 is a new respiratory disease that damages lung tissue. People with lung disease are more susceptible to infection, which can be more severe. While quitting smoking will not prevent you from contracting the coronavirus, it can mitigate the risk of infection and is the first thing you can do to help improve your immune system.

  2. Balanced diet and intestinal probiotics. A comprehensive and balanced diet, such as the Mediterranean diet, which focuses on whole vegetables, lean meats and healthy fats, is another way for people to improve their immune system. In addition, good probiotics can be supplemented to increase immunity by regulating the intestinal lymph immune system.

  3. Regular exercise. Exercise can strengthen the immune system, reduce stress and relieve mood. Moreover, exercise can improve cardiovascular health, regulate blood pressure, help control weight and prevent various diseases. Developing an exercise and fitness habit is an important step in improving immune health.

  4. Get enough sleep. Sleep is a time for the entire body system to recuperate and repair itself. Good sleep helps improve health. It is recommended to sleep for at least 6-8 hours and maintain good sleep habits. Try to keep your sleep schedule as regular as possible. Don’t drink alcohol or touch screens before going to bed, because blue light can trick the brain into thinking it’s daytime and make it harder to fall asleep.

  5. Weight control. Obesity will impair the function of T cells in immune cells, leading to low immune function. Taiwan Health Promotion Administration recommends that adult BMI in Taiwan should be maintained between 18.5 and 24 (kg/m2).

  6. Relieve emotional stress. When stress rises, the body secretes “cortisol” to cope with life, and it also suppresses the immune system. At the same time, it affects sleep and may also change our eating habits, making it easier for the body to choose relatively unhealthy foods, such as sweets or fried foods.

  7. Increase water intake. Sufficient water can help blood circulation, promote the lymphatic immune system to work, and can also help body cells and kidneys to accelerate the elimination of metabolic toxins. In addition, water can keep the eyes and oral mucosa moist and avoid virus invasion.

  8. Don’t drink alcohol. Excessive alcohol consumption can put your immune system at risk, while small to moderate amounts can provide a slight immune boost. What is an appropriate amount? For an average adult male, it is equivalent to 300cc of 12% red wine. For an average adult female, it is equivalent to half.

  9. Sit quietly and meditate. In recent years, a comprehensive review of research on meditation has emerged, confirming that it can affect cellular immunity, inflammation index and even aging. Sitting meditation does not require crossing your legs like meditating. You only need to sit upright in a chair, focus on the present moment and your breathing, and eliminate distracting thoughts from your mind.

  10. Micronutrients. As long as the diet is balanced and not overly partial, most nutrients are sufficient. Micronutrients that have a bonus effect on improving immunity include zinc, selenium, vitamins B & C, fish oil, etc.

Worried about stepping on loopholes in epidemic prevention? Available oral disinfectant sprays

Dr. Lin Dailou pointed out that in the past two years since the epidemic began, Taiwanese people have developed a complete awareness of self-prevention. The focus is to reduce unnecessary going out and gathering in groups, and at the same time, wear masks correctly at all times and disinfect hands as much as possible. When returning home or to your accommodation, it is recommended to change into indoor clothes as soon as possible and wash your hands immediately.

If you are highly concerned about the epidemic, you can use oral disinfection and sterilization spray to eliminate possible remaining germs in one step. Dr. Lin Dailou reminded that the most important loopholes in epidemic prevention are excessive gatherings, incorrect wearing of masks, and failure to maintain social distance. As long as we protect ourselves and reduce loopholes in epidemic prevention, we believe Taiwan can gradually overcome the impact of the epidemic and return to normal life.

Further reading:

The epidemic tsunami is difficult to withstand! How to take care of mild cases and prevent family members from getting infected? Doctors teach people who live in isolation “4 must-learn tips”

There is a new virus! COVID-19 mutates every 6 months? Beware of Delta’s comeback

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